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China Testing Ballistic Missile ‘CARRIER-KILLER'

India will be having 2 or 3 aircraft carriers till 2020. If india decides to block Karachi with 2 aircraft carriers , pakistani missile boats can never stop them.
Will the Chinese send their aircraft carrier to save their strategic ally , all weather friend Pakistan ???

my stupid little friend your AC presents us with a bigger target to hit and by the way where the hell was Vikrant in 65 and 71.It couldnt do anything while our one general purpose WW2 submarine named ghazi sat dormant on the bottle neck in Bombay and shut the whole port down.An AC will give no advantage in the act of war if take into consideration the aim of using one.
is china any match for usa??????????well simple answer is :::::::no....no...and hell no...........china is actually 25 percent of american military strength and that too most of their equipment is ageing........a bunch of missiles aint gonna do much harm.........plus if ur talking cruise missiles then america sarsenal is 5 times more than chinese........i just dont understand why is america givin so much atention to a country one fifth its power?????????????????????? i just dont seem to understand????????:hitwall::hitwall:

:blah::blah:well jhonny boy china might not be muche on the table when compared with USA but china has the ability to collapse american financial market overnight and the americans cant do a thing about it .so you my friend stand nowhere to criticize them:china::pakistan::smokin::wave:
Would love to see a video of a DF-21D test.
Did you also cheer the destruction of the World Trade Center?

Probably, but wait most Pakistani and Chinese members here believe that 9/11, London bombings and the Mumbai attacks were all conspiracy theories. Get ready for a tirade of re-iterated Alex Jones BS which they claim to be evidence.

Gambit is one relaxed person.
There is a rule of logic that you may need to come to the West to learn: The burden of proof lies with the claimant.

Now...I do not care what talking heads say on television. I care only for the technical aspects of the claim. Talking heads can only opine and speculate based upon the generosity that the claimant is speaking the truth. Critical thinkers never assume that something is technically impossible, unless laws of physics are being violated, but they do care for reasonably technical explanations on how certain things supposed to work.

Like this => http://www.defence.pk/forums/866788-post28.html .

The DF-21 fanboys here never worn the uniform of a fast food franchise, let alone serve time in a real military, so I do not expect any to reveal 'Top Secret' information, as if anyone here has that clearance anyway...:rolleyes:...But I do expect a fanboy to bring up better claimants than TV talking heads speaking in generalities. For those of us who had direct or indirect experience, even the language in my example will be sufficient to alert them that the claimant is not talking nonsense. So like all good critical thinkers are supposed to do, I will reserve judgment on the DF-21 until I see something better than fanboy-ism drivel. And if you read my speculation on how could the DF-21 do what is claimed, you will see that in no way I am saying it is technically impossible for the DF-21's claim.
So even if just %50 of what I said above is true, what make you believe that we do not have a viable defense against the DF-21? Because the Chinese government said so...???

Your question has been answered by the government official in the video.He is claiming that USA has not a solution to counter DF-21.If his claim is false than some one should have correct it,but I do not see any.So we have every reason to believe it.

There is a rule of logic that you may need to come to the West to learn: The burden of proof lies with the claimant.

Please be more Logical less rheotric.

Now...I do not care what talking heads say on television. I care only for the technical aspects of the claim. Talking heads can only opine and speculate based upon the generosity that the claimant is speaking the truth. Critical thinkers never assume that something is technically impossible, unless laws of physics are being violated, but they do care for reasonably technical explanations on how certain things supposed to work.

Talking heads do not come to the national television by accidents.It is your own judgement.I think you should be there instead of him.

And if you read my speculation on how could the DF-21 do what is claimed, you will see that in no way I am saying it is technically impossible for the DF-21's claim.

Neither you are claiming anything about DF-21 nor you want to listen if some Fan boy come up with some news.What kind of critical thinking is this.You have only theoritically assume DF-21 viability and on behalf of that give us your own conclusion.The argument in this will always remain, until some concrete information comes out.
Seems like an annual event these "carrier killer" missiles.

These reports must be on a Word template and the date changed every 6-10 months

Overly boring propaganda if you ask me. Not to even mention that the idea of launching a DF-21,it's more like trying you luck in Russian rulet, suicidal!
You can't be sure the other side won't launch anything back(when they detect your launch of MRBM!)!
Even in the cold war,both Russians and US first tell each other if they are going to test one of these things.

Crazy ppl with their ever crazyer ideas.
Probably, but wait most Pakistani and Chinese members here believe that 9/11, London bombings and the Mumbai attacks were all conspiracy theories. Get ready for a tirade of re-iterated Alex Jones BS which they claim to be evidence.


F off with your smears. Where did you see Chinese member say 9/11, 7/5, 26/11 were fake?

and as for conspiracy theories and gullibility? the majority of Indians here still believes that China started the 1962 war, Nehru was refused a UNSC in favour of China, and 1/3 of all NASA scientists are Indian.
Your question has been answered by the government official in the video.He is claiming that USA has not a solution to counter DF-21.If his claim is false than some one should have correct it,but I do not see any.So we have every reason to believe it.
Richard Fisher is NOT a government official. He is a researcher from here...

International Assessment and Strategy Center > About > About IASC
IASC is a "think-tank" focused on medium and long-term security issues and their impact on the security of the United States and her key allies. IASC is supported by foundations, universities, corporations and private donors, and by contract work performed for the U.S. Government.
Claiming that the US does not have a solution against the DF-21 is based upon the assumption that the DF-21 is already perfected, which halfway through the man said 'I think...' which should be a clue to a real critical thinker that he does not have all the information about the DF-21. The fact that you called Fisher a 'government official' tells me that you, like all the Chinese fanboys about this subject, have NOT done what professionals called 'due diligence' and find out if IASC is an office of the US government or not. If you cannot spare a few moments to verify a source, I cannot take your argument seriously that you can even understand the video. And people call Americans 'brainwashed' by the media...:rolleyes:

Please be more Logical less rheotric.
A lot more logical than you have been. The rest of your drivel is summarily dismissed.
Gambit and other American

What counter measure Aircraft carriers does have against Guided and un-Guided missile???

1a. As per my understanding ballistic missiles are un-guided or quasi-guided missiles, How do you see any ballistic missile hitting moving target???
2. Is there any way to kill all re-entry vehicle in air using patriot kind of missile???
3. Striking Nuke on any nation's carrier will start Nuke war, isn't it???
4. using Nuke in International border is against law, isn't it?
What counter measure Aircraft carriers does have against Guided and un-Guided missile???

1a. As per my understanding ballistic missiles are un-guided or quasi-guided missiles, How do you see any ballistic missile hitting moving target???
2. Is there any way to kill all re-entry vehicle in air using patriot kind of missile???
3. Striking Nuke on any nation's carrier will start Nuke war, isn't it???
4. using Nuke in International border is against law, isn't it?

1.Not been a exper on this,but is it hard to hit near a target that is moving at 30+ knots(top speed)? Consider the battlegroup move as a group.

2.No. Or you have to do what russian choose to do. Explod a nuke of your own on sky to "defened" against a nuke.

3.As I was saying,that could be true by FIRING a MRBM. crazy idea!
4.Using nuke is against the law!
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