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Farrrrrr..I hope it won't be like South Korea on steroids:lol: South Korean Christians are fanatics. They don't even spare the "other" Christians. My mates gf(both South Koreans) was like, "Jehovahs Witness people worship satan" , she wasn't even joking:cheesy:
I hope China converts into Christianity. The Gospel is the only truth for the Chinese people from the oppression of the CPC.
What happened,my neighbour is singing Gospel song.
Maybe China will convert it into a Chinese religion. Like Buddhism.

What will happens when Chinese take over the Vatican?

It will be nice to see a Chinease pope. Just kidding. :)

It is a problem in India too, especially in tribal belt. In Orissa, they convert tribal people using medicine.(There are areas in which malaria is prevalent, and they use grounded medicine as offering from Jesus. The local ojha/quack is no match for modern medicine).
When a tribal village chief converts, his whole village convert. This brings fissure within tribe. Orissa and Madhya Pradesh have put conditions on conversion due to this(Both states have big tribal population)

The other way to convert is of course big prayer meetings, in which people can tell their miracle stories. There are loads of in India,(apt named "God" channel comes to my mind) telecast these.

And you wont believe this, I have seen doordarshan(Govt channel), airing dubbed proselytizing video.

However, legally it is a right, unless you try to force, bribe or cheat somebody.
Well it goes to show that China is more religiously tolerant than most people think.

Christians are still persecuted and imprisoned for their faith in China. Yet despite this Christians still grow in numbers.

Persecution: Chinese expand their tactics, report says | anglicansunited.com

[Ed. Note: I met Elder Fu Xianwei, President of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement Churches of China, in Singapore last April at the Global South Face to Face Encounter. The Three-self is a combination two organizations, and is the only registered Protestant church in mainland China. The Three-self stands for self-governance, self-support and self propagation of Christianity by indigenous Chinese, not foreigners. He spoke carefully about the government's relationship with all churches, especially the rapid growth of Christianity through cell groups and house churches. When asked specifically about this type of abuse and persecution, he evaded the question. Hearing the scriptures read in Chinese was thrilling. Cheryl M. Wetzel]

Posted on Apr 4, 2011
by John Evans & Art Toalston
for The Baptist Press

WASHINGTON (BP)–The Chinese government intensified its pressure against Christians in 2010 for a “fifth straight year of escalating persecution,” according to ChinaAid Association, a Christian human rights organization based in Washington.

Beatings, torture, arrests, harassment and church demolitions are among the 90 recorded cases of persecution, a nearly 17 percent increase over 2009, according to a report released by ChinaAid on March 31.

The cases “are just the tip of the iceberg,” according to a ChinaAid news release. “The Chinese government’s stranglehold on information and the authoritarian regime’s other security measures make getting a true picture of the extent of persecution impossible. Nevertheless, the fact that the documented incidences of persecution came from all parts of China and involved people from all levels of society makes the report a useful guide.”

The report suggested the increase in persecution may have been triggered by the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Chinese dissident Liu Xiabao and the thwarted attendance by more than 200 delegates from Chinese house churches at the Lausanne Congress on Global Evangelization in South Africa.

The report stated that Chinese authorities, in addition to continuing to target house churches and their leaders in urban areas, are adopting three additional tactics of persecution:

– The government is severely cracking down on Christian human rights lawyers, who have increasingly defended persecuted Christians in the country’s court system. More than two-thirds of persecution cases in Beijing involved such lawyers, who are subjected to harassment, beating and abduction.

– While the government is decreasing official prison sentences against Christians who can defend themselves against such measures in the legal system, mafia-type violence and intimidation (some people have simply disappeared) is being used, which leaves Christians no legal recourse.

– The government is punishing Three-Self Patriotic Movement Churches (official churches) that have failed to submit to its complete control. Congregants are beaten, churches forced to disband, and some buildings torn down.

The report documented 3,343 people who were persecuted in 2010, a nearly 14 percent increase from 2009. Detentions increased by 43 percent, and 336 house church leaders were persecuted. Overall, the report said persecution was more than 193 percent worse in 2010 than 2006.

