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China tightens grip over the South China Sea – should India worry?

Backing down doesn't mean they finally forget the China threat. it's just a matter of hard cold facts that NO ASEAN country have the muscle to challenge china, this is the exact reason why the US should actively seek to make more country more engaged in South China Sea, the US have secured it from major Indo-pac country like Japan,Australia,Canada and even major European power like UK and France have made a freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, adding india to the list will be perfect.

also malaysia haven't really bowed down to China, it continue to send frigate and patrol ship to monitor China trying to interfere with its oil exploration in south china sea. and compared to Indonesia for example, malaysia had control of many small islands in the South China sea

India have been making major effort to turn away Myanmar from China, the last time they donated Submarines and sell them torpedoes and Thailand is still militarily very close to US.

who asked??

Oh, he just thought a word was needed to clear the air. Honest little fellow.

You think Chinese wouldnt send a carrier to Indian Ocean if India decide to poke matter in SCS?

LOL. What, precisely, would the carrier do? Claim the Further Chinese Ocean in the name of the historical voyage of Zheng He?

We have so many geopolitical experts swarming around.

Why would u expect Cambodia to take action besides verbal backing of China in SCS? China has a powerful navy, it wouldnt even need its allies to take any action and China alone is more than enough to handle the whole SCS.

...thereby proving, beyond a shadow of doubt, that China only has friendly feelings towards all involved.

In fact under Duturte, Philippine are more clinging towards China. They reject continue a US base and Duturte even cause US former president Obama. At least , he managed to negotiate fishing right of Scarborough shoal for pinoy fishermen which previous Aquino not able to do so. Huge Chinese financial investment also help Philippine economy which Aquino not able to achieve previously.

An admirable alternative spelling to his name. Now you are only missing one letter.

Indeed, Indian know they shouldnt provoke China in SCS becos Indian do not wish to see a Chinese carrier in Indian Ocean.

It looks like there is a major threat coming up. Absolutely terrifying.

You are obviously shooting the target that is created by yourself, no one would knows even the slightest of how a country would have reacts in case your neighbor, so called allie, friend is in a conflict or war, so until then everything is assumption, or rubbish.

True. So if India sends a fleet into the South China Sea, by your explanation, you, as neighbours and so-called friends, may or may not do something. Everything is assumption until then, or rubbish.

I found your formulation very useful.

These rag tag destitute Indians should worry about their 600 Million people LIVING BELOW POVERTY LINES. They have no business in South China Sea. Let the two Superpowers US and China fight it out.

Indeed we should. As for you, you didn't go there to promote Pakistan, so why don't you go and tend to your sheep?

As if Indonesia going close to Australia or US got any real benefit? Especially someone trying to fuel independent of province of Indonesia. Do you approved such action? Continue western double standard in judging indonesia. Needed only Indonesia for anti-China matter but when not needed. Curse as outcast and slaughter by western media as inhuman.


Indonesia deports four Australians for demonstrating in Papua


An Australian journalist has been expelled from the Indonesian province of Papua after her tweets angered the military.

Are you getting excited? Over-wrought? Tensed up, perhaps? Your language demonstrates some stresses and strains. Have you checked your clothing sizes lately?

well that's brilliant, if you send your carrier to IOR, then there will be less PLAN assets in SCS, India is for one of the must be list of Allies if the US wanted to have an overmatch whenever conflicts arise with china.

You are dealing with a fan-boy; it is not required for them to think. Anything aggravating to the poster being answered will do.

The US navy is more powerful and btw its your pakistani friend that suggest that SE Asian countries will do something about it

Now you are well on the way to making a permanent enemy. You are NOT ALLOWED to say these things.

India don't need to send ships to the Indian Ocean, it just need to keep an eye on Chinese activity in IOR and maybe some intelligence sharing

Just imagine the PLAN sends a carrier task force, with planes it can't fly, and a carrier that it has never operated in war before. Imagine the language of the admiral in charge when he has an Indian missile-carrying ship just out of hailing distance shadowing the task force 24 hours around the clock. Think of the differential loss of one carrier task force against one missile-carrying ship, either a destroyer or even a frigate. Or even a corvette, for that matter.

The language of the Chinese admiral would rapidly become as comprehensible as a fan-boy post.

duterte is what you called a populist, where are those chinese investemnt that he promised??? it must be less worthy than Chinese investment in Indonesia (a country that actually challenged china instead of plain giving up like duterte)

also it's good to know that the sentiment is rising towards him, and many have started to look at him more as a chinese minions than a true president of the Philippines all thanks to Mr.Max montero of Maxdefence. I'm not saying that he will lose the next election, but just for you to know that Duterte is not there forever, if he's gone your man in Manila is also gone. even though duterte is pro china, most of it's people and it's military (which many have deep ties with the US)is not.

