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China to begin building new strategic railway line close to India’s border

Your logic is strange and doesn't hold any water. Distance where missiles are concerned is relative. That way can we say that Beijing is close to the Indian border just because the Agni V can blast it to smithereens? Or that Shanghai is near the American border as US Minuteman ICBMs can blow it to bits?

C'mon CD! You can do better than that! :P

We're talking about conventional weapons, since both China and India have a no-first use policy on nuclear weapons.

And the Agni V has not been inducted yet in any case.

Just look at a map, it's true that New Delhi is only 300 km from the Chinese border, well within range of conventional missile weapons.

Cirr is not wrong here.
Your logic is strange and doesn't hold any water. Distance where missiles are concerned is relative. That way can we say that Beijing is close to the Indian border just because the Agni V can blast it to smithereens? Or that Shanghai is near the American border as US Minuteman ICBMs can blow it to bits?

C'mon CD! You can do better than that! :P

Strategic missile is different from rocket artillery. The former is very few in number and can be intercepted by missile defense system. The latter, on the other hand, goes for saturated strikes. No, New Delhi is way closer to Chinese border because it is less than 350 km away.

Plus, you know, Agni V isn't actually in service and considering the 6000 (or is it 60000?) square km estimated landing area during its test, I would say even Seoul would be worried if you aim Agni V at Beijing.
Delhi is too close to the Chinese border??? :woot: :omghaha: Friend, please take the trouble of looking up a map! Your geographical knowledge is way out of sync with reality.

Really? :woot: Then why is China pumping in massive military hardware at discounted rates into Pakistan?

Answer: To keep India at bay!! Meaning India is the the most important strategic priority that makes you insecure.

It is you who should take a good and hard look at the map and realize that New Delhi is well within the range of Chinese rocket artillery。:rofl:

Go and check out WS-2D and other more recent WS-2 variants。:azn:
We're talking about conventional weapons, since both China and India have a no-first use policy on nuclear weapons.

And the Agni V has not been inducted yet in any case.

Just look at a map, it's true that New Delhi is only 300 km from the Chinese border, well within range of conventional missile weapons.

Cirr is not wrong here.

And both WS-2D and SY400 have an effective range of 400km plus,with the former reportedly going as far as 480km。
I think the government needs to speed up the Agni V induction. These too:

Rail (probably wont happen though)
AA (S400?)
I am tired of these hollow threats from the Chinese members here. o_Oo_Oo_O
I am tired of these hollow threats from the Chinese members here. o_Oo_Oo_O

in the real world, most rational people don't talk about and blood lust for war like it's a video game. Only in places like PDF do these belligerent delusions happen.
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in the real world, most rational people don't talk about and blood lust for war like it's a video game. Only in places like PDF do these belligerent delusions happen.

Yes,tell that to the Indians。

What China builds on its side of border is none of India's business。Hysteria over Chinese infrastructure build-up reflects badly on the Indian national psyche。:tdown:

Good for you。

Now stop talking about those lines。Get them done!

I give you guys 30 years。
But Agni 2 and 3 are.They are capable of reaching every part of china.

Irrelevant for 2 reasons:

1) Both China and India have "No First Use" Nuclear policies. So neither side can use nukes first.

2) India's entire nuclear arsenal is only about 1 megaton in total, comprised mostly of 20 kt fission devices. Whereas a single Chinese thermonuclear weapon has a destructive power of 4 megatons, that means a single Chinese nuke has more power than India's entire arsenal.

What we are talking about is conventional (i.e. non-nuclear) missile weapons, and China has thousands of conventional short-range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles, not to mention our rocket artillery. India simply cannot match us in this regard, and India has the geographical misfortune of having their major targets right next to the Chinese border.

As the Indian Army itself said, India cannot match China in "conventional or non-conventional means".

India cannot match China's military force: Indian Naval Chief - IBN Live

New Delhi: Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has set off a storm by saying India cannot match China military force. Is it a warning from India's military that the government needs to hear?

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.
1) Both China and India have "No First Use" Nuclear policies. So neither side can use nukes first.


2) India's entire nuclear arsenal is only about 1 megaton in total, comprised mostly of 20 kt fission devices. Whereas a single Chinese thermonuclear weapon has a destructive power of 4 megatons, that means a single Chinese nuke has more power than India's entire arsenal.


India has mastered boosted fission and TN technology which requires more of Tritium sort of Materials rather than Uranium and plutonium which India has in huge quantity. So stop overestimating chinese Nuclear bomb power and under estimating indian TN bomb power
Lhasa-Xigaze railway track-laying completed, opens in September

Xigaze is the 2nd largest city of Tibet。

This is the first westward extension of Tibet railway,with eastward extension to Nyingchi scheduled to begin construction in September 2014.

Lhasa-Xigaze railway: 253km, 13stations, 120kmph







Yunnan-Tibet railway is a 1573km railway as spectacular as Tibet railway. But this railway will be constructed by phases.

In below map Lhasa-Linzhi Railway and Lijiang-Shangri-La railway will start construction this year. Linzhi - Shangri-La railway is on planning stage.

map from baidu

It is a very interesting route seems like they will go west from Zhongdian to Chawalong. From there to Zayu then up to Bomi. This will follow the 丙察察 route which is currently barely a road. Would be interesting to see tourism develop in the region if the rail gets approved.

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