Concerning the three new tactics of persecution, the ChinaAid report noted:

– “Full-scale suppression of Christian human rights lawyers groups: In 2005, Dr. Fan Yafeng, a Christian constitutional law scholar, launched a movement within the church to use legal means to protect citizens’ rights, a model based on the principle of non-violence and in accordance with the actual political and legal situation in China. In the years since, working in partnership with Li Subin, Li Baiguang, Zhang Kai, Gao Zhisheng, Jiang Tianyong, Li Fangping and other prominent Christian lawyers and legal professionals, he established Christian Human Rights Lawyers of China, an unstructured non-governmental organization. From its original single mission of defending the rights of the church, the group’s legal rights defense work has gradually expanded to defending the rights of other citizens and groups, including other persecuted religious groups and individuals, rights defense of petitioners, peasants who have lost their land, victims of the compulsory family planning policy who try to defend their rights, etc. In 2009, the government severely cracked down on a number of large house churches and sentenced a group of influential house church leaders to long prison terms. During this process Christian Human Rights Lawyers of China publicly participated in many major cases (Linfen Church in Shanxi, Alimujiang in Xinjiang), thus greatly raising the church’s awareness of rights defense through legal means. In the meantime, the model of the church defending its rights spread rapidly to the rest of the country and reached its climax in the latter half of 2010. Also in the latter half of 2010, the government began to severely crack down on the members of Christian Human Rights Lawyers of China in a full-scale campaign, and the focus of their persecution was Dr. Fan Yafeng.

– “Abuse, torture and mafia tactics: As a result of the vigorous rights defense movement activities of Dr. Fan Yafeng and Christian Human Rights Lawyers of China in effectively using the existing legal system in China, some local governments were forced to appear in court and hold dialogs with persecuted Christians or non-Christians. This greatly increased the cost to the government of its persecution activities and in some cases resulted in the failure of the persecution. Therefore, beginning in the latter half of 2010, the government began to circumvent regular legal means and instead began to allow law enforcement officers to wreak physical and mental havoc on the targets of their persecution rather than punishing them through legal and accepted methods. In December 2010, Dr. Fan Yafeng was tortured during his nine-day detention. What is worrying is that, judging from the cases in the first three months of 2011, such persecution tactics are being promoted.

– “Severe crackdown on Three-Self Patriotic Movement churches that do not accept government control: 2010 was also a year of persecution of Three-Self churches. This is a special phenomenon and it signifies that it is not just the house churches but the whole of Christianity that the government regards as a threat. Any Three-Self church that dares to adhere to true Christian belief and is not willing to be controlled by the government will be the victim of a severe crackdown sooner or later. These persecuted churches are all large churches led by pastors who adhere to the principles of the faith. The persecution methods are severe and include beatings, abuse, and forced demolition of church buildings. Of course, as a result of the persecution, the reputation of these churches is being turned around, and more house churches and Three-Self churches are coming together, to help each other and to face persecution together. For example, Pastor Zhang Mingxuan, president of the Chinese House Church Alliance, made a number of trips in 2010 to the Chengnan Three-Self Church in Tinghu district, Yancheng, Jiangsu province where he encouraged the clergy and believers and also provided help.”

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Jesus Christ was not a historical figure. The physical person never existed. All the Christian stories were borrowed from older Greek/Egyptian stories from the Virgin Mary on down. Google something like "search for historical Jesus"

I hope the Chinese people don't fall for this western garbage again. Last time it caused the Taiping Rebellion and Boxer Rebellion that killed 20 million Chinese people. CPC please control this Judeo-Christian nonsense.
Jesus Christ was not a historical figure. The physical person never existed. All the Christian stories were borrowed from older Greek/Egyptian stories from the Virgin Mary on down. Google something like "search for historical Jesus"

I hope the Chinese people don't fall for this western garbage again. Last time it caused the Taiping Rebellion and Boxer Rebellion that killed 20 million Chinese people. CPC please control this Judeo-Christian nonsense.

