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China test its J-10 fighters near borders with India.

Why does china not report crashes? - well , do you expect a country that was shamed into telling the truth that 100,000 of it people died in the earthquake , when they keep insisting, lying only 10,000 died - because of some "image projection". Do you think such a country would tell you what a tin their aircrafts are?
LOL we prove ourselves in war, not blowing hot air like indians. Remember how we spanked your "elite" army like little children in 1962 after you blew so much hot air about strong you were? :rofl:
Why does china not report crashes? - well , do you expect a country that was shamed into telling the truth that 100,000 of it people died in the earthquake , when they keep insisting, lying only 10,000 died - because of some "image projection". Do you think such a country would tell you what a tin their aircrafts are?
your imagimations are always entertaining`lol
"Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." - sums up india. ;)
well our "high IQ" preteders have a policy of inducting before testing.

they don't want to be accused of copying the way the world does it.

they first manufacture... then, whatever they "managed" to manufacture is the Design. :laugh: .... then they induct ... and then PLAAF does "live testing" if the plane is useful in anyway what-so-ever. .... then they hide their crashes .... revealed crashes are attributed to russian non-cooperation with engines.....

and before anyone outside china cares or questions about any remote suitability of junk-10 ..... they say junk-10 is "old technology".... talk about Junk-20.

then Junk-20 gets manufactured, first. .... "design" will follow once the manufacture is finished. :laugh:

:p seems like a vicious circle my friend.
LOL we prove ourselves in war, not blowing hot air like indians. Remember how we spanked your "elite" army like little children in 1962 after you blew so much hot air about strong you were? :rofl:

He he.. here comes again the "1962" pretence of chinese super duper BRavado.

picked up your tail and ran back. keep it up. :tup:
He he.. here comes again the "1962" pretence of chinese super duper BRavado.

picked up your tail and ran back. keep it up. :tup:
Then why does PLA patrol Tawang today to destroy your military facilities? And why does our helicopters patrol your so-called "airspace"?

Choppers from China violate Indian airspace - Hindustan Times

Our J-10's are coming for Red Fort! J-10 practicing New Delhi air strike

well our "high IQ" preteders have a policy of inducting before testing.

they don't want to be accused of copying the way the world does it.

they first manufacture... then, whatever they "managed" to manufacture is the Design. :laugh: .... then they induct ... and then PLAAF does "live testing" if the plane is useful in anyway what-so-ever. .... then they hide their crashes .... revealed crashes are attributed to russian non-cooperation with engines.....

and before anyone outside china cares or questions about any remote suitability of junk-10 ..... they say junk-10 is "old technology".... talk about Junk-20.

then Junk-20 gets manufactured, first. .... "design" will follow once the manufacture is finished. :laugh:
When you are this deep in self-delusion, it's no wonder that india is still a third world hole boasting about colossal failures like LCA, Arjun, commonwealth games, Agni.....
LOL we prove ourselves in war, not blowing hot air like indians. Remember how we spanked your "elite" army like little children in 1962 after you blew so much hot air about strong you were? :rofl:

True you guys proved yourselves in war :rofl: your policy was attack the enemy when weak and when they are about to receive military supplies and prepare to fight back you run back to your land and declare unilateral ceasefire and claim victory in war. :rofl::rofl::rofl: you guys should have stayed on and finished the border matter once and for all. The fact that you didn't proved what your real capabilities were. you guys were not capable of prolonging the war due to due to problems with infrastructure and supplies. we still have Arunachal pradesh. you guys would have been victors in true sense if India had been forced to declare a ceasefire but you chinese declared it. you conveniently forget 1967 chola incident and 1987 skirmish.
suffering from Chronic Selective Amnesia?
In case of war it would be China and its home made weapons versus a coalition of US-EU and Israeli made weapons.
In case of war it would be China and its home made weapons versus a coalition of US-EU and Israeli made weapons.

At the end of the day what mater is whose *** is going to be whipped and its going to be yellow for sure.
Then why does PLA patrol Tawang today to destroy your military facilities? And why does our helicopters patrol your so-called "airspace"?

Choppers from China violate Indian airspace - Hindustan Times

Our J-10's are coming for Red Fort! J-10 practicing New Delhi air strike

When you are this deep in self-delusion, it's no wonder that india is still a third world hole boasting about colossal failures like LCA, Arjun, commonwealth games, Agni.....

PLA does not patrol Tawang and neither do your helicopters. LOL who told you that? There are violations. violations does not amount to patrols.
J-10s coming to delhi? All i can say is :rofl: I guess you forgot SU-30 MKI'S .

It is you who seems to be in delusion or should i say ignorance. Arjun and Agni already inducted. so how are they failures? LCA on its way. LOL your comments show your high IQ:P
At the end of the day what mater is whose *** is going to be whipped and its going to be yellow for sure.
LOL at india, going to fight China with hot air boasting and self-delusion. Meanwhile, China is practicing J-10 air strikes on New Delhi, helicopter attacks on indian army and building railways to Lahore and Kathmandu to deploy heavy armor to the subcontinent plains.

india can't even fly an aircraft without crashing, can't even handle a handful of terrorists gunning down random people in Mumbai, nevermind fighting PLA. We all remember how that turned out in the 1962 spanking indians are still burning from ;)

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