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China test fires Dongfeng-31B Missile with a range of 10,000km.

Your CGI missile is real scary.

By the way, mass production of missiles is the easy part. Protecting the missiles from hijack, sabotage, airstrikes, and nuclear first strike is the hard part. Why do you think the entire US nuclear arsenal is either in silos or SSBNs? You can't really hijack or sabotage a hardened silo or SSBN. You can't really first strike an Ohio SSBN hidden in the ocean somewhere.

Chinese road-mobile missiles are protected by the 3,000 mile Underground Great Wall built underneath mountains. We also have SSBNs.

What about India?

Take, for example, your Agni V.

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What's stopping a highly determined terrorist group like ISIS or special forces from hijacking or sabotaging this missile? Where do you keep this missile during peacetime? Do you have hardened TEL garages or bunkers? How many have you built? Are your hardened TEL garages or bunkers capable of withstanding a conventional airstrike or nuclear first strike? That's a lot of questions isn't it?

Agni 5 was CGI like 2 years ago as well. Whether you like it or not, Agni 6s and MIRVed SLBMs will be a reality. Unless you somehow stop India's progression right now. Or some ISIS groups forms in India, none of which will happen.

Right now it's capability building and it's putting a SSBN on trial and another about to launch. And MIRVed SLBMs to go with it, outside K-4. India has all the time in the world and finally, more money to spend on it.

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India has yet to even demonstrate a proper thermonuclear explosion without a fizzle. Your tiny, poorly secured nuclear arsenal can be easily destroyed in a first strike. I'm not worried.

Do that first strike within 10 years, otherwise you'll have up to 4 boomers ready to surface.
JL-3 allows China to fire ICBM from safe sea near China coast to strike US. US owes the whole eastern Pacific Ocean. There is no need for them to have a longer range ICBM anymore. Trident II will be the final version for US.

JL-2 can do the same, but with 4 MIRVed thermonuclear warheads, whereas JL-3 can carry the double amount.

Both travelling in a range of 7000 nautical miles, JL-3 will have a double payload compared to JL-2.

That's why JL-3 will be a monster.

According to our big shrimp, JL-2 weighs as much as Trident II.

So I expect JL-2 is something like 8000km/2800kg or 12000km/1400kg, whereas JL-3 should be 12000km/2800kg!
One question is: how do US intelligencies/Pentagon know that a certain missile test is, for example, a DF-31A instead of DF-31B or a DF-41?
Is it confirmed by space based sensors/satellites or by eyewitness?
In the first case those space sensors have amazing resolution to differentiate a DF-31 from a DF-31A for example.
In the second case, by eyewitness, that implies the presence of american spies directly on the field, in China..and that's pretty worrying...
The DF-41 is China's own Peacekeeper.

With a similar payload of 2800kg, this guy can travel 50% more in range than the Trident II missile.

Maybe the JL-3 in the near future will be that great, and I wonder when the US will launch its Trident III E6 project to counter the emergence of the JL-3.

Never heard of Trident III. The only thing right now is life extension for the Trident II. Until around 2040 they will build a new missile. And as Beast said before, no need for new missile. Trident II has the range that a Ohio boat can launch just from the U.S. West Coast to hit Beijing if they want. Hell can even hit China from the Atlantic Ocean. Trident II is very accurate and very reliable and the U.S. Navy wants to keep it til then.
Agni 6 will be MIRVed.

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Mass produce them will be fine. Indian economy can support them.
I doubt even 20 years from now, it will be reality. Talk is cheap. India has yet to master lots of technology. Thermo nuclear. Miniaturing a workable warhead. Plus the long range of the missile.

Never heard of Trident III. The only thing right now is life extension for the Trident II. Until around 2040 they will build a new missile. And as Beast said before, no need for new missile. Trident II has the range that a Ohio boat can launch just from the U.S. West Coast to hit Beijing if they want. Hell can even hit China from the Atlantic Ocean. Trident II is very accurate and very reliable and the U.S. Navy wants to keep it til then.

Next to go for will be HGV which US and China are both working on it. That will be a nuclear warhead combine with speed and great manoeuvre which may proves impossible to intercept.
I doubt even 20 years from now, it will be reality. Talk is cheap. India has yet to master lots of technology. Thermo nuclear. Miniaturing a workable warhead. Plus the long range of the missile.

Next to go for will be HGV which US and China are both working on it. That will be a nuclear warhead combine with speed and great manoeuvre which may proves impossible to intercept.
Yes talk is cheap and leaked pics are great..
Agni 5 was CGI like 2 years ago as well. Whether you like it or not, Agni 6s and MIRVed SLBMs will be a reality. Unless you somehow stop India's progression right now. Or some ISIS groups forms in India, none of which will happen.

Right now it's capability building and it's putting a SSBN on trial and another about to launch. And MIRVed SLBMs to go with it, outside K-4. India has all the time in the world and finally, more money to spend on it.

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India economy has slow. Don't kid yourselves India has the money to spend. Even IAF is broke spending money on Rafale and not to mention ICBM. lol. The only one in the world who has the money to spend whatever she wants is China. Your pathetic SSBN has yet to demonstrate firing a ballistic missle from submarine. The worst is the missile is a pathetic 700km range. I wonder what the hell is IN thinking? Sending their SSBN for sucide mission with that pathetic range? :lol:

Yes talk is cheap and leaked pics are great..

China missile test is comfirmed by US intelligence. India ICBM MIRV is comfirmed by who? Self bragging Indian :lol:

We Chinese are always secretive about our latest test but big mouth US like to leak our test of ASAT, Mid course ICBM interception, HGV and our new ICBM test. We are humble and not like India who like to fake/brag their news and test. :lol:
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India economy has slow. Don't kid yourselves India has the money to spend. Even IAF is broke spending money on Rafale and not to mention ICBM. lol. The only one in the world who has the money to spend whatever she wants is China. Your pathetic SSBN has yet to demonstrate firing a ballistic missle from submarine. The worst is the missile is a pathetic 700km range. I wonder what the hell is IN thinking? Sending their SSBN for sucide mission with that pathetic range? :lol:

That why it's in sea trials. The 700-1500km and 3500km SLBMs are Pakistan specific, but the MIRVed K5+ will be China specific, like I said, stop India's progression now. And yeah, all the money now to spend on ICBMs, etc. Maybe not enough to have 1000 4th gen fighters, but most definitely enough to develop MIRVed ICBMs to target every Chinese main cities. That will most definitely be a reality.:tup:
No one's going to test on india. China and India aren't gonna be shooting missiles at each other any time soon, if ever.

The future warfare gonna be focused on the HGV.

Because of the speed and the gravity, 1kg of TNT thrown by the HGV gonna generate 1 ton of TNT explosive power.

So WU-14 can carry 500kg of TNT, which will generate into 500 tons of TNT.

So yeah, the conventional power of the HGV is equivalent to that of the tactical nukes.
No one's going to test on india. China and India aren't gonna be shooting missiles at each other any time soon, if ever.
Some Hindoo said because Chinese withdrew from chumar, a victory for Hindu?
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