there are a number of roman(pre christian) documents that confirm jesus.

western garbage lol? so the west was conspiring this thousands of years ago?ok:)

and i doubt such conflicts would start in china in modern times.
Jesus Christ was not a historical figure. The physical person never existed. All the Christian stories were borrowed from older Greek/Egyptian stories from the Virgin Mary on down. Google something like "search for historical Jesus"

I hope the Chinese people don't fall for this western garbage again. Last time it caused the Taiping Rebellion and Boxer Rebellion that killed 20 million Chinese people. CPC please control this Judeo-Christian nonsense.

Your actually the first person I have seen that believes Jesus never existed. Even secular historians of the time agree that he did.
there are a number of roman(pre christian) documents that confirm jesus.

western garbage lol? so the west was conspiring this thousands of years ago?ok:)

and i doubt such conflicts would start in china in modern times.

A physical Jesus wasn't even mentioned until years later. Gospel weren't written until years later from the same source document.

Roman documents. What Roman documents ?
Only Opiates have been worst for China. Keep this garbage to yourself.
Your actually the first person I have seen that believes Jesus never existed. Even secular historians of the time agree that he did.

Thomas, you give me way too much credit. I'm hardly the first. You just don't hear about it much in the great Western Free Press.

Watch this terrific documentary, the God Who Wasn't There.
The God Who Wasn't There
China te only place where Islam has failed to flourish, lets see how comfortable is Christianity to not so compatible China. Buddhism is still somehow surviving.

BTW, Chinese are clever and very organised when it comes to living life.
The church of communism recognises the threat and will not allow the threat to grow beyond a point. This is today

Christian worshippers 'detained' in China - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

Police officials in China have arrested dozens of Christian worshippers from an unregistered church when they tried to pray outdoors, a rights group said.

The congregants sang hymns and said prayers as police loaded them onto waiting buses in Beijing's western Haidian district, the US-based Christian rights group China Aid said in a statement on Sunday, citing witnesses.

"The Beijing authorities have again demonstrated their total disregard of their citizens' constitutionally guaranteed fundamental right to religious freedom," China Aid founder and president Bob Fu said in the statement.

Shouwang church pastor Yuan Ling said by telephone that he was unable to go to the venue because police had put him under house arrest on Saturday night. Yuan said he knew of at least six other church members who were also under house arrest.

Police declined to comment when contacted by AFP news agency and requested written questions be sent to them by fax.

A church member who went to the gathering venue for services and managed to evade police told The Associated Press news agency that about 200 people were taken away and were being held at a local school.

The man, who would give only his English name, Kane, for fear of police reprisals, said their cellphones were also confiscated.

China's Communist government allows worship only in state-approved churches, but many Christians belong to unregistered congregations. Such "house churches" are subjected to varying degrees of harassment by authorities.

Shouwang, one of Beijing's largest "house churches", invited its members to meet on Sunday morning at an open air public platform linking the SinoSteel Building and the South China Poetic Restaurant building, China Aid said.

More than 60 million Christians are believed to worship in China's independent churches, compared with about 20 million who worship in the state church, according to scholars and church activists.

State crackdown

The United States and the United Nations have expressed serious concerns in the past week at a growing crackdown across China in which artists, lawyers, writers, activists and intellectuals have been detained.

The church incident comes a week after Ai Weiwei, an outspoken artist who helped design the Bird's Nest Olympic Stadium for the 2008 Beijing Games, was detained for unspecified "economic crimes."

On Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the US secretary of state, called for Ai's release and criticised China for what she said was a deteriorating human rights situation in the first part of 2011.

However, China blasted back at Washington on Saturday with a statement on the foreign ministry's website saying the US should reflect more on its own domestic rights abuses.

"The US should stop interfering in other country's internal affairs with this human rights report," ministry spokesman Hong Lei was quoted as saying.
Whatever its development may be, I would like them to loyal to our country.

BTW, I think that pope should take his hands off China's matter. It is none of his business.
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