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China - The world's hotbed of innovation?

Great, another non-article using the qualifiers 'could could could'.

Also post your source, its rude and suspect to not do so. It's what you presumably learned in middle school, do it.
sorry about article misinformation. china doesn't invent anything. it only replicates. a pitfall of communism, and the freeflow of ideas.
China builds fastest trains,longest bridges ,roads and subways,biggest airports,dams.China sends men and women up to the space and down to the bottom of the sea...those are all part of innovation.
i am tired of spon feeding those d1mwits especially those delusional and inferior complex indians
go find out yourself if your IQ is capable of reading stuff

You need to get yourself checked for schizophrenia. You seem to see Indians everywhere:lol:

P.S: There is no such thing as inferior complex, you can not use it as an adjective.

China builds fastest trains,longest bridges ,roads and subways,biggest airports,dams.China sends men and women up to the space and down to the bottom of the sea...those are all part of innovation.

Not exactly, specially when all the technologies are borrowed from elsewhere.
You need to get yourself checked for schizophrenia. You seem to see Indians everywhere:lol:

P.S: There is no such thing as inferior complex, you can not use it as an adjective.

We are proud of our achievements. When Indians attack it (when Indians are no where near us), we fight back. We have been under embargo for years in military tech, civilian tech and we still work hard to achieve success. Just look at the article I posted about China developing 22nm transistors. The west tried to keep us ATLEAST 2 generations behind, but we are very close to them.
Indians can't do these things and yet laugh at us. Of all people, Indians should be last to laugh at us considering how behind India is. Beijingwalker has done a superb job in showing our achievements to jealous Indians.
There is a country where more 50% of the people defecate in the open. Geez, what kind of a country would that be?:frown:

if 50% of people in the same country piss towards you.you will be flooded!!!!

Copying is the way journalist playing with word to discredit Chinese achievement. The positive name is "learning". China innovation is real, as the statistic said. Both from UN report and science magazine.

whatever you call,technically,the rest of the world call it reverse engineering!!!!
What we get wrong about China
November 28th, 2012
10:47 AM ET

By Bhaskar Chakravorti, Special to CNN
We now know who will be leading the two most important nations for the global economy – for the next four years in the United States’ case, and for a decade in China’s. By the time President Obama is ready to leave office, China will have passed the U.S. in GDP terms, at least according to a report by the OECD. But with GDP no longer Chinese leaders’ top concern, the country has its sights set on catching up with the U.S. in another area – innovation.

On a recent to visit to speak at the World Economic Forum's Summer Davos in Tianjin, I was struck by the sense of urgency among Chinese leaders to close the gap when it comes to innovation. It was clear to me that it is time for the U.S. to pay close attention, because urgency in China is generally followed by execution.

Unfortunately, America has worked itself up over the wrong issues as far as “competitiveness” is concerned: we bemoan the fact that China has taken our jobs (and 42 percent of Americans believe that China is already the world’s largest economy, a Pew survey suggested). But those worried about the country’s future would be better served focusing on U.S. competitiveness in innovation, something that has the potential to put this country’s growth back on track.

The problem is that there is a general (and misplaced) belief that China will always be a loser, that it can only imitate, not innovate. Critics argue that its society is too top-down and that American innovation will always be buoyed by Silicon Valley.

But the reality is that it is naïve to believe China cannot narrow the gap in innovation, and the second Obama administration would do well to consider that America could actually learn a thing or two from across the Pacific. And it could start by grappling with some widely held myths:

1. There is no innovation in China, only piracy and imitation.

Most innovation begins with imitation; America got its start by imitating inventions from the Old World. Meanwhile, many Chinese "imitations," such as Alibaba, Tencent or Sina Weibo, have moved far beyond being mere copies of their U.S. counterparts. Each is solving problems uniquely relevant to Chinese businesses and consumers, something that could create platforms for innovations that are propelled into global markets.

2. The Chinese approach to innovation is too top-down and state-led – real innovation only comes from the bottom-up.

The Chinese state is committed to bringing China to the ranks of the innovative nations by 2020. Silicon Valley entrepreneurs might shudder at this top-down approach. Yet consider, for example, where the American entrepreneur would be if the U.S. government had not funded the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency that gave birth to the Internet. The state must play a role in investing in foundational innovations, such as the Internet and mobile technologies. Once these foundations are laid, then a competitive bottom-up ecosystem will encourage creative destruction. But sadly, U.S. government investment in such foundational innovations has been on a steady decline.

3. Intellectual property rights protection in China is too weak to encourage innovation.

China's weaker intellectual property protection could, arguably, make it easier to foster a climate conducive to open innovation. Of course, a balance needs to be struck between open access to intellectual property and protecting it – with no protection, innovation will stall, because investors need returns on their investment. Unfortunately, in the U.S., intellectual property protections block innovation just as much as they promote it.

4. In a globalized economy, sustaining innovation requires investment in international markets; China's brand and soft power abroad is weak and dated.

Despite several unresolved issues such as territorial disputes and balance of trade, China's influence in the world's fast-growing regions, including Africa, Latin America and East Asia, is growing more rapidly than that of the United States. When Chinese innovations look for inputs or consumers and they turn to these markets, they are likely to have as many opportunities as well-known U.S. brands – perhaps even a better chance. Indeed, when it comes to ties with Africa and Latin America, China is often one step ahead of the U.S.

5. China's education model emphasizes rote learning; innovation can only flourish in environments that encourage exploration, critical thinking and a broad education in the liberal arts tradition.

The danger with the Chinese approach is that if you don’t expose students to other disciplines and encourage critical thinking, they may lack the breadth to blossom into creative problem-solvers and risk takers. However, the U.S. system has some severe deficits of its own. A recent U.S. Department of Commerce report, for example, highlights a growing gap in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. Notably, immigrants are the ones filling the education gap – half the start-ups in Silicon Valley were founded by immigrants.

Sure, the Chinese model of innovation needs plenty of work, but in many ways China is also learning from the U.S. and following in our early footsteps. As China moves up the curve and adds the uniqueness of its own experience and approach, it may create a new hybrid model that has lessons for other nations, including the United States.

Remember, it’s true that the global positioning system is a product of the U.S. Department of Defense. But the Chinese were the ones who gave us the compass in the first place.
chinese people love to copy. even my chinese friend admitted that in chinese culture, innovation is not important. copying is considered the greatest virtue.
chinese people love to copy. even my chinese friend admitted that in chinese culture, innovation is not important. copying is considered the greatest virtue.

all the great countries like to copy great ideas from others so that we can develop faster and innovate or invent later

but cunning indians like to copy tricks and short cuts, so you ended up of unable to make anything by your own and have to import vurtually every modern high tech products
all the great countries like to copy great ideas from others so that we can develop faster and innovate or invent later

but cunning indians like to copy tricks and short cuts, so you ended up of unable to make anything by your own and have to import vurtually every modern high tech products

stop trolling. indians are also progressing . both china and india can progress. it does not have to be one or the other. the world is big enough for both.
Imitation is the first step to innovation. You imitate and learn from it, then you try to improve on it which eventually becomes a new innovation. Human knowledge is acquired gradually. You don't go from nothing to innovation. Imitation is a necessary step on the way to innovation. I'm glad we learnt lots from reverse engineering. Reverse engineering is a very difficult thing to do, it might look easy but its damn hard. That's why only a handful of countries can reverse engineer. It's very important to catch up to existing technologies through learning and doing.
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