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China - The world's hotbed of innovation?

again one man's opinion, where are the detailed analysis like these? (second time i have asked)

or you are questioning the level of professionism of WIPO or PCT not be able to identify 'junks?

There are two types of patents being filled in China

1. Domestic Patents - Majority of Chinese patents are domestic ones which are granted by China's State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO). They accept and grant all the junk patents. They are not bound by any International laws
China's patent applications in 2011 surge 33.6 pct - Xinhua | English.news.cn

2. International PCT patent applications - As per Wipo's site, China filled 16'406 PCT applications in 2011 as against 1.63 million domestic patents.

International Patent Filings Set New Record in 2011
Again, it's opinions, not facts. Until you can PROVE with facts, you are wrong.
Facts say China is now among the most innovative countries on this planet along with US, Japan, Germany and UK.
It is an op-ed based upon facts. And it is obvious that you have no experience in R/D and/or manufacturing.

Junk patents create serious barriers to the creative process and true innovations. The article pointed out...

Who is making junk patents?
The researcher couldn’t help asking: why did the applications, almost the same in nature, go to different departments?
That is 'fishing for a patent' when the applicant know his idea has little technical innovation and real world utility. It is done more for shallow prestige first and possible patent infringement lawsuit for money later. Those true innovators must spend months or even years sifting through the mounds of junk patents, even though legally granted by some patent body, to protect himself against the lawsuit vultures.

Ultimately, the quantity of patents are meaningless when the true innovations came from those with less patents in their portfolios.
It is an op-ed based upon facts. And it is obvious that you have no experience in R/D and/or manufacturing.

Junk patents create serious barriers to the creative process and true innovations. The article pointed out...

Who is making junk patents?

That is 'fishing for a patent' when the applicant know his idea has little technical innovation and real world utility. It is done more for shallow prestige first and possible patent infringement lawsuit for money later. Those true innovators must spend months or even years sifting through the mounds of junk patents, even though legally granted by some patent body, to protect himself against the lawsuit vultures.

Ultimately, the quantity of patents are meaningless when the true innovations came from those with less patents in their portfolios.

Nope, it's not based on facts. Just opinions. You are giving opinions. Facts are WIPO says we are innovation leaders. That's all I care.
There are two types of patents being filled in China

1. Domestic Patents - Majority of Chinese patents are domestic ones which are granted by China's State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO). They accept and grant all the junk patents. They are not bound by any International laws
China's patent applications in 2011 surge 33.6 pct - Xinhua | English.news.cn

2. International PCT patent applications - As per Wipo's site, China filled 16'406 PCT applications in 2011 as against 1.63 million domestic patents.

International Patent Filings Set New Record in 2011

the bold part is your usual fart``

16406 PCT applications and how many junks then``? do you know how many the self-claimed IT powerhouse Indian has from PCT?``not even 1/20 of China's from PCT
Rivalry? There is no rivalry. China is way ahead of India in ALL AREAS that there is no comparison. India should be compared to pakistan. China will compete with America.

May I know why?
Rivalry? There is no rivalry. China is way ahead of India in ALL AREAS that there is no comparison. India should be compared to pakistan. China will compete with America.

There's no need to make comparison. Our Pakistani friends, Indian neighbors and China are still developing. If some members here like to talk sh!t about Chinese innovation as mere copies of western innovations, you should let them keep this mentality because nothing you say can change it. We are copy cats, we are innovators, we are builders, all products people around the world are using are made in China :D
CNN :azn: when CNN came to my sight,I can prohibit the endings.....balbla....
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