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China test fires Dongfeng-31B Missile with a range of 10,000km.

What i think now is that its enough, they should keep eyeson enemie. And develop their intelligence instead of full fledge war. This whole nuclear war game is full of .... no nation can be controlled by threat of a nuke. You are looking at Afghanistan, what had the Russians aimed in 80s and what did Americans thought in 2001 , two super powers of time cried in the field. Only thing you can do now is a nuclear attack. Then what will of the natural resources remain after that. It would be useful???? Only a crazy man can think about it.
Then what will they fight for.
Well I can tell you.
They are fighting for jews. And jews are doing all this to support anti-christ when it appears. And Muslim plus Christians know who will win. Then
Please all members
Keep calm and enjoy your precious lives andremember to choose some goal.
Instead of:suicide:

Environment is change now.
every thing you think to down other country is not easy task, these countries are not base less. they are even strong. Afghanistan is a country what is not easily conquer by any nation.
about nuclear war, it will not going in function coz one nuclear start the destruction of entire world, so create nuclear and place into museums.
Is it? I never thought Arihant can carry only 4 pathetic ballistic missile with 700km range. I thought it will be a decent SSBN with at least 12 missile. Thanks for reminding me. You see the Indian like the water car engineer always like to brag with tech demonstrator as if its some working operational one and start thinking they are not very far behind China which is just wishful thinking. It will take another 20-30 years before have a real one and in the mean time, India will always be hung ransom by the big 5 and has not advantage over them.

Indians are basically this cat in this picture here.

Is it? I never thought Arihant can carry only 4 pathetic ballistic missile with 700km range. I thought it will be a decent SSBN with at least 12 missile. Thanks for reminding me. You see the Indian like the water car engineer always like to brag with tech demonstrator as if its some working operational one and start thinking they are not very far behind China which is just wishful thinking. It will take another 20-30 years before have a real one and in the mean time, India will always be hung ransom by the big 5 and has not advantage over them.

Arihant has four vertical launch tubes, which carry twelve (three per launch tube) smaller K-15 missiles with 700 Km range or four larger K-4 missiles with longer range of 3,500 km.
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