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China Testing Ballistic Missile ‘CARRIER-KILLER'

Thanks for your reply, but few things are unanswered... Assumption: This missile is Ballistic or at most Quasi ballistic missile..

1. Between missile launch and target hit the time gap will be more than 15-20 minutes, by the time Carrier group can move 10-15 (16-25 KM) knots (Assuming 30 knots/hr) from the missile path(in any direction)... How this missile will track it path in between?? ballistic missile don't use Active homing or any similar technology.

2. I assume that as soon as missile launched Enemy radar/Intelligence can track the launch and even trajectory (this is how scud missile were intercepted, since then Ballistic missile upgraded so do the interceptors)
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Thanks for your reply, but few things are unanswered... Assumption: This missile is Ballistic or at most Quasi ballistic missile..

1. Between missile launch and target hit the time gap will be more than 15-20 minutes, by the time Carrier group can move 10-15 (16-25 KM) knots (Assuming 30 knots/hr) from the missile path(in any direction)... How this missile will track it path in between?? ballistic missile don't use Active homing or any similar technology.

2. I assume that as soon as missile launched Enemy radar/Intelligence can track the launch and even trajectory (this is how scud missile were intercepted, since then Ballistic missile upgraded so do the interceptors)

1.As I understand the idea firing on most likely path. As missle does not need to get direct hit. Other then that I will leave it to the expert.

2.As far as I know,yes. It suppost to be quite "easy" to track those. But you can't intercepted an MRBM or ICBM.
Thanks for your reply, but few things are unanswered... Assumption: This missile is Ballistic or at most Quasi ballistic missile..
All missiles have ballistic trajectories. Just that for distances of several hundreds km, the ballistic path is most prominent, hence the convenient association. A rifle bullet does have a ballistic trajectory, albeit a much 'flatter' one.

1. Between missile launch and target hit the time gap will be more than 15-20 minutes, by the time Carrier group can move 10-15 (16-25 KM) knots (Assuming 30 knots/hr) from the missile path(in any direction)... How this missile will track it path in between?? ballistic missile don't use Active homing or any similar technology.
That is the question that the DF-21 fanboys have been unable to answer, other than to make personal attacks against challengers to distract attention from the challenge.

You should first understand that a missile is essentially a throw-away weapon, meaning you throw away the launch vehicle along with the payload. An aircraft deliver its payload and return to base to rearm. A missile cannot. That mean a missile must be even more stingy about overall weight. A guidance system consists of a sensor system and a flight control system. So if a ballistic missile has a guidance and flight control systems, its payload will be reduced proportionately, assuming the missile's propulsion remains the same.

So how can the DF-21:

- Acquire a target ?
- Track this target?
- Adjust its path to match the target's continously changing location?

These are not technically impossible. Very difficult to design and implement-- yes. But not technically impossible. The problem here is that for a non-nuclear payload, even if there is a direct hit, the payload may be too small to do any crippling damages. It is too small because the warhead assembly must have room for the sensor and flight control systems. Another issue -- not problem -- is what is the reaction time for any maneuvers to adjust for a moving target? Lateral accelerations, meaning maneuvers, will create structural stresses, this mean the warhead assembly must be robust enough to withstand these stresses at Mach speed, this mean a reduced payload.

Take a look at this example...

bigEfire.com Ordeal of the USS Enterprise
The USS Enterprise came within a step of dying on 14 January, 1969. Exploding weapons on the flight deck blew the ship apart all the way down to the waterline. Flaming jet fuel from the thirty two aircraft involved cascaded down through those many great wounds firing the interior of the ship.
If this level of damages occurred in war, the Enterprise would have continued, not return to port. Air operations would have been limited, but not eliminated. But because it was peace time, and we do not want to send damaged ships to patrol, the Enterprise had to return to port for repairs. This should give you a rough guide on how tough it really is to actually sink a post WW II aircraft carrier.

Final thing to remember...Assuming this is still a non-nuclear engagement, in a ship versus missile situation, if the missile failed by even just one meter off, the ship win. So depending the sensor type, if the ship can create effective enough countermeasure to cause that one meter miss, the DF-21 is defeated.

2. I assume that as soon as missile launched Enemy radar/Intelligence can track the launch and even trajectory (this is how scud missile were intercepted, since then Ballistic missile upgraded so do the interceptors)
Yes on all counts.
Richard Fisher is NOT a government official. He is a researcher from here...

International Assessment and Strategy Center > About > About IASC

Claiming that the US does not have a solution against the DF-21 is based upon the assumption that the DF-21 is already perfected, which halfway through the man said 'I think...' which should be a clue to a real critical thinker that he does not have all the information about the DF-21. The fact that you called Fisher a 'government official' tells me that you, like all the Chinese fanboys about this subject, have NOT done what professionals called 'due diligence' and find out if IASC is an office of the US government or not. If you cannot spare a few moments to verify a source, I cannot take your argument seriously that you can even understand the video. And people call Americans 'brainwashed' by the media...:rolleyes:

A lot more logical than you have been. The rest of your drivel is summarily dismissed.

you should be appreciating that I am atleast quoting a student who is an expert on the subject.Besides the government officials are too dumb to discuss the technicalities.As I said before you are one relaxed person,but fortunately the think tank sitting in your country aren't that relaxed and one should atleast give them credit to show their concerns very openly to the common people and admitting the weaknessess.

