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China to attack India 'only if provoked'

grey boy 2

Jul 23, 2009
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United States
China To Attack India 'Only If Provoked'

2009-07-20 21:01:50
Last Updated: 2009-07-20 22:19:05
China to attack India `only if provoked`

By Sify News Desk

``There is one scenario where there is possibility for (a Sino-Indian) war: an aggressive Indian policy toward China, a `New Forward Policy` may aggravate border disputes and push China to use force - despite China`s appeal, as far as possible, for peaceful solutions.``

So says a scathing Chinese editorial published in response to Indian defence analyst Bharat Verma`s assertion that China may attack India before 2012.

The article, `Illusion of ``China`s Attack on India Before 2012` written By Chen Xiaochen, was published on July 17 in Chinastakes.com, which bills itself as `the first online English publication dedicated to reviewing China`s finance/ economy/business.``

Noting that ``the 2000 km border between China and India has been a notable absence from press headlines in the years since then-Indian PM Vajpayee`s 2003 visit to Beijing,`` Chen adds that ``Tensions, however, have risen again as India announced last month a plan to deploy two additional army divisions and two air force squadrons of Su-30 Fighter Unit, some 60,000 soldiers in total, in a disputed border area in the southern part of Tibet, which India claims as its state of Arunachal Pradesh.``

``Adding fuel to the flames,`` he continues, ``is an article by Bharat Verma, editor of Indian Defense Review, predicting that China will attack India before 2012, leaving only three years to Indian government for preparation.``

Describing Verma`s arguments as `vague` and `lacking documentation,` he notes that even if China were to consider such an act, ``The Western powers would not take kindly to a Chinese conflict with India, leaving China rightfully reluctant to use force in any case other than extreme provocation.``

``If China were to be involved in a war within the next three years, as unlikely as that seems, the adversary would hardly be India. The best option, the sole option, open for the Chinese government is to negotiate around the disputed territory,`` he argues.

``Consider the 1959-1962 conflict, the only recorded war between China and India in the long history of their civilizations. After some slight friction with China in 1959, the Indian army implemented aggressive action known as its Forward Policy. The Chinese Army made a limited but successful counterattack in 1962,`` says Chen, who is described as `a journalist of editorial and comments in China Business News.``

``Now,`` he says, ``it seems `back to the future`. Mr. Verma asserts another war will happen before 2012, a half century after the last, regrettable one. India has started to deploy more troops in the border area, similar to its Forward Policy 50 years ago. Is Mr. Verma`s China-bashing merely a justification for more troops deployed along the border? Will India`s `New Forward Policy`, as the old one did 50 years ago, trigger a `2012 war?` ``

``The answers lie mainly on the Indian side,`` says Chen. ``Given China`s relatively small military garrison in Tibet, Indian`s 60,000 additional soldiers may largely break the balance. If India is as `pacific` as Mr. Verma says, and is sincere in its border negotiation, China-India friendship will remain. After all, China shares a long and mostly friendly cultural exchange with India as well as other neighbours.

``Now China is seeking deeper cooperation, wider coordination, and better consensus with India, especially in the global recession, and peace is a precondition for doing so. China wants to say, `We are on the same side,` as the Indian Ambassador did in a recent interview in China. Thus, `China will attack India before 2012` is a provocative and inflammatory illusion,`` Chen concludes.
There seems to be a strident lobby within India that seems to be promoting the idea that India bears hostility to all it's neighbors; it must be countered by those Indians who seek to create a peaceful and prosperous Asia.

All this war talk will end up harming everybody, including Indians.
I put bharat varma and zaid hamid in the same league. :p
Bharat Verma needs atlest few micrograms of thinkable material in his skull, known as brain before making such analysis. If China wants to attack India, it is the best time to do so and not 2012 when India will have acquired considerable western military hardware that will make the invading job difficult. Whole world is in recession and no-freaking economy in the world, including USA would be able to hold China back, specially when China holds cards to US Economy.

Bharat Verma, *MUA* LOVE YOU!
Bharat Varma is some retired guy who is writing these crap articles just to gain media attention.

And Indian media would sensationalize anything to get more viewers hooked.

Sad really. But the government of India has done a good job in playing down these reports. Actually, I read an article which mentioned that the government was considering taking action against these media outlets for spreading venom against China.

China is India's biggest trading partner. High time this rhetoric is turned down because it can possibly undermine the potential of Sino-Indian ties.
最爱高古陶;498708 said:
it's mainly india media's fault, those sensational news can help the sale. no war, guys, let's build our both countries beatutiful.

You are correct to some extent. All the drama was created by media to sell and to increase its rating. They are always in search of "hot" topics. It could be anything. Mate you don't beileve me, they have shown aliens and end-of-world as well.

However both governements are acting in much matured way. There is growing co-operations between India and China anyone can sense. Bottomline is, things are going in positive way. Thanks.
You are correct to some extent. All the drama was created by media to sell and to increase its rating. They are always in search of "hot" topics. It could be anything. Mate you don't beileve me, they have shown aliens and end-of-world as well.

However both governements are acting in much matured way. There is growing co-operations between India and China anyone can sense. Bottomline is, things are going in positive way. Thanks.

You are very correct friend,

I don't worry about Sino-Indo friendship. Just as I don't worry about Sino-Mexican friendship, or Sino-whomever friendship. China and Chinese people are VERY FRIENDLY, we want to live in harmony and happiness with everyone! :smitten:

India is a BEAUTIFUL country, with WONDERFUL PEOPLE. One thing I learn about life is never underestimate any peoples. Think about it: The people living in desert is to be admired for adapting to harsh hot weather. Inuks (and Inuits) are to be admired for being able to live in harsh cold weather. Indians are to be admired for prospering in the most competitive societies, yet they still very peaceful. Handicapped people are to be admire for persevering so well. Africans are to be admired for surviving a tough life. If people are 'weak' then they would have died out a long time ago -- So the fact that huge populations are still thriving all over, is testimony to human's will to survive and make a good life for their future generation. So we MUST learn to RESPECT ALL PEOPLES. :agree:
You are correct to some extent. All the drama was created by media to sell and to increase its rating. They are always in search of "hot" topics. It could be anything. Mate you don't beileve me, they have shown aliens and end-of-world as well.

However both governements are acting in much matured way. There is growing co-operations between India and China anyone can sense. Bottomline is, things are going in positive way. Thanks.

why we attack india? for what
Taiwan is more importent for us
You are very correct friend,

India is a BEAUTIFUL country, with WONDERFUL PEOPLE. One thing I learn about life is never underestimate any peoples. Think about it: The people living in desert is to be admired for adapting to harsh hot weather.

You are an Indian pretending to be a Chinese. Confirmed. :D
its been 47 years that we had any conflict with China, I think we should be prepared for war but I do not think China will attack us, they IMO are much more matured then Pakistan. They know by having war, you can massage your ego's but does not help you in any way specially with small issue. Even today Pakistani's look's eager for a war without thinking on improving home situation.
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