But...but...but what about Manila Bay? and historical Filipino hatred for the US for defeating its colonial masters?

well it's not like we are going to fight side b side with the US marines in a future island hopping campaign. it's more like this. Indonesia downgrade it's ties politcally and economically with China while the US as a goodwill provide us with wepaons just to make a potential chinese misadventure more complicated.

How unfriendly! When all the PLAN wanted to do was to ensure the fishing rights of Chinese fishing boats a mile off Indonesian islands. What are the Indonesians planning to do with all that fish?

Duturte speaks the mind of ordinary Pinoy. Duturte is inclined more towards people of Philippines than elite of Philippines who is more pro US.

There is a reason why he is elected and a popular president. He fight drugs and help to shape Philippine economy.

US colonised Philippine for half a century and break the promise they agree when they took them from Spanish. This is something Pinoy will never forget. There is reason why US military are hated and US base are not allowed to continue.

You must know that the ordinary Pinoy runs the Philippines, not the elite. This has been decided by the Internet community, and is now official fact.

China doesn't need to challenge India in the South China Sea when they can do it in the Indian Ocean.

What challenge would that be? Stop sea lines of communications, maybe? Something substantial like that? Or just sail a flotilla up, and then sail it down?
THIEVES ARE NATURALLY ANXIOUS now that the owner has returned to reclaim their STOLEN ISLANDS.
The US gave the USS Decker, later renamed Taiping, to help China reclaim the Spratlys on December 1946. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Decker

GREEDY NEIGHBORS took advantage of a China weakened by civil war and famines to plunder their South China Sea islands.
Understandably ISLAND THIEVES are reluctant to part with their LOOT.

ISLAND THIEVES look towards SUCCESSFUL LAND GRAP THIEF, SUPA POWA INDIA for help on how to keep their LOOT.
1947 Annexation of Kashmir
1947 Annexation of Junagadh
1948 Annexation of Hyderabad
1949 Annexation of Manipur
1949 Annexation of Tripura
1951 Annexation of South Tibet:
1961 Annexation of Goa:
1962 Annexation of Kalapani, Nepal:

1971 Annexation of Turtuk, Pakistan:
1972 Annexation of Tin Bigha, Bangladesh
1975 Annexation of Sikkim (the whole country):
1983 Aborted Attempted to invade Mauritius
1990 Failed Attempted to annex Bhutan:
2006 Annexation of Duars, Bhutan:
2013 Annexation of Moreh, M260386

2017 (Failed) Second Attempted annexation of Bhutan:

1962 Failed Attempt to grab land from China:
True. So if India sends a fleet into the South China Sea, by your explanation, you, as neighbours and so-called friends, may or may not do something. Everything is assumption until then, or rubbish.

I found your formulation very useful.
WW3 might also break out tommorow, so you can have all the imagination like the poster here and spending a whole day on it, have fun.
WW3 might also break out tommorow, so you can have all the imagination like the poster here and spending a whole day on it, have fun.

Of course, why not? Megalomania is not a virus. It has stayed restricted to one location so far.
Unity is the key.... We need to first accept the fact that we are all very very weak countries when it comes to military and China....

India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand.... No one is capable of challenging China alone on its own.... Except Japan and South Korea nobody is capable of it..... Maybe together also we won't be able to withstand a military conflict with China but our unity means more headeche for PLAN in SCS or IOR wherever it wants to project its power.... We need to keep one dedicated naval force ready with 4-5 assets (warships, submarines, MPAs) from each of us and that force should be kept always ready somewhere in Indonesia or Malaysia....

Why Indonesia or Malaysia??? Because they are at the centre point of SCS and IOR and so this new naval force can be deployed to any ocean in shorter time.... This force should be only dedicated to handle Chinese naval intrusion in each others maritime boundary or to stop them trying to capture our islands....This will be a great deterrence against PLAN.... They will think twice before any misadventure.....

It is possible that China even then will try to escalate the issue and decides an offensive blow to this joint force... In that case we need to have something like an ANZUS treaty with each other.... Any Chinese attack on any of the nation in this group will involve all powers together in fight against the dragon.... Such war war will be very very costly for China even if they win in the end.... Not to mention USA/ JAPAN/ SK will do everything in their capacity to make this group have an upper hand over China... After all if they are getting a new deterrence against Dragon without themselves getting militarily involved why not????
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines.

The Philippines is not pro-China. It is anti-China. Just because Duterte mouths off and sides with China doesn't mean that Filipino society does. Duterte is an oddball. Once he is gone, the Philippines will firmly side with the US against China. Filipinos are deeply Americanized with a huge community in the US, they would never side with China over the US.
Indeed we should. As for you, you didn't go there to promote Pakistan, so why don't you go and tend to your sheep?

