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China thinks ‘might is right’, wants to ‘replace US as global net security provider’: Indian Army chief General Pande

The US has made the world more free than ever. It has killed a lot of dictators, and disciplined many others.
Individual freedom is an American/European thing.
Made which people free ? And how many innocent people have Americans killed to achieve their evil world domination ? A white lackey will always be a lackey to defend his masters.
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Made which people free ? And how many innocent people have Americans killed to achieve their evil world domination ? A white lackey will always be a lackey to defend his masters.

Do the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution count ?
As it is since the dawn of Mankind, US or China or Russia or British they all believed and actively work towards getting their might imposed on weaker countries.
Do the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution count ?
GLF and CR are not done to extend Chinese dominance. These events has no bearing on the global order or affect any other country as one is a failed attempt at industrialization, the other is a civil strife, an internal power struggle.
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