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China Struggles to Control Human Flesh Pills

I red this article before in a german newspaper. Its says that south koreans consume it. Thats pretty sick! Ofcourse making it to pills is also strange, but if theres no south korean consumers, there will be no human pills.

I red this article before in a german newspaper. Its says that south koreans consume it. Thats pretty sick! Ofcourse making it to pills is also strange, but if theres no south korean consumers, there will be no human pills.


Wow, what a justification!! Firstly, I don't read anywhere about Koreans being involved it.
Secondly, do you mean to say you will do anything to meet any demand of anything from any place in world.. Let's see what else is on offer.. send me the list and the price!
Its says that south koreans consume it.
Wrong article then. Korean papers blame it on Chinese laborers.

Thats pretty sick!
Indeed, Chinese need to stop this cannibalism in the 21st century. Unfortunately, the vast majority of China looks like it is still in the 19th century.

Ofcourse making it to pills is also strange, but if theres no south korean consumers
There is no Korean consumer.

there will be no human pills.
There is a massive demand for it in China.
'Soylent Viagra'? Chinese stamina pills contain human flesh | MNN - Mother Nature Network

According to their research, these "dietary supplements" are made by pharmaceutical companies in northeastern China and utilize the corpses of babies that are miscarried, stillborn, and the millions that are aborted each year to keep in line with the country's population regulations. The bodies are also allegedly transported to refrigerated holding areas, many in private homes, and later chopped up, dried in an industrial microwave, and ground into the powder that serves as a folk remedy for everything from circulation problems to sexual stamina.

For bold part - See now the medicine was supplied as "dietary suppliement" and the babies used are the ones aborted to keep in line with country's population regulations.

For part in red - Disgusting!!
For bold part - See now the medicine was supplied as "dietary suppliement" and the babies used are the ones aborted to keep in line with country's population regulations.

For part in red - Disgusting!!
Babies are not aborted to make capsules; they are aborted to meet the government ban on 2rd child.

Resourceful Chinese leave nothing to the waste, and have found a commercial use for those aborted fetuses and dead babies.
Isn't human sacrifice is part of some sort of religious ritual in a South Asian nation. I wonder what nation is that !! Human flesh eating is popular only in India, papua new G, and where else ?
Babies are not aborted to make capsules; they are aborted to meet the government ban on 2rd child.

Resourceful Chinese leave nothing to the waste, and have found a commercial use for those aborted fetuses and dead babies.

i'd take a guess that a majority of them will be girls...given the level of gender imbalance & female foeticide
In all seriousness, is cannibalism still practiced in China or is it completely a thing of the past?
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