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China Tops as Asian Country Most Likely to Maintain Economic Growth

Your military still belong to the West Technologies? Have you ever think once day China pissed of the West, they will frozen all Chinese international students in and out. What does China do?

Seriously dude, your embarrassing yourself now, come on give it a rest, it is getting old now.
1st, US will taxes all Chinese good products will the same what EU products and Japanese. Due to the quality, American people will not use "One time only" product made in China. [Price the same Japan, EU made]

2nd, import more other countries like Philipine, Malysia, Indonesia etc and price cheaper than "made in China".

Without China goods, US, Japan, EU still able to made the same or better. That's time Chinese will kill Chinese for food indeed.
its really disgusting to see mind farts in forums, if some one has achieved some thing what is the problem in congradulating them from your heart, when you do that you get the same kind of a response even from hostile countries, why do people not grow their pee brain is a big question here.
its good for both China and Vietnam to be friends rather than being foes.
Congrates China and congrates India

For coming no 1 and no 2 in whole gamut of countries.
This century is definitely an asian century.
its really disgusting to see mind farts in forums, if some one has achieved some thing what is the problem in congradulating them from your heart, when you do that you get the same kind of a response even from hostile countries, why do people not grow their pee brain is a big question here.
its good for both China and Vietnam to be friends rather than being foes.

Ashok you are a good person, if there were more people like you, this world would be a better place.
Congratz China on your sustaiable growth model, I wish India and Pakistan too learns on the models that you use for the consistant growht.
Wishing the Chinese from the bottom of my heart for their hardwork and sacrifise to make your country a better place for your people.

I also wish more Indian members think like you, and the peaceful future would more likely happen between China and India.
Ashok you are a good person, if there were more people like you, this world would be a better place.

There is good in every person, its when you see the bad in a person the bad get amplified, if you look at the good, the good gets amplified.
There is a study that a normal human mind process around 24,000 thoughts a day, out of which only 2000 are positive, if every one does a self analysis of bringing the good in them the for sure we don't have to fight over everything that we come accross.
There is good in every person, its when you see the bad in a person the bad get amplified, if you look at the good, the good gets amplified.
There is a study that a normal human mind process around 24,000 thoughts a day, out of which only 2000 are positive, if every one does a self analysis of bringing the good in them the for sure we don't have to fight over everything that we come accross.

Met some people like you in india, gives hope for peace.
I also wish more Indian members think like you, and the peaceful future would more likely happen between China and India.
what every one in life longs for, its just a simple appriciation and recognition, if we do that to each other we cultivate the +ve side of man, but if we redicule each other over petty difference we fule the -ve thoughts to get amplified.
There are a lot of Indians and Chines and Pakistans who respect each other in a different country and carry that to the home when they return to the respective countries.
Wow ... That amazing! How many major brands have you fabricated such as iphone, Sony, Panasonic, Seagate, Nike? I will feel shameless if I said China was great China, rich still work under Japs, US investors money.

If you are not fabricated stuff, then you must a very high rank from China who can has power to get undertable money. Else ... you can't be rich that fast unless Mr.Mao's bless you.

But how come all the money goes to China's banks instead of US or JAPAN's?and now the whole world came to China and ask for help or bailout? and Beijing alone has 6 million cars ,maybe more than your whole country's,do the math you can easily find out the average car ownership of the city.you really do not anything about China,cars mean nothing in China now,it is just a tool and not a status symbol like the case in your Country.any apartment in Beijing can be worth 10 mediocre cars and even if I had 3 apartments in Beijing,still can not be termed "rich",cause so many people in Beijing do own more than 3 apartments.
thats not true. Here ....

Different paths

The two countries together provide a diverse portfolio of growth drivers for the world economy as growth dynamics are very different in the two countries.

While China's growth is fuelled by public spending, India's is largely private investments-led.

While China's growth is dependent upon global markets, India's growth is largely domestic markets-driven.

India's growth prospects, therefore, are more sustainable than China's, but China's growth is faster than India's.

