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China tightens grip over the South China Sea – should India worry?

it's the 21st btw, and MAD is what keepin China off it's ambitions to take on the REST OF ASIA, like what your friends suggest.

Mudslinging on the net is going to affect the real world even a cent?
why we always trying to concern if india is worried or not, india is out of China's league, it sud have been like nepal is building bridge with china india sud be worried bangladesh is buying jf thunder india sud be worried or SL is going to sign defence packt with Pak, india sud be worried this is it. india cant control its internal issued and cant afford externally only they can muniplate issue send terrorists to Pak and cry out loud with croc's tears..
india is only in pic cuz of its population other wise Brazil argentina kazakistan mangolia are much better in eithic sizes and maturity.
What MAD? You aren't a US ally and have no nukes.
No we didn't but certainly india does, and japan is under the protectorate of the USA aswell as Taiwan or SK. So yeah your dream of taking the entire Asia might be to ambitious. Here's Asia for you

Also don't forget Indonesia is literraly right in front of Australia, a major US allies in the pacific. Do you really think that Australia (and the US) will just sit back and watch Indonesia becoming part of China seizures of the entire asia like what you said?
No we didn't but certainly india does, and japan is under the protectorate of the USA aswell as Taiwan or SK. So yeah your dream of taking the entire Asia might be to ambitious. Here's Asia for you

Also don't forget Indonesia is literraly right in front of Australia, a major US allies in the pacific. Do you really think that Australia (and the US) will just sit back and watch Indonesia becoming part of China seizures of the entire asia like what you said?
You are definitely living in the past, this is not the colonization era and we are not Dutch.
India tightens grip over the Bay of Bengal – should CHINA worry?

US tightens grip over the Gulf of Mexico – should India worry?

What such rubbish really want to say is: India, against China.

India should not be equated with huge powers like US China or Russia.

India is not equal to those countries at all.
If we want a peace in SCS and IOR then India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan all should team up and form an alliance which is only the realistic solution to tackle Dragon...

Except Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos no country in SCS is pro China..... Thailand though quite close to China these days still close to USA as well....

Once these countries form an alliance and keep dedicated naval forces ready to oppose any aggressive actions of PLAN in check both in SCS and IOR along with we have very powerful anti China countries like South Korea and Japan along with USN in Pacific do you really think China will be able to do what it is doing right now???

Violating maritime boundaries of SCS nations, capturing islands, building artificial islands in some other nations maritime boundaries???? No it will definitely not dare..... such alliance is not impossible to form if we really want to get rid of daily bullying from Dragon....

Together we are like a Hunter.... alone we are like a Goat left on the mercy of hungry wild Tiger.... China exactly knows this....
Actually if world want peace, they should work to undone British creation of artificial country to the east of Pakistan who happens to have borrowed even its name from the land which was at the forefront of Pakistan movement.
No we didn't but certainly india does, and japan is under the protectorate of the USA aswell as Taiwan or SK. So yeah your dream of taking the entire Asia might be to ambitious. so don't forget Indonesia is literraly right in front of Australia, a major US allies in the pacific. Do you really think that Australia (and the US) will just sit back and watch Indonesia becoming part of China seizures of the entire asia like what you said?

No dream. I merely said that if forced to defend ourselves we can hold off the rest of Asia combined if necessary.

Don't attack us and don't threaten us, and you have nothing to worry about. We much prefer to make money and do science.

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