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China tested JL-2 SLBM last month

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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China carried out a flight test of its new JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missile last month, highlighting Beijing’s nuclear buildup of missile submarines. The JL-2 flight test took place Jan. 23, according to defense officials familiar with details of the test.

No details of the test were available. China in the past has conducted JL-2 flight tests from the Bohai Sea.

Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Jeff Pool declined to comment on the test. But Lt. Col. Pool said the JL-2 was discussed in the Pentagon’s most recent annual report on the Chinese military as one part of the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s “first credible long-range sea-based nuclear deterrent.”

The JL-2 test took place, coincidentally, on the same day that North Korea conducted what Pentagon officials said was the first flight test of a developmental submarine-launched ballistic missile called the KN-11. Officials said there did not appear to be any linkage between the two tests.

The congressional U.S.-China Economic Security and Review Commission stated in its latest annual report that the JL-2 is part of China’s expanding strategic nuclear forces and appears to have reached initial operating capability.

“The JL-2’s range of approximately 4,598 miles gives China the ability to conduct nuclear strikes against Alaska if launched from waters near China; against Alaska and Hawaii if launched from waters south of Japan; against Alaska, Hawaii and the western portion of the continental United States if launched from waters west of Hawaii; and against all 50 U.S. states if launched from waters east of Hawaii,” the report said.

The commission report said that despite uncertainty surrounding the number of Chinese nuclear missiles and warheads, “it is clear China’s nuclear forces over the next three to five years will expand considerably and become more lethal and survivable with the fielding of additional road-mobile nuclear missiles; as many as five JIN [missile submarines], each of which can carry 12 JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missiles; and intercontinental ballistic missiles armed with multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRVs).”

China’s nationalistic state-run newspaper Global Times in 2013 published a lengthy article that stated that nuclear JL-2 missile strikes on the western United States would kill 5 million to 12 million people through a combination of blasts and radioactive fallout.

The article was later pulled from the newspaper’s website after reports about the provocative report were published in the West.

The Obama administration and Pentagon remained silent on the Global Times report. When asked about the report in November 2013, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert appeared to dismiss the Chinese submarine missile nuclear threat as not credible.

China was to have carried out the first missile submarine patrols with nuclear-armed JL-2 missiles by the end of last year.

However, Defense Intelligence Agency Director Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart told the House Armed Services Committee Feb. 3 that the first missile submarine patrols are expected this year.

Last year, China on two occasions deployed submarines to the Indian Ocean in what Lt. Gen. Stewart said were part of plans for boosting Chinese power projection.

China continues production of JIN-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines and submarine-launched ballistic missiles,” the general said.

Inside the Ring: China tests nuclear missile for submarine launch - Washington Times
BMD capable of destroying MIRVs is the need of the hour with highly assertive and unstable countries like China developing intercontinental SLBMs with MIRVs. The CCP is highly ambitious and I don't think their NFU policy can be trusted. Their official newspapers reflect their intentions for world dominance by annihilating the United States.
BMD capable of destroying MIRVs is the need of the hour with highly assertive and unstable countries like China developing intercontinental SLBMs with MIRVs. The CCP is highly ambitious and I don't think their NFU policy can be trusted. Their official newspapers reflect their intentions for world dominance by annihilating the United States.
Since you made the comment, prove, I mean with FACTS, that have RESULTED in instability and or war, or mass unrest.

That is an irresponsible comment, unless proven otherwise.

Also not developing, having. Chinese news paper may be state ran, but it's not the mouth piece of Xi, or the party. This particular paper is more like fox news, it both is and isn't speaking for the party.
The situation in SCS and the tensions with India and China's other neighbours aren't exactly called stable. China can declare anything their own and attack on this pretext like they did with Tibet.

So nothing, you can't just make this, claim, I can just as easily say, India is building roads and that's why the tension is up, Philippines is trying to strong arm us with international court, in other words US with BS claims, and US having troops and Japan increasing spending when it has decreased for so long.

Until we fired the first shot or our actions actually RESULT in something, you can't say we are a unstable country.

Again, what concrete proof do you have that we are a unstable country.
Check again. Who built airbases and roads first along the Indo-China borders? Who frequently enters Indian territories setting up camps and building outposts?
First I can dispute this, depending on how far back you want to go. I doubt India had no roads in that area before we built any. Not the point though.

Here's the point, has it RESULTED in anything? If it hasn't then that's not a responsible comment. ISIS resulted in wars, NK is threatening war, African countries are at war, and more, but you can't say China has done anything other than looking out for it's own interests, which makes it a great power, not a unstable country.
BMD capable of destroying MIRVs is the need of the hour with highly assertive and unstable countries like China developing intercontinental SLBMs with MIRVs. The CCP is highly ambitious and I don't think their NFU policy can be trusted. Their official newspapers reflect their intentions for world dominance by annihilating the United States.

We already have JL-1, which is enough to deal with India.
BMD capable of destroying MIRVs is the need of the hour with highly assertive and unstable countries like China developing intercontinental SLBMs with MIRVs. The CCP is highly ambitious and I don't think their NFU policy can be trusted. Their official newspapers reflect their intentions for world dominance by annihilating the United States.

There is a big different between the capability for No First Use and for First Strike.
For No First Use. The intent is retalitory strike on enemy cities in event of being attacked by nuclear weapons.
No First Use do not require too many nuclear warheads and also do not need very high accuracy.

For First Strike, the intend is to attack as many as possible enemy nuclear launch sites to prevent retalitory strike. This requires very large amount of accurate weapons and very good intelligence on all the target sites.

China do not have the capability nor the intend for First Strike. However China’s nuclear launchers are all mobile making First Strike very difficult to achieve giving China a credible nuclear deterrent.
There is a big different between the capability for No First Use and for First Strike.
For No First Use. The intent is retalitory strike on enemy cities in event of being attacked by nuclear weapons.
No First Use do not require too many nuclear warheads and also do not need very high accuracy.

For First Strike, the intend is to attack as many as possible enemy nuclear launch sites to prevent retalitory strike. This requires very large amount of accurate weapons and very good intelligence on all the target sites.

China do not have the capability nor the intend for First Strike. However China’s nuclear launchers are all mobile making First Strike very difficult to achieve giving China a credible nuclear deterrent.

China has many positioned silo launched ICBM, so the first strike capability depends on China's mood.

We keep promising that in order to gain the moral high ground, but in a real scenario, it will be contingent.

When China's infra satellite group has detected any sign of the nation firing its nuclear missiles at China, China will immediately fire back before the warheads landed on our soil.
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