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China threatens its Neighbours

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Nothing changes with your belief. It is not worth zilch. The only consistent thing is change and also in international economics, wealth flows to find an equilibrium. So let us not be so cocky, shall we?

I'm not saying that China is strong, I am saying that India is overestimating itself.

I'm sorry, but I don't buy the "Shining India" ideal that is thrown around here, when India currently has more people in poverty than Africa.

Maybe in ten years, but not today.

And yes, China has no reasons to boast either. Showing modesty and humility is always a good thing, especially when you have little reason to boast in the first place.
As long as the US dollar is abolished as the International Currency, US can't print any paper steal the goods from other nations.

That's our goal. :partay:

Only spineless country like Japan needs US market to sustain their economic growth.

With increasing purchasing power among Chinese citizen, we can sustain our economic growth with our domestic market. GM needs the 20 million car market from China to keep them from bankrupting. Yet Chinese buyers have more choice of picking European or Japanese/Korean cars.

Once Walmart moved out their factories from China, it gonna damage more to them than to China. They don't have other choice, other nations don't have a line of manufacturing production that keeps the price low with the adequate quality. If Walmart can't survive, then there will be another 2 million job loss in US, think about that.

Just check what percentage of China's production is its internal consumption. You will have the importance of US consumer for Chinese economy. Also when wishing for Walmart exit from China and the job losses in US, also consider how many jobs will be lost in China. Where did you learn your economics?
I'm not saying that China is strong, I am saying that India is overestimating itself.

I'm sorry, but I don't buy the "Shining India" ideal that is thrown around here, when India currently has more people in poverty than Africa.

Maybe in ten years, but not today.

And yes, China has no reasons to boast either. Showing modesty and humility is always a good thing, especially when you have little reason to boast in the first place.

And Chinese have the same percapita income as Mexico, but still dreams of taking on Untied states..so what has poverty got to do with overall defence equation.
So do you really like the Chicken feel and the cow tail soup. What about pig knuckles? Lookee here my friend, you know your culture and food and drinking habits better. Do you really want to take the discussion there. I have still about an hour before my connecting flight. I will be happy to indulge you there.

This was just an counter attack against the troll comment.

So what if some Chinese eat more variety of animals? Europeans also ate dogs when they were starving.


In fact, most Chinese living in large cities almost never ate any wild animals, because they believe is not hygienic like the meat from the domestic cattles.

Before some Chinese ate dogs and cats because they were starving.

So Europeans ate dogs and cats = nothing

And Chinese ate dogs and cats = barbarians ???

Using Western racism is simply absurd.
I'm not saying that China is strong, I am saying that India is overestimating itself.

I'm sorry, but I don't buy the "Shining India" ideal that is thrown around here, when India currently has more people in poverty than Africa.

Maybe in ten years, but not today.

And yes, China has no reasons to boast either. Showing modesty and humility is always a good thing, especially when you have little reason to boast in the first place.

So who is selling you the Shining India here. Reading the OpEd it is clear that it is China that is feeling the heat. No one is selling Shining India to China. The discussion is about the threat to clearly mentioned neighbours from China considering the "war" waging that some thinkers are advocating in China. So don't let your pride consume you. That is what I meant. And having more poor people than Africa is a shame for Indians, but mind you, no comfort for any agression against India in anyway.
Just check what percentage of China's production is its internal consumption. You will have the importance of US consumer for Chinese economy. Also when wishing for Walmart exit from China and the job losses in US, also consider how many jobs will be lost in China. Where did you learn your economics?

China now has a larger domestic market than US, stop living in the past.
This was just an counter attack against the troll comment.

So what some Chinese eat more variety of animals? Europeans also ate dogs when they were starving.


In fact, most Chinese living in large cities almost never ate any wild animals, because they believe is not hygienic like the meat from the domestic cattles.

Before some Chinese ate dogs and cats because they were starving.

So Europeans ate dogs and cats = nothing

And Chinese ate dogs and cats = barbarians

Using Western racism is simply absurd.

Why the fixation with the west here? Why is there a need to seek legitimacy in every practice from what the west did or does. And in any case, the piss drinking remark was not warranted even when answering a troll. For example, I could have commented on much more regarding the eating habits of Chinese if I wanted to. So let us just leave it here because this is in no way contributing to an effective discussion on the thread.
So who is selling you the Shining India here. Reading the OpEd it is clear that it is China that is feeling the heat. No one is selling Shining India to China. The discussion is about the threat to clearly mentioned neighbours from China considering the "war" waging that some thinkers are advocating in China. So don't let your pride consume you. That is what I meant. And having more poor people than Africa is a shame for Indians, but mind you, no comfort for any agression against India in anyway.

I hear nothing but that, from Indian members here.

Some Chinese do boast, but usually about things we have ACTUALLY achieved, like being the second largest economy in the world, or any other such quantifiable factors.

Indians always boast to me about things that they have not yet achieved, GDP projections etc. It is not worth anything.
China now has a larger domestic market than US, stop living in the past.

Why not look up some numbers and we can debate that. And puhlease do not bring up the Communist party numbers, even Chinese businessmen do not trust them. It is quite a joke in evening parties when there.
And Chinese have the same percapita income as Mexico, but still dreams of taking on Untied states..so what has poverty got to do with overall defence equation.

Which Chinese person is dreaming of taking on the US head-on in today's world?

Also, Hong Kong's GDP per capita is US$29,826, India's GDP per capita is US$1,124.

Does that mean Hong Kong can take on India by itself, because our GDP per capita is 30 times higher? :D
Why not look up some numbers and we can debate that. And puhlease do not bring up the Communist party numbers, even Chinese businessmen do not trust them. It is quite a joke in evening parties when there.

Then prove it that Chinese statistics are made by fraud.
Which Chinese person is dreaming of taking on the US head-on in today's world?

Errr... to start with the OpEd of this thread and of course then the jingoistic brigade most of whom I suspect will be writing from the employers offices in US
Then prove it that Chinese statistics are made by fraud.

I surely can. Can you first bring up the dream statistics of domestic consumption being greater than the manufacturing. Have you seen the trade imbalance with just US alone? Now it has to be a logical discussion or else just a waste of time. And to understand the communist party numbers, why not start with reading a little bit about the Shanghai real estate bubble and the disinvestment in banks immediatley followng that to continue maintaing liquidity with the government. Also read about the %age of NPAs developed by major Chinese banks in just last 4 years even when several of these were written off regularly till then. And then compare these statistics with the scrip valuation in HK and Shaghai. Try to see a trend. I really cannot undo the party education in a few minutes. You do not expect it, do you now?
U r posts do indicate that (U means all of the chinese ppl )

Quote me one of my posts to show that.

Also, please do not lump all of us Chinese people together as one entity.

I know you already used the "Ching chong" racial slur against us in the previous page, so I probably shouldn't even bother asking this from an Indian.
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