Oh look a little Indian lalu Prasad got offended. :lol: And just so that you don't forget, Remember what the reality is - India is a destitute country with 600 Million living on 1-dollar a day. Don't F* with a Superpower, otherwise a poor country like India will loose a big chunk of its North. :lol:
Oh look a little Indian lalu Prasad got offended. :lol: And just so that you don't forget, Remember what the reality is - India is a destitute country with 600 Million living on 1-dollar a day. Don't F* with a Superpower, otherwise a poor country like India will loose a big chunk of its North. :lol:

Which superpower, Australia? Or were you just being a shill?
If we want a peace in SCS and IOR then India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan all should team up and form an alliance which is only the realistic solution to tackle Dragon...

Except Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos no country in SCS is pro China..... Thailand though quite close to China these days still close to USA as well....

Once these countries form an alliance and keep dedicated naval forces ready to oppose any aggressive actions of PLAN in check both in SCS and IOR along with we have very powerful anti China countries like South Korea and Japan along with USN in Pacific do you really think China will be able to do what it is doing right now???

Violating maritime boundaries of SCS nations, capturing islands, building artificial islands in some other nations maritime boundaries???? No it will definitely not dare..... such alliance is not impossible to form if we really want to get rid of daily bullying from Dragon....

Together we are like a Hunter.... alone we are like a Goat left on the mercy of hungry wild Tiger.... China exactly knows this....
If we want a peace in SCS and IOR then India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan all should team up and form an alliance which is only the realistic solution to tackle Dragon...

Except Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos no country in SCS is pro China..... Thailand though quite close to China these days still close to USA as well....

Once these countries form an alliance and keep dedicated naval forces ready to oppose any aggressive actions of PLAN in check both in SCS and IOR along with we have very powerful anti China countries like South Korea and Japan along with USN in Pacific do you really think China will be able to do what it is doing right now???

Violating maritime boundaries of SCS nations, capturing islands, building artificial islands in some other nations maritime boundaries???? No it will definitely not dare..... such alliance is not impossible to form if we really want to get rid of daily bullying from Dragon....

Together we are like a Hunter.... alone we are like a Goat left on the mercy of hungry wild Tiger.... China exactly knows this....
The world doesn't spin in this way, maybe you should convince the much stronger EU nations to stand firm against Russia rather than asking much weaker ASEAN union nations to go all out while most of them relied on Sino-ASEAN economics tie.
If we want a peace in SCS and IOR then India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan all should team up and form an alliance which is only the realistic solution to tackle Dragon...

Except Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos no country in SCS is pro China..... Thailand though quite close to China these days still close to USA as well....

Once these countries form an alliance and keep dedicated naval forces ready to oppose any aggressive actions of PLAN in check both in SCS and IOR along with we have very powerful anti China countries like South Korea and Japan along with USN in Pacific do you really think China will be able to do what it is doing right now???

Violating maritime boundaries of SCS nations, capturing islands, building artificial islands in some other nations maritime boundaries???? No it will definitely not dare..... such alliance is not impossible to form if we really want to get rid of daily bullying from Dragon....

Together we are like a Hunter.... alone we are like a Goat left on the mercy of hungry wild Tiger.... China exactly knows this....

GDP of India + ASEAN + South Korea + Japan = 2T + 3.3T + 1.6T + 5T = 11.9 trillion USD.
GDP of China = 14 trillion USD

A single DF-5B nuke has 5 MT of explosive power. Entire Indian arsenal added together is less than that because you still don't have thermonuclear weapons.

You can try. but nobody is suicidal. China could take on the rest of Asia combined and win. We are the USA of the eastern hemisphere with a nuclear armed Canada (Russia) and nuclear armed Mexico (North Korea).

We prefer not to because we are a peaceful and benevolent people that prefer to engage in scientific research and trade. But if forced to defend ourselves, we will secure our existence by any means necessary.
Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany could take on Europe and Asia initially and we know what happens next.
Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany could take on Europe and Asia initially and we know what happens next.
Nothing can be worsen than a mutual destruction, you are in the 21th century.
Nothing can be worsen than a mutual destruction, you are in 21th century.
it's the 21st btw, and MAD is what keepin China off it's ambitions to take on the REST OF ASIA, like what your friends suggest.

The Philippines is not pro-China. It is anti-China. Just because Duterte mouths off and sides with China doesn't mean that Filipino society does. Duterte is an oddball. Once he is gone, the Philippines will firmly side with the US against China. Filipinos are deeply Americanized with a huge community in the US, they would never side with China over the US.

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