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China & Thailand vow to advance military ties

"If Thaksin's idea is influential in Yingluck's foreign policy formulation, one thing we can expect from her government is attempts by Thailand to revive its influence in regional affairs," said Pongphisoot Busbarat, a research associate at the Australian National University.

Yingluck's vision, he added, may at the same time inevitably "further anchor" China's influence in Thailand and the Greater Mekong sub-region including Burma, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, all of which share the Mekong River.

A successful businesswoman, Yingluck, 44, wants to enhance Thailand’s international competitiveness by developing provincial urban areas as well as the domestic railway network in Southeast Asia's second largest economy.

"This policy will likely have to synchronize closely with China’s plan to extend high-speed railways to Southeast Asia," Pongphisoot said.

"Bangkok still cannot get from the China relationship what it obtains from the United States, in terms of high-level military ties and training, as well as effective intelligence cooperation," said Joshua Kurlantzick, a Southeast Asian expert at the Washington-based Council on Foreign Relations.

China's Influence to Grow in Thailand?
If Chinese become leader of Thailand, then I hope they can help China's interests in the region.

Former President of Peru Alberto Fujimori funneled billions of dollars from Peru to Japan through kickbacks, killed political opponents, then when he was overthrown, fled to Japan to avoid charges.

Now that's what a real politician is like.
If Chinese become leader of Thailand, then I hope they can help China's interests in the region.

Former President of Peru Alberto Fujimori funneled billions of dollars from Peru to Japan through kickbacks, killed political opponents, then when he was overthrown, fled to Japan to avoid charges.

Now that's what a real politician is like.

Kamikaze attack is gone, no longer have to pick on the Japanese:cheesy:
It's not easy like that, Thailand and CHina dont' share the border, and Thailand still in US 's hand, CIA will make some coups or even assassination to keep controling Thailand.

You make CIA sound like international mafia gangster. That is really bad for CIA and USA image. I wonder the patriotic American of Viet origin will bash you or keep quiet.
You make CIA sound like international mafia gangster. That is really bad for CIA and USA image. I wonder the patriotic American of Viet origin will bash you or keep quiet.

Nah,he would just tell you,we and US are friend,we will kick China together and take over Thailand.ASEAN will have peace with us leading..:lol:
You make CIA sound like international mafia gangster. That is really bad for CIA and USA image. I wonder the patriotic American of Viet origin will bash you or keep quiet.

hehe, CIA assasinated South VN president when he did not obey US's order. As I guess, there will be more and more coup in Thailand, so if it happend, you can consider I tell you guy the Trust :)

Oh, you're in Malaysia right, no war , right ? but the whole world is geting crazy now, even Noway can not be safe any more, so let's prepare for the worst bro :)
US is bankcrupt and stuck in 3 wars. What can they do? China is the future. If the current Thai government is pro China then so are the opposition Taksin supporters or Yingluck.

Vietnam is pay dearly if they continue to create trouble. So ungrateful.
SO let see what CIA can do to stop CHina in Thailand, we make no trouble with ASEAN, and we just try to protect our sovereignty in SCS(easy sea).
SO let see what CIA can do to stop CHina in Thailand, we make no trouble with ASEAN, and we just try to protect our sovereignty in SCS(easy sea).

Kind of foolish really if NiceGuy thinks ASEAN will form a defense against china, China is the life of Laos and has good relations with Cambodia not to mention good relations with Burma.
Kind of foolish really if NiceGuy thinks ASEAN will form a defense against china, China is the life of Laos and has good relations with Cambodia not to mention good relations with Burma.

In this thread, I just tell the trust that: USA will not let Thailand fall in CHina's hand, and if some body can not face with the Trust, coz they never know how crazy the world is moving, how rude CIA will make, so I will keep quite untill coup in Thailand happend again.

ASEAN will not form anything, it's their choice, but I don't know what CIA will do with them specialy in Thailand to stop China.You think good relation with Laos-Cam will help CHina separate them with VN ??oh, don't forget that we sent troops many times to protect Laos against enemies already.
Thailand is already in Chinese hands, current prime misnister is ethnic Chinese, the previous one , and the one before the previous one are all ethnic Chinese. More than 50% of Thailand's past prime ministers are ethnic Chinese.
Even the King of Thai has some Chinese descent. But that does not mean the Thai are controlled by Chinese. The PMs have Chinese descent, but they all are Thais. Chinese in Thai especially in BKK are deeply assimilated into Thai. You can see most of the popilar stars in Thai have Chinese descent too. Mario, Son, Pong......
Based on my witnesses, at least those people are loyalty to Thailand and the King, the King is half of Chinese in blood, the Thai love the King so they have good reason to support those Chinese-Thai ministers. Plus Thais are open mind people, they get involved with Chinese peacefully and the Chinese love them either. The Chinese immigrants help building a huge contribution to Thailand, so there are nothing could prevent the warm feeling between the Thai and the Chinese going closer. I could say the relationship between Thailand and China are not like the Viet treat us Cambodian. Even we have dispute with Thailand this recent time but we don't hate Thais, we hope the problem could be solved in a near future so all of us can live in happily again. Yet, be aware to not to fall in the trap the Viet make to stir up our friendship between three countries Cambodia, Thailand and China!!!

In Thai and China, officials and ordinary people use Good neighbor, Good friend and good relatives to define Sino-Thai relationship.
SO let see what CIA can do to stop CHina in Thailand, we make no trouble with ASEAN, and we just try to protect our sovereignty in SCS(easy sea).

Just remember, ASEAN was founded because of the fear of Vietnam during the Vietnam war after US started to withdraw. Yet ASEAN allowed Vietnam to join. Now Vietnam is making used of ASEAN to drive its own agenda. Should never trust Vietnamese.
Just remember, ASEAN was founded because of the fear of Vietnam during the Vietnam war after US started to withdraw. Yet ASEAN allowed Vietnam to join. Now Vietnam is making used of ASEAN to drive its own agenda. Should never trust Vietnamese.

VN wants to be your big brother in ASEAN
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