Chinese 'Carrier-killer' Missile Raises Concerns of Pacific Power Shift | Center for a New American Security

Mr Professional make some time to check out the above link.

Besides none of it matters.Even if we fight professionally that DF-21 lacks the ability to target a carrier it will still do the necessary job it was made for.

The Pentagon considers such a missile an "anti-access," weapon, meaning that it could deny others access to certain areas.
The Air Force's top surveillance and intelligence officer, Lt. Gen. David Deptula, told that China's effort to increase anti-access capability is part of a worrisome trend.

Former Navy commander James Kraska, a professor of international law and sea power at the U.S. Naval War College, recently wrote a controversial article in the magazine Orbis outlining a hypothetical scenario set just five years from now in which a Deng Feng 21D missile with a penetrator warhead sinks the USS George Washington.

The Chinese would respond with three salvos of DF 21D, the first of which would pierce the hull, start fires and shut down flight operations, the article says. The second would knock out its engines and be accompanied by air attacks. The third wave, the article says, would "send the George Washington to the bottom of the ocean."

Now the only million dollar question remains is this.Will USA bring it's carrier close to China Sea?ya think?
1Between missile launch and target hit the time gap will be more than 15-20 minutes, by the time Carrier group can move 10-15 (16-25 KM) knots (Assuming 30 knots/hr) from the missile path(in any direction)... How this missile will track it path in between?? ballistic missile don't use Active homing or any similar technology.

at first, I thought the missile would be guided by others untill the re-entry phase (20-30 seconds before hitting the target). But the latest information indicated that the missile will be guided all the way untill it hits the target, even if it is enveloped in a plasma cloud.
you should be appreciating that I am atleast quoting a student who is an expert on the subject.Besides the government officials are too dumb to discuss the technicalities.As I said before you are one relaxed person,but fortunately the think tank sitting in your country aren't that relaxed and one should atleast give them credit to show their concerns very openly to the common people and admitting the weaknessess.

Chinese 'Carrier-killer' Missile Raises Concerns of Pacific Power Shift | Center for a New American Security

Mr Professional make some time to check out the above link.

Besides none of it matters.Even if we fight professionally that DF-21 lacks the ability to target a carrier it will still do the necessary job it was made for.

The Pentagon considers such a missile an "anti-access," weapon, meaning that it could deny others access to certain areas.
The Air Force's top surveillance and intelligence officer, Lt. Gen. David Deptula, told that China's effort to increase anti-access capability is part of a worrisome trend.

Former Navy commander James Kraska, a professor of international law and sea power at the U.S. Naval War College, recently wrote a controversial article in the magazine Orbis outlining a hypothetical scenario set just five years from now in which a Deng Feng 21D missile with a penetrator warhead sinks the USS George Washington.

The Chinese would respond with three salvos of DF 21D, the first of which would pierce the hull, start fires and shut down flight operations, the article says. The second would knock out its engines and be accompanied by air attacks. The third wave, the article says, would "send the George Washington to the bottom of the ocean."

Now the only million dollar question remains is this.Will USA bring it's carrier close to China Sea?ya think?

And after the George Washington goes bye bye, US won't fire back?
Nonesense scenario. Sound more like someone wants a bigger budject on something...

1. Between missile launch and target hit the time gap will be more than 15-20 minutes, by the time Carrier group can move 10-15 (16-25 KM) knots (Assuming 30 knots/hr) from the missile path(in any direction)... How this missile will track it path in between?? ballistic missile don't use Active homing or any similar technology.

There is something named Global Positioning system.Should read that.Chinese have integrated every possible means of communication to acquire track and change the trajectory of the projectile.
Electromagnetic railgun sets new world record


An image taken from a video monitor of a 32 MJ test shot at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division. (IHS Jane's/Sam LaGrone)

The US Office of Naval Research (ONR) achieved a world record-breaking 33 MJ shot when it hurled a rectangular steel projectile from an experimental electromagnetic (EM) railgun on 10 December.

The muzzle energy unleashed during the demonstration at the US Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, Virginia, was equivalent to that required to fire a projectile at least 110 n miles, the ONR said.

A separate 32 MJ test shot was conducted for journalists after the record-breaking shot. Viewed on video monitors, there was an audible boom and a bright flash of light as the 23 lb (10.4 kg) test round travelled down range at 2.5 km/s (Mach 7).

The first phase of the railgun test programme was run in co-operation with General Atomics, which built the 100 MJ capacitor bank that powered the system, and BAE Systems, which built the 32 MJ laboratory test gun, said ONR programme manager Roger Ellis.

Electromagnetic railgun sets new world record
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