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exactly yes.... in india they are just selling their religion...

there are giving money to poors if they convert their religion to christianity... there were some reports that money comes indirectly threw Vatican city.....

this is another kind of terrorism

You do not know how bad Christianity is reflected in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, they are completely self with a "save others", and then they all get a meet, a spiritual consumption. In fact, in addition to see, did not do anything, they bring goods stacked side, the victims even can not use, just for the Christian People have their own living in the affected areas, interferes with the normal disaster relief activities when other people do all can to do. Buddhism, Taoism, Islam has a very great performance, a silent work for the victims, not even propaganda to comparison with a large Christian propaganda.
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i cant come to grips how religions are used to expand influence and clout.. . why dont they just leave religion as a personal stuff, alas that wudnot help gain power centres ... this drive to expand religion itself makes it not what it claims to be.. closer to truth and selflessness. This is greed.
Ignore him buddy. :tup:

Oceanx is a well-known troll, and not even a good one. Some trolls are at least clever, but this one is not.

Yeah you go knock some sense into that noggin! I know you'd come in handy - just the kind of baby-sitter frozen boy needs to stay on track.

You go sista ...

You do not know how bad Christianity is reflected in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, they are completely self with a "save others", and then they all get a meet, a spiritual consumption. In fact, in addition to see, did not do anything, they bring goods stacked side, the victims even can not use, just for the Christian People have their own living in the affected areas, interferes with the normal disaster relief activities when other people do all can to do. Buddhism, Taoism, Islam has a very great performance, a silent work for the victims, not even propaganda to comparison with a large Christian propaganda.

Give me a freaking break, Christians have raised millions for disaster releif all over the world, regardless of religion, andfor what it's worth much of the money is donated, so there is no attempt to 'convert' anyone.

I didn't know there are so many two faced racists here.
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Give me a freaking break, Christians have raised millions for disaster releif all over the world, regardless of religion, and if it matters much of the money is donated, so there is no attempt to 'convert' anyone.

I didn't know there are so many two faced racists here.

Oh? Then I feel strange that why it happened in China, those Christians? Can you explain?
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Of course, I also hope you can explain why the colonists would be called "saints", those colonists who were stained with the blood of the Chinese people and plundering the wealth of Chinese people would be a "saint"? Can you explain?
Of course, I also hope you can explain why the colonists would be called "saints", those colonists who were stained with the blood of the Chinese people and plundering the wealth of Chinese people would be a "saint"? Can you explain?

And these 'colonists' are? Some backround information with a link would be nice.
BBC News | NEWS | ¤¤°ê±j¯P§Üij±ë¸¦©£«Ê¸t












中國官方天主教會說,梵蒂岡選擇在十﹒一中國國慶這一天加封聖徒是對中國的侮辱和推崇殖民主義。 中國認為鴉片戰爭和義和團運動都是反抗外國殖民者的戰爭。





Chinese Foreign Ministry Strongly Protests Against Vatican "Canonization"


On October 1, 2000, Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statement to express its utmost indignation and strong protest against a ceremony held by the Vatican, "canonizing" a number of foreign missionaries and their followers who have committed notorious crimes in China.

Following is the full text of the statement:

In disregard of the strong opposition of the Chinese side, the Vatican held on October 1, a ceremony for the "canonization" of a number of foreign missionaries and their followers, who committed notorious crimes in China. The Government, people and the Catholic Church of China hereby express their utmost indignation and strong protest against this act.

As is known to all, some foreign Catholic missionaries were the very perpetrators and accomplices in colonialist and imperialist invasion of China in the contemporary history. Some of those "canonized" by the Vatican this time perpetrated outrages such as raping and looting in China and committed unforgivable crimes against the Chinese people. With regard to these crimes, the Vatican has never repented. Instead, it has now gone so far as to "canonize" these evil-doing sinners. This is a flagrant provocation against the Chinese people, an act aimed at reversing the verdict on the history of colonialist and imperialist invasion of China, and a gross insult to the Chinese people' patriotic resistance against foreign aggression and oppression. In doing so, the Vatican has seriously hurt the national pride and dignity of the Chinese people.

The Vatican, while expressing its intention to improve its relations with China, has time and again gone against its own commitment to non-interference in China's internal affairs and that on the question of Taiwan. Now it has stubbornly insisted on the "canonization", which has severely damaged the very basis of the normalization of China-Vatican relations. It will exert a grave negative impact on the normalization process. The Vatican should be held responsible for all this.
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Wow either you do not know the difference between Catholicism and Christianity or you do not read your links, either way you are a racist. I also fail to see how a few bad Catholics have any correlation to Christianity in China. I really do find it sad how you and your other brother are trying everything possible to smear Christianity, whether it be posting some bogus link or comparing Christianity to 'prostitutes', shouting for the expulsion of Christians, or proclaiming that Christians need to be stomped out like bugs.

I'll take a saint over a racist anyday.

Wow either you do not know the difference between Catholicism and Christianity or you do not read your links, either way you are a racist. I also fail to see how a few bad Catholics have any correlation to Christianity in China. I really do find it sad how you and your other brother are trying everything possible to smear Christianity, whether it be posting some bogus link or comparing Christianity to 'prostitutes', shouting for the expulsion of Christians, or proclaiming that Christians need to be stomped out like bugs.

I'll take a saint over a racist anyday.

It is important to explain the "Christian" and "Catholic" is called "Christian" in China, the general sense. China's special habits.

Others, can only say that you need to be responsible for own behavior, I did not say that all Christianity is bad, in fact, some are good, but you have a bad image in China, simply because of your behavior, you need to bring a reflection, not blame innocent people. If you are even willing to choose a colonists as "Saint", your freedom, you can choose any day, So, you should not be surprised by the attitude of the Chinese people, this is our choice, freedom.
Do you know what those "saints" done in China?

When it comes down to it, the CCP and government could only specifically object to the canonization of two of these "saints", Albericus Crescitelli and Auguste Chapdelaine, out of a total of 120 when the Vatican ritual took place in 2000.

It's actually not clear to me whether Chapdelaine himself did anything wrong at all. On this Crescitelli I won't comment for the Catholic church has never had a shortage of perverts in robes ...

You know as well as I do that the historical Catholic Church and the various popes have done far worse than canonizing a gigolo and rapist from time to time.

We'll just leave it at that.

However, in the spirit of Chairman Mao's "three fingers vs seven", how many "fingers"' worth do you think Matteo Ricci and Sabatino de Ursis of the Italian Jesuits should get for bringing Euclidean geometry and to a large measure geography itself and map science to China? Not to mention the Jesuits' contribution to the Chinese understanding of astronomy and science in general?

BTW, "Eastern" Christianity in the form of 景教 (Manichaeism-influenced Nestorian Christianity) in Western China has been as old as Buddhism itself.
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