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China- Tibet a long way conflict

Since the enter of Chinese military over Tibet territories in 1950, the conflict between the communist authorities and Tibetan government was occurred.


FNOTW: China-Tibet: long way conflict (I)

Oh, the narrative...

What is going on in Helsinki? Why is all the knowledge about China always so twisted? :lol:
Tibet – a part of China or an independent state

On one hand, China insisted that China has continuously applied domination over Tibet for over 700 years until now. Furthermore, Tibet was never successful in fighting for their independence over that long period. Thus, no country or government even recognized Tibet as an independent state or nation, said the People’s Daily from China.

However, on the other hand, The Dalai Lama's director of information, Thubten Samphel dismissed the remark as offensive and unreliable. He explained that at various period of time, Tibet is under sovereignty of foreign countries, for examples, the Mongols, the Gurkhas of Nepal, the Manchus of China and the British.

Above all, this is the same to a vast number countries and nations around the world. Even so, at a point in its history, Tibet was the country placing the domination and influence on China. Tibet was an independent state in 1912, and Tibetans want this back.

I have seen many people doesn't make a clear understanding about this.

First of all, it is a must to understand clearly the definitions of China (中國) and "China (中國)".
"China (中國)", in the old definition, is not even a country name but a region, a title of the "central dynasty" and the "middle land". Even Vietnam, Korea and Japan used to call themselves 中國/中華 for particular reason.

However, China has indeed become a country's title officially used by the first republic of China. And if you check the old maps and denouements, Tibet is never considered as an independence nation but always a part of China.

As you can see,
China and Tibet is never a relationship of two nations, since Tibet IS China. Similar samples could be Prussia & Germany and India & Mughal.

Besides "the Mongols" and "the Manchus of China" are both Chinese Dynasties Yuan and Qing Dynasty (People always mistaken that only Han is Chinese), also the British was an invader to Chinese people (It was just like what they did to Hong Kong).

According to Chinese government, Tibet belongs to China from the mid-13th century. Hence, Tibet should continue to be ruled by Beijing and Chinese government.

Again, Tibetans are increasingly against this statement, added that Tibet was an independent republic for many centuries. The fact that China ruled over Tibet was not constant, for instance in 1912.

It is not "Tibet belongs to China..." but "Tibet under the rule of the suzerain (central government)". They are two different concepts. Also Tibet is never a "republic" but a land under the autocracy of the Lamas and local landlords. You lost a land, you have the right to take it back -most importantly, they had succeeded, simple as that.

The independence of Tibet was unfortunately not widely recognized and authorized. After that, in 1949, the People’s Republic of China was established, emphasizing on liberating all of Chinese territories and regions.

How could a non-country is widely recognized and authorized.

One more time, Tibet officially declared its independence from China. Also, Tibet confirmed that they will defend for their right and demanded all their territories back, which were taken from them by the previous Chinese government.

Later, Tibet asked for negotiations from the USA, Britain, China and India, but, there was no positive signal. Being afraid of the threat of military revenge, the other countries would not interfere and Tibet should maintain the negations with Chinese government.

How could you expect a renegade for no good reason gain positive response.
As I have mentioned many times in this forum:

"Freeing Tibet is one of the few good things the CCP has ever done."

At least there is no more farm-slaves and Tibetan people who are not related to Lamas and landlords finally has the right to be educated (and free).
As I have mentioned many times in this forum:

"Freeing Tibet is one of the few good things the CCP has ever done."

At least there is no more farm-slaves and Tibetan people who are not related to Lamas and landlords finally has the right to be educated (and free).

Go to Tibet and see for yourself if Tibetans have no freedom like anti-China sources claim.
Go to Tibet and see for yourself if Tibetans have no freedom like anti-China sources claim.

Nah, many Han people even call themselves second-class citizens, I suppose you know the reason.
Tibet and Xinjiang are both autonomous regions of China-both these regions make up 45% of the area of China. Chinese troops entered Tibet in the 1950"s -only foreign affairs and defence to be under the control of China.Internal policing and administration to be under Tibetan control.The reality is that China has total control since 1959 after the Dalai Lama fled Tibet.
All Chinese members claiming Tibet free and happy are douchebags. Please don't spit your stupid lies here..
During the Sino Japanese war, we signed 100 treaties, way more sincere than any signed between us, which one stopped the Japanese?

Only the blade on our guns, the blood in our veins put the Japanese in their place.

That sucks, they look like the israelis now
Are only buddhist creating problem in tibet then.

not Buddhists, idiots. If freeing Tibet is done by burning yourself, why is the lama and his little lacky, that other dude, not doing it.

This is just like WW2 Japan lost, the emperor calls for people to kill themselves to preserve their honor. 10,000 people did, the emperor fought tooth and nail to not only stay alive but keep the monarchy alive.

Idiots act before think, not Buddhists.


What makes Tibetans special? East Asians are all developed, minus China which is still much more developed than our friends on the other side.

If we are to look at central asia, what evidence is there that Tibet would even be half as rich without us? What evidence is there that people would even know there is a place called Tibet without us?

What evidence is there that Tibet would ever be anything but a backwater without us?

Even India lags behind Tibet development, and India is one of your big boy countries, sort of.
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No, but I think i stand on Tibet side!

So you would rather Tibet go back to a medieval theocracy, ruled by the religious leaders with 99% of the Tibetans' life literally is just worth a straw rope in the eyes of these monks? I think it is better to clarify that you are on the side of Tibetan dictators rather than on the side of Tibetan people.
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