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China tightens grip over the South China Sea – should India worry?

Both Malaysia and Philippine have made peace with China. They are no longer interested in challenging China in South China sea. Vietnam is the only country left.
Backing down doesn't mean they finally forget the China threat. it's just a matter of hard cold facts that NO ASEAN country have the muscle to challenge china, this is the exact reason why the US should actively seek to make more country more engaged in South China Sea, the US have secured it from major Indo-pac country like Japan,Australia,Canada and even major European power like UK and France have made a freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, adding india to the list will be perfect.

also malaysia haven't really bowed down to China, it continue to send frigate and patrol ship to monitor China trying to interfere with its oil exploration in south china sea. and compared to Indonesia for example, malaysia had control of many small islands in the South China sea

Thailand and Myanmar...
India have been making major effort to turn away Myanmar from China, the last time they donated Submarines and sell them torpedoes and Thailand is still militarily very close to US.

I am an American. I couldn't careless for India.
who asked??
1.what are their means to challenge an Indian Fleet steaming towards them?

You think Chinese wouldnt send a carrier to Indian Ocean if India decide to poke matter in SCS?

2.only Cambodia is currently 100% pro china (I could confdently declare that cambodia is de facto china colony), while Laos, a landlocked unimportant country.

Why would u expect Cambodia to take action besides verbal backing of China in SCS? China has a powerful navy, it wouldnt even need its allies to take any action and China alone is more than enough to handle the whole SCS.

3.Malaysia and the Philippines have dispute with China and in the case of Philippines it's currently because a madman is in charge of power, once he's out there's no guarantee that Philippine will continue to bow down to china.
In fact under Duturte, Philippine are more clinging towards China. They reject continue a US base and Duturte even cause US former president Obama. At least , he managed to negotiate fishing right of Scarborough shoal for pinoy fishermen which previous Aquino not able to do so. Huge Chinese financial investment also help Philippine economy which Aquino not able to achieve previously.

4.Indian fleet don't need to confront china in South China Sea, the PLA Navy is already busy there with US, Japanese and Australians not to mention Taiwan, Vietnam etc.

Indeed, Indian know they shouldnt provoke China in SCS becos Indian do not wish to see a Chinese carrier in Indian Ocean.
that's it even cambodia is not 100% pro china, then why are forumer here that thinks cambodia will do anything serious if India will sail its ship into south china sea??
You are obviously shooting the target that is created by yourself, no one would knows even the slightest of how a country would have reacts in case your neighbor, so called allie, friend is in a conflict or war, so until then everything is assumption, or rubbish.
These rag tag destitute Indians should worry about their 600 Million people LIVING BELOW POVERTY LINES. They have no business in South China Sea. Let the two Superpowers US and China fight it out.
I fear Indonesia is going to get too close to china, and then finally I got what I want.



As if Indonesia going close to Australia or US got any real benefit? Especially someone trying to fuel independent of province of Indonesia. Do you approved such action? Continue western double standard in judging indonesia. Needed only Indonesia for anti-China matter but when not needed. Curse as outcast and slaughter by western media as inhuman.


Indonesia deports four Australians for demonstrating in Papua


An Australian journalist has been expelled from the Indonesian province of Papua after her tweets angered the military.
You think Chinese wouldnt send a carrier to Indian Ocean if India decide to poke matter in SCS?

well that's brilliant, if you send your carrier to IOR, then there will be less PLAN assets in SCS, India is for one of the must be list of Allies if the US wanted to have an overmatch whenever conflicts arise with china.

Why would u expect Cambodia to take action besides verbal backing of China in SCS? China has a powerful navy, it wouldnt even need its allies to take any action and China alone is more than enough to handle the whole SCS.

The US navy is more powerful and btw its your pakistani friend that suggest that SE Asian countries will do something about it

Indeed, Indian know they shouldnt provoke China in SCS becos Indian do not wish to see a Chinese carrier in Indian Ocean.
India don't need to send ships to the Indian Ocean, it just need to keep an eye on Chinese activity in IOR and maybe some intelligence sharing


In fact under Duturte, Philippine are more clinging towards China. They reject continue a US base and Duturte even cause US former president Obama. At least , he managed to negotiate fishing right of Scarborough shoal for pinoy fishermen which previous Aquino not able to do so. Huge Chinese financial investment also help Philippine economy which Aquino not able to achieve previously.
duterte is what you called a populist, where are those chinese investemnt that he promised??? it must be less worthy than Chinese investment in Indonesia (a country that actually challenged china instead of plain giving up like duterte)
also it's good to know that the sentiment is rising towards him, and many have started to look at him more as a chinese minions than a true president of the Philippines all thanks to Mr.Max montero of Maxdefence. I'm not saying that he will lose the next election, but just for you to know that Duterte is not there forever, if he's gone your man in Manila is also gone. even though duterte is pro china, most of it's people and it's military (which many have deep ties with the US)is not.

