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It is perfectly reasonable that China would become the largest Christian Nation. #1, the Chinese are the most intelligent ethnic group on the planet (except , possibly, Jews.). #2, Christianity is the most beneficial religion for human beings to follow for peace and prosperity. #3, because of #1 and #2, China will become the most Christian nati0on in the world as it rises in both economic and social success, because Christianity is simpatico with Confucianism.

I think China also has the biggest number of "non-religious" people in the world, so there is a big opportunity there for expansion.

Either way I don't mind. It doesn't matter to me what faith my fellow countrymen choose to believe in, I'll respect their decision.
Well to be fair I can't think of one religion whose morals aren't compatible with Confucianism.
Personally I'd like to see China get back to being primarily Buddhist + Taoist + Confucian. :cool:

But of course no problem however they decide. :D
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Just doing my Saturday PDF drive by (yes, time is such a premium these days ...) But this occasion calls for the emptying of a clip or two from my own rusty AK:

In no particular order:

This statement will be less spiritually "criminal" had the "West" been more of a paragon of Christian virtue - especially lately.

It's not up to me to judge when you turn "Donme" for the sake of survival. After all, I, too, believe in being "harmless as doves and wise as serpents" ...

But to practice "Al-Taqiyya" for material gain is beyond contempt.

Christians are not "假洋鬼子". You'd do well to remember that, sino-so-called-soldier!

Stop posting garbage from this garbage site, Benny! I don't mind a website operated by self-styled "Muslim apostates" or Christian "apostates" - so long as they bring real history and not fake propaganda to the table. Battle of Talas has something to do with "Islamization" of Central Asia. It has nothing to do with the Huis in China. The Huis claim to have descended from Persian zoroastrians predating Buddhists, Persian/Arab traders of all stripes, and even the cavalry sent to the Tangs by Abbasids to quell interal rebellion (安史之乱) ...

And it was the Mongols who brought the greatest number of Muslims to China as soldiers and administrators. Some of the most important generals of the first Ming emperor were Hui muslims ((e.g. 蓝玉, 徐达, etc. ...)

Now that's (generally accepted) history fact.

And stop this "Jihad" everything non-sense.

Perhaps you could join the above "apostates" in putting up your own "ChristianityWatch" website and peddle your own patented wild statements.

Do they teach you anything in Wuhan? Have you heard of 白彥虎 or 同治陕甘回变 (see here for those who prefer English)?

And later on you claim Taiping Rebellion was a "Christian" movement! Is there no end to your absurdities? Is there nothing but hot air in that space between your ears, if you don't mind me asking?

If you have to attach a group to Taiping Rebellion, then I would attach the Hakka as the "sub-ethnicity/group" behind it.

Once a 拳匪, always a 拳匪. As I said before, we'll see who gets "stamped out" and when.

you're too good at english and not good enough at math, physics and chemistry. people too good at languages and especially too good at english think too much and are manipulative, and the choice of the people has it that our leaders should be engineers instead of manipulative lawyers. can't you quantify your arguments?

and i'm very sure that christianity will be stamped out in china, or at least heavily controlled (otherwise we will be living in shithole qing dynasty again). 5 things matter in life: power, money, fun, country, family. everything we do is for one of these 5 things. religion gives none of that unless you're the leader... which from your stance, it seems very likely that you are one of the interest groups associated with religious leadership, and making huge money.
you're too good at english and not good enough at math, physics and chemistry. people too good at languages and especially too good at english think too much and are manipulative, and the choice of the people has it that our leaders should be engineers instead of manipulative lawyers. can't you quantify your arguments?

:what:??!! You know anything about how I performed in "quantitative sciences" back in the days?

That's right. Talk wildly about English, physics, engineers, lawyers ... anything but to own up to the plain fact that you know next to nothing about either the history of Islam or Christianity in China.

That works. Don't man up and acknowledge your own ignorance. Instead let's obfuscate and "quantitize" the argument ...

... and i'm very sure that christianity will be stamped out in china, or at least heavily controlled (otherwise we will be living in shithole qing dynasty again). 5 things matter in life: power, money, fun, country, family. everything we do is for one of these 5 things. religion gives none of that unless you're the leader... which from your stance, it seems very likely that you are one of the interest groups associated with religious leadership, and making huge money.

Aha! Even a c0ck-sure atheist can claim to be a prophet. Are you sure you are "very sure"?

Okay oracle, if you say so. First of all, whether or not Christianity will be "stamped out" anywhere - even in China, is not up to you.

Nor is it up to me.

Developing the thoughts here further will venture into the realm of full-fledged discourse on theology, which is against forum policies.

BTW, I understand very well your rant about the "5 things". Take it from me that Uncle Joe had said it 1,000,000 times better than you could (how's that for "quantitative"?) when he asked:

"How many divisions does the pope have?"​

Anyways, let me say it again, some things are not up to you or me. And we'll leave it at that.

