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China tensions stoke Vietnam naval ambitions

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What happened next is China's attacks into Vietnam and subsequent blood bath of soldiers and civilians that left 6 Vietnam provinces devastated to today. And Soviet Union didn't even attack China like they promised to!
We did need Soviet attack you, because our force enough to hit you kneel, like this:

we captured 2210 Vietnamese Prisoners of War and Vietnam just got 238 of Chinese POWs in 1979.


Look at our men that armed to the teeh in Cambodia and see the diffrent :coffee:


That why, PLA had to flee as fast as they could before our men arrive the border
That why, PLA had to flee as fast as they could before our men arrive the border

I see, even long after China retreated her troops from Vietnam, the Vietnamese army still dare not to follow their order to go to your border.

---------- Post added at 03:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:39 AM ----------

Look at chinese soldier, he is standing without any filling, it's no action in fighting. It was simply for photographic making.
I like such photos posted here to be present on media Vietnam, let Vietnamese think about china.
It's very cheap propaganda of china.

Since we cleared the whole battle field region, the victors don't need to hold a battle position.
At that time, our men were fighting against your ally Polpot in Cambodia. You thought opportunity to invade our country, but result our women kicked you run away with your bloody nose.:wave::cheesy:

China put 1.5 milliion troops along the China-Russia border preparing for a full scale war with Russian,only a small fraction of troops were sent to Vietnam,but still enough to lay waste to north Vietnam and kill and caputure thousands of you guys.you guys just hid behind your women,haha,that's very heroic,it's a great shame to put women to the battles.
Chinese troops laid waste to North Vietnam's 6 provinces



China put 1.5 milliion troops along the China-Russia border preparing for a full scale war with Russian,only a small fraction of troops were sent to Vietnam,but still enough to lay waste to north Vietnam and kill and caputure thousands of you guys.you guys just hid behind your women,haha,that's very heroic,it's a great shame to put women to the battles.
now they sending thousands of cheap women to Chinese villages to 'conqure' us`:D
in that 2 weeks war,we killed and captured thousands of Vietnamese.totally paralyzed the north Vietnam.destroyed all the infrastructures and dismantled and took everything useable and valuable back to China.and you Vietnamese dare not to touch even a grass on our land.how shamelessly you Vietnamese call it a victory,haha
in that 2 weeks war,we killed and captured thousands of Vietnamese.totally paralyzed the north Vietnam.destroyed all the infrastructures and dismantled and took everything useable and valuable back to China.and you Vietnamese dare not to touch even a grass on our land.how shamelessly you Vietnamese call it a victory,haha
oct605032048 said:
I see, even long after China retreated her troops from Vietnam, the Vietnamese army still dare not to follow their order to go to your border.
IS China resouces rich nation ??if not, so why must we waste our time to attack after PLA retreat ?? what would we gain ??

It'd better to let Chinese kill Chinese in Tienanmen square just for having enough foods to eat:coffee:
IS China resouces rich nation ??if not, so why must we waste our time to attack after PLA retreat ?? what would we gain ??

Quite contrary. China's population is 16 times of Vietnam while territory size is 30 times of Vietnam. Compare to China, Vietnam is a resources poor state.

---------- Post added at 06:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 AM ----------

As for economic development, China's GDP is 60 times of Vietnam and with higher increase rate. Vietnam is among the poorest country in the world where one major economic industry is to export women to rich neighbors.

Quite contrary. China's population is 16 times of Vietnam while territory size is 30 times of Vietnam. Compare to China, Vietnam is a resources poor state.]
So why your gas price is higher than VN (when US gas price is cheaper than VN) ??And why your people had to kill each other in Tienanmen just for having enough food to eat ??:coffee:
oct605032048 said:
As for economic development, China's GDP is 60 times of Vietnam and with higher increase rate. Vietnam is among the poorest country in the world where one major economic industry is to export women to rich neighbors.
How about Chinese Prostitution in Thailand ??you have lack women problem already, but why lots of Chinese girl still jump into Thailand instead of living with "rich" Chinese men ??
How about Chinese Prostitution in Thailand ??you have lack women problem already, but why lots of Chinese girl still jump into Thailand instead of living with "rich" Chinese men ??

You probably don't know that they are actually Vietnamese but pretend to be Chinese, because they feel embarrassed about their country.

China put 1.5 milliion troops along the China-Russia border preparing for a full scale war with Russian,only a small fraction of troops were sent to Vietnam,but still enough to lay waste to north Vietnam and kill and caputure thousands of you guys.you guys just hid behind your women,haha,that's very heroic,it's a great shame to put women to the battles.