BBC News - Viewpoint: Global significance of India-China ties

how many times do i have to teach u indian clowns a lesson on economics?

india's consumption is based on debt, without going into debt, india cannot grow.

u dont get rich by going into debt and consuming products u dont produce.

china has the most sustainable growth as its not based on debt.
india has to go into debt to get gdp up. thats the definition of unsustainable.

no wonder indians are always behind china, because indians have zero understandin of basic economics.
china's consumer market is much bigger than india's.
china consumes without going into debt unlike india.

most indians are brainwashed by keynesians thinking u get rich is by going into a massive debt based consumption binge by importing all the products and massive trade deficits and 10% budget deficits.

an economy is grown not based on debt based consumption, its based on production of goods, exports, savings and under-consumption.
by under-consumption u dont sacrifice future growth by current growth.

china has done it right as every emerging country that does it, US did it when they were in a developing stage, britain did it.
service sector economies are run by developed economies, not developing economies like india.
developing economies are run on manufacturing and exports to build up ur wealth while not going into debt. u do this until u have a middle class with a huge savings pool and then u develop ur infrastructure, final step its consumption and services.

services are wealth consuming sector.
manufacturing is the wealth producing sector.

u need both, to be a growing and prospering economy while at the same time living within ur means.

indians are living beyond its means by having this ridiculous strategy of debt based consumer society with a service sector economy, they are getting poorer while their gdp is going up as debts must be repaid. thats called living like a king now while sacrificing ur future prosperity. many examples, US, greece, japan.

india is putting the cart before the horse.

indians are too arrogant and too egotistical to understand anyone critisising them.
its called economics 101.

go read the book by peter schiff "how an economy grows and why it crashes".
it explains basic economics brilliantly.

china has gone step by step in the correct development model. from developing, to emerging, to developed/

step 1:
low-end manufacturing, exporting, buiilding up the middle class as jobs increase, thus building up savings pool, under-consuming by accumulating/building wealth, running surpluses.

step 2:
next stage is infrastructure development(transportation, communication, malls, etc) and moving into the high-end manufacturing

step 3:
final stage is consumer driven economy as ur middle class is built up, ur wealth is built up, u have little to no debt as u didnt go into debt in the first stage of development, ur savings have built up so u can consume all the the products u manufacture, and u COMPLEMT the manufacturing sector by building up ur service sector as service sector is the wealth consuming such as retail, insurance, banking, education, leisure, etc.

thats the 3 stages of development.

china is now in the transition from the 2nd stage to the final stage.

indians are full of hatred to understand basic economics, they buy into the keynesian propaganda.

india is going into debt every year, their debts are upto their eyeballs.
they go into debt as their economic model is unsustainable. once they reach 90% debt to gdp, their economy slows as the debt burden is a drag on the economy. paying down debt means accepting lower growth and declining growth in the long term.\

china looks at the long term.
india like the west looks only at the short term and sacrifices the long term.

its because india is still controlled indirectly by the western world through indians living in the west. western governments are shrewd, they use the indian network in their countries to buy up politicians in india and use them as puppets for the western world.
Congratz China on your sustaiable growth model, I wish India and Pakistan too learns on the models that you use for the consistant growht.
Wishing the Chinese from the bottom of my heart for their hardwork and sacrifise to make your country a better place for your people.
Not in reference to this quote.i think Ashokdeiva's account is hacked :hang2: see his posts!..or are you a fake flag?
Not in reference to this quote.i think Ashokdeiva's account is hacked :hang2: see his posts!..or are you a fake flag?

I think you're right, no Indian is as friendly and reasonable as Ashokdeiva is.

Something is up, likely a false flag.
its really disgusting to see mind farts in forums, if some one has achieved some thing what is the problem in congradulating them from your heart, when you do that you get the same kind of a response even from hostile countries, why do people not grow their pee brain is a big question here.
its good for both China and Vietnam to be friends rather than being foes.
Did you ever mention anything good regarding India coming second?And only 2nd to China in many economic development parameters...I doubt your flags:drag:

---------- Post added at 03:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------

I think you're right, no Indian is as friendly and reasonable as Ashokdeiva is.

Something is up, likely a false flag.
You can check his posts...he tries to go against India..standing out from a whole lot of Indians and then would make a neutral post so that maybe his identity is not doubted..however i seriously doubt it.
I think you're right, no Indian is as friendly and reasonable as Ashokdeiva is.

Something is up, likely a false flag.
well you are just amplifying the bad in Indians by saying that we Indians are not resonable.
Thats not going to change, I don't give a damn to my emotions, I use my inteligence, see my signature to know what I am made off.

---------- Post added at 05:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:42 PM ----------

Not in reference to this quote.i think Ashokdeiva's account is hacked :hang2: see his posts!..or are you a fake flag?
no one has hacked my account, if I come second in a class of 200, should I congratdulate the one who came first and work hard to earn the #1 spot or envy him and do crook job of topling the one who won the race.

You can check his posts...he tries to go against India..standing out from a whole lot of Indians and then would make a neutral post so that maybe his identity is not doubted..however i seriously doubt it.
I can not congratulate myself of getting the second place, the one who got the first place has to wish me lcuk and guidance to have a healthy competition.
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