As if Indonesia going close to Australia or US got any real benefit? Especially someone trying to fuel independent of province of Indonesia. Do you approved such action? Continue western double standard in judging indonesia. Needed only Indonesia for anti-China matter but when not needed. Curse as outcast and slaughter by western media as inhuman.


Indonesia deports four Australians for demonstrating in Papua


An Australian journalist has been expelled from the Indonesian province of Papua after her tweets angered the military.
well it's not like we are going to fight side b side with the US marines in a future island hopping campaign. it's more like this. Indonesia downgrade it's ties politcally and economically with China while the US as a goodwill provide us with wepaons just to make a potential chinese misadventure more complicated.
duterte is what you called a populist, where are those chinese investemnt that he promised??? it must be less worthy than Chinese investment in Indonesia (a country that actually challenged china instead of plain giving up like duterte)
also it's good to know that the sentiment is rising towards him, and many have started to look at him more as a chinese minions than a true president of the Philippines all thanks to Mr.Max montero of Maxdefence. I'm not saying that he will lose the next election, but just for you to know that Duterte is not there forever, if he's gone your man in Manila is also gone. even though duterte is pro china, most of it's people and it's military (which many have deep ties with the US)is not.

Duturte speaks the mind of ordinary Pinoy. Duturte is inclined more towards people of Philippines than elite of Philippines who is more pro US.

There is a reason why he is elected and a popular president. He fight drugs and help to shape Philippine economy.

US colonised Philippine for half a century and break the promise they agree when they took them from Spanish. This is something Pinoy will never forget. There is reason why US military are hated and US base are not allowed to continue.
Malaysia has already buried the hatchet with China.

I am an American. I couldn't careless for India.

Both Malaysia and Philippine have made peace with China. They are no longer interested in challenging China in South China sea. Vietnam is the only country left.

Another false-flagger. <sigh!>Round and round the mulberry bush....
Another false-flagger. <sigh!>Round and round the mulberry bush....
Lol.. must be your agenda to call out others as false flagger.

Malaysia is never anti- China even under Mahathir era. He hates Israel more and couldn't care more against China. With the new administration, that will be lesser focus on China instead.

Philippine has a president appreciate China more than US. Yes, we have some sea dispute but that couldnt overshadowed US betrayal against Philippine when they defeat the Spanish in Philippine.

Why is it populism even in the first place?
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yeah very duterte-esque
And what is wrong with populism for Philippine. The elite of Philippine need to realise, they need to stop worshiping the American who colonize them and until now still treat Pinoy as servant and order them around. When US marine rape ordinary Pinoy girls in Philippine and they are not subjected to local law and has special treatment held in US military bases. Many ordinary Pinoy are bitter of US tyrants. Even the exit of US base will causes many Pinoy to lose their job but they still willing to do it. You can call whatever you want or desperate trying all mean to paint US as some savor for Philippine. US image and action in Philippine are tarnished. If you ask Duturte and most Pinoy to choose between American and Chinese. Most would rather want Chinese than US.
And what is wrong with populism for Philippine. The elite of Philippine need to realise, they need to stop worshiping the American who colonize them and until now still treat Pinoy as servant and order them around. When US marine rape ordinary Pinoy girls in Philippine and they are not subjected to local law and has special treatment held in US military bases. Many ordinary Pinoy are bitter of US tyrants. Even the exit of US base will causes many Pinoy to lose their job but they still willing to do it. You can call whatever you want or desperate trying all mean to paint US as some savor for Philippine. US image and action in Philippine are tarnished. If you ask Duturte and most Pinoy to choose between American and Chinese. Most would rather want Chinese than US.
wow so Pinoy suddenly hate the US and become china lovers now???

well that explains to me why this chinese hit songs are so popular in the Philippines now

1.1K likes vs 91k dislikes lol
Lol.. must be your agenda to call out others as false flagger.

Malaysia is never anti- China even under Mahathir era. He hates Israel more and couldn't care more against China. With the new administration, that will be lesser focus on China instead.

Philippine has a president appreciate China more than US. Yes, we have some sea dispute but that couldnt overshadowed US betrayal against Philippine when they defeat the Spanish in Philippine.

You are so right.

Duterte is dying to avenge Manila Bay.

I am stunned by your ability to integrate history with current geo-politics. Amazing.

Why is it populism even in the first place?
China doesn't need to challenge India in the South China Sea when they can do it in the Indian Ocean.

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