Finally, I am familiar with certain red guard tactics of smearing the motives of those you disagree with - including the insinuation of financial gain. No I don't make money from "religion". I give money to churches and charities just because. It doesn't necessarily have to do with religion. Atheists and agnostics give to the poor and to charities.

But if you appreciate my effort in trying against odds to replace the hot air in your head with something of a little more value, and wish to compensate my time with a bundle of RMB, I'll be glad to direct your funds to the charities of my choice.

How to be Christian?Too simple-enter churchs and say some words like 'my god'.Every day many Chinese enter Notre Dame.
I think christian groups want the expansion of their religion...

even here too 2-3 years back we faced similar problems
As a Christian personally, I make no apologies - none whatsoever, for proselytizing. People are free to spread what they consider to be good tidings. And you are free to reject what you think is "bad news".


What I find disingenuous, even in this very thread and in general, are all these self-righteous proponents of Buddhism, Hinduism, this-ism and that-ism who berate the Abrahamic religions for proselytizing and then turn right around and extol the virtues of their own faith.

Hindu temples in the West have outreach centers where non-believers may come and experience the faith. Same with Buddhism. But when mosques or churches have open houses, somehow it becomes an evil plan to conquer the infidels.
:what:??!! You know anything about how I performed in "quantitative sciences" back in the days?

That's right. Talk wildly about English, physics, engineers, lawyers ... anything but to own up to the plain fact that you know next to nothing about either the history of Islam or Christianity in China.

That works. Don't man up and acknowledge your own ignorance. Instead let's obfuscate and "quantitize" the argument ...

Aha! Even a c0ck-sure atheist can claim to be a prophet. Are you sure you are "very sure"?

Okay oracle, if you say so. First of all, whether or not Christianity will be "stamped out" anywhere - even in China, is not up to you.

Nor is it up to me.

Developing the thoughts here further will venture into the realm of full-fledged discourse on theology, which is against forum policies.

BTW, I understand very well your rant about the "5 things". Take it from me that Uncle Joe had said it 1,000,000 times better than you could (how's that for "quantitative"?) when he asked:

"How many divisions does the pope have?"​

Anyways, let me say it again, some things are not up to you or me. And we'll leave it at that.

Finally, I am familiar with certain red guard tactics of smearing the motives of those you disagree with - including the insinuation of financial gain. No I don't make money from "religion". I give money to churches and charities just because. It doesn't necessarily have to do with religion. Atheists and agnostics give to the poor and to charities.

But if you appreciate my effort in trying against odds to replace the hot air in your head with something of a little more value, and wish to compensate my time with a bundle of RMB, I'll be glad to direct your funds to the charities of my choice.


what bullsh* , drinking too much from the "holy wine?" just another self righteous and arrogant scum that claims to have "surpassed intolerance" by living in the west.

What I find disingenuous, even in this very thread and in general, are all these self-righteous proponents of Buddhism, Hinduism, this-ism and that-ism who berate the Abrahamic religions for proselytizing and then turn right around and extol the virtues of their own faith.

Hindu temples in the West have outreach centers where non-believers may come and experience the faith. Same with Buddhism. But when mosques or churches have open houses, somehow it becomes an evil plan to conquer the infidels.

Because Buddhists do not have such a positive mission, life interference, all free, if you want to join the Buddhist, went to the temple, if you want to quit, and then be free to exit. I do not know Islam, I have not seen Islam to preach in the streets or elsewhere, but I know that Christianity is a serious offense to spread teachings. China's policy is to protect religious freedom, you have "believed" freedom, you have "do not believe in" freedom, believe it or not just depends on your own.
what bullsh* , drinking too much from the "holy wine?" just another self righteous and arrogant scum that claims to have "surpassed intolerance" by living in the west.

"Surpassing intolerance"? Did I miss your speech on Martin Luther King day? Ah, More diversions from your own ignorance ... What happened to physics and lawyer and "quantization"?

Stick to what you know (certainly ain't history), and let's hear more about "holy wine' and "scums" ...

Because Buddhists do not have such a positive mission, life interference, all free, if you want to join the Buddhist, went to the temple, if you want to quit, and then be free to exit. I do not know Islam, I have not seen Islam to preach in the streets or elsewhere, but I know that Christianity is a serious offense to spread teachings. China's policy is to protect religious freedom, you have "believed" freedom, you have "do not believe in" freedom, believe it or not just depends on your own.

exactly yes.... in india they are just selling their religion...

there are giving money to poors if they convert their religion to christianity... there were some reports that money comes indirectly threw Vatican city.....

this is another kind of terrorism
what bullsh* , drinking too much from the "holy wine?" just another self righteous and arrogant scum that claims to have "surpassed intolerance" by living in the west.

Ignore him buddy. :tup:

Oceanx is a well-known troll, and not even a good one. Some trolls are at least clever, but this one is not.
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