Difficult to PLA admits that it was defeated by border protection militia of Vietnam

What the PLA Learned in Vietnam, 1979:cheesy:

Some Chinese soldiers called it a “painful, little war.” Vietnamese troops avoided battle and instead harassed PLA forces. Some Chinese officers described it as a “ghost war,” since the enemy troops were almost invisible, or a “shadow war,” since it seemed they were fighting against their own shadows. The Vietnamese troops employed the same tactics, made the same moves, and used the same weapons as the Chinese. They knew exactly what the Chinese were trying to do. They exploited almost every problem and weakness the Chinese had. The Chinese troops had to fight their own problems first before they could fight the Vietnamese. Deng’s border war taught the PLA a hard lesson….

Many of the PLA’s commanding officers were shocked by the poor discipline, low morale, combat ineffectiveness, and high casualties in the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War. During the nineteen days of the first two phases, the PLA suffered 26,000 casualties, about 1,350 per day. Gerald Segal points out that in Vietnam, “in contrast to Korea, Chinese troops performed poorly. In Korea, they adequately defended North Korea, but in 1979 they failed to punish Vietnam. China’s Cambodian allies were relegated to a sideshow along the Thai frontier, and China was unable to help them break out.”

During the war, 37,300 Vietnamese troops were killed, and 2,300 were captured. The Soviet Union surprised the Vietnamese by refusing to get involved in the conflict. On February 18, Moscow had denounced China’s aggression and promised that the Soviet Union would keep its commitments according to the Soviet-Vietnam cooperation and friendship treaty. Then, however, the Soviet Union did not make any major moves. Russian military intelligence did increase its reconnaissance planes and ships in the South China Sea and along the Vietnamese coast after China’s invasion. On February 24, two Russian transport planes landed at Hanoi and unloaded some military equipment. Most countries maintained a neutral position during the Sino-Vietnamese War.

The brief war was a grievous misfortune for both China and Vietnam, not only because it resulted in material and human losses for both nations but also because it brought years of earlier cooperation to a dispiriting conclusion. The war showed that American belief in the domino theory was misplaced, since two Communist countries, one of which had just attained national liberation, were now in conflict with each other. Each valued its own national interests much more than the common Communist ideology. On February 27, 1979, Deng told American journalists in Beijing that “Vietnam claims itself as the third military superpower in the world. We are eliminating this myth. That’s all we want, no other purpose. We don’t want their territory. We make them to understand that they can’t do whatever they want to all the times.”

Hanoi believed, however, that the Vietnamese army had taught the Chinese army a lesson. One [People's Army of Vietnam] general said that China lost militarily and beat a hasty retreat: “After we defeated them we gave them the red carpet to leave Vietnam.” As Henry J. Kenny points out, “Most Western writers agree that Vietnam had indeed outperformed the PLA on the battlefield, but say that with the seizure of Lang Son, the PLA was poised to move into the militarily more hospitable terrain of the Red River Delta, and thence to Hanoi.” Kenny, however, points out that Lang Son is less than twelve miles from the Chinese border but is twice that distance from the delta. Moreover, at least five PAVN divisions remained poised for a counterattack in the delta, and thirty thousand additional PAVN troops from Cambodia, along with several regiments from Laos, were moving to their support. Thus the PLA would have taken huge losses in any southward move toward Hanoi.
So why your gas price is higher than VN (when US gas price is cheaper than VN) ??And why your people had to kill each other in Tienanmen just for having enough food to eat ??:coffee:
How about Chinese Prostitution in Thailand ??you have lack women problem already, but why lots of Chinese girl still jump into Thailand instead of living with "rich" Chinese men ??

there are very few Chinese girls in Thailand because of 2 things. 1. it is very hard to get to thailand from China compared to from Vietnam to China, and 2. it doesn't make money and is dangerous and 3. chinese girls have better sense of honor.

Vietnamese in China are mostly nice people. You're welcome to join us. Chinese are the most tolerant people in the world. The Vietnamese refugees in China and the illegal immigrants have nothing but praise for their new home. I just wish it was easier to give the Vietnamese immigrants Chinese citizenship.

If a Vietnamese girl marries the white, within 1 generation their children will become pure whites and spit on Vietnamese. But if a Vietnamese girl marries a Chinese, their children will recognize both China and Vietnam.
there are very few Chinese girls in Thailand because of 2 things. 1. it is very hard to get to thailand from China compared to from Vietnam to China, and 2. it doesn't make money and is dangerous and 3. chinese girls have better sense of honor.

Vietnamese in China are mostly nice people. You're welcome to join us. Chinese are the most tolerant people in the world. The Vietnamese refugees in China and the illegal immigrants have nothing but praise for their new home. I just wish it was easier to give the Vietnamese immigrants Chinese citizenship.

If a Vietnamese girl marries the white, within 1 generation their children will become pure whites and spit on Vietnamese. But if a Vietnamese girl marries a Chinese, their children will recognize both China and Vietnam.
Can you explan to me why Chinese in this defence forum like to talk about girl and discussing about military information ?Why they have to use the girl as an excuse for their military weakness ??
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