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Chinese-made infant flesh pills smuggled to Korea – again

This is only explains the placenta angle of the story. The pills have actually been found to also have ground up fetuses.
That is prabably sensational exageration. Possibly contamination in small quantity? Given the very small quantity reported, it doesn't seem logical since the availability of plancenta would be plentiful comparatively to take that kind of high legal risk.

I also wonder how could they tell since placenta is biologically human flesh. Seem almost all mammal beside human eat placental right after birth, I think the medical risk is quite low. The risk lies largely in the illegal manufacturing process.

This is from Chinese Wikipedia,

Ziheche, refers to the human placenta, which is red when it is first delivered, and turns purple after a little placement, so it is called "Ziheche" (Zi is purple in Chinese language). The medicinal properties are sweet, salty and warm [1]. In addition to China, in recent years, there are opinions in the West that taking Ziheche can prevent postpartum depression [2], but the use of human placenta is still widely disputed in many cultures. In the past, Chinese medicines containing Ziheche were banned from being sold in their country by foreign governments [3]. In 2015, the "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" has removed Ziheche.​
Since the placenta left by the mother after childbirth is legally considered medical waste, the law in mainland China prohibits the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital from selling the placenta without the consent of the mother. However, there are still often obstetric nurses who sell the placenta without permission, and the price is about several hundred yuan a piece. .​
There are a few people in China who advocate the consumption of human placenta, and there are different recipes in the market, including eating it raw, but eating human placenta in the local area not only violates the taboo of cannibalism, but also may bring the risk of infection by eating raw placenta. Until now not widely accepted by mainstream society.​

Note that legally it could still be given with mother consent.

It seem that there are people in Korea that also believe in this "medicine". When there is demand, there will be supply. It is just a small case of illegal supply of alternative medicine. The health risk is very low.

The news really read like a sensational deliberate smear.
The medicine made from the connection cord between mother and child is the traditional one in East Asia (at least in China and Vietnam). In Vietnam (north vietnam at least, i do not know about South Vietnamese, who are more superstitous and religious)., it is made into liquid form called "phi la top" and i used to like it a lot when i was a child.

In Western media, it is called medicine made from children flesh. Sickening.
The medicine made from the connection cord between mother and child is the traditional one in East Asia (at least in China and Vietnam). In Vietnam (north vietnam at least, i do not know about South Vietnamese, who are more superstitous and religious)., it is made into liquid form called "phi la top" and i used to like it a lot when i was a child.

In Western media, it is called medicine made from children flesh. Sickening.
I think I have heard of this before, but in the South, what we do with the cord is to bury it in our yard, not grind to make it into medicine.
I think the medicine one is regarded as superstition now, even by the government.
Human baby flesh or placenta.

It's extremely healthy food,

Jews people eat it, when there's a newborn baby.

The animal eats it as well, especially the mother.

I wonder if you are imagining eating baby flesh? Hahaha

Technically yes.

The medicine made from the connection cord between mother and child is the traditional one in East Asia (at least in China and Vietnam). In Vietnam (north vietnam at least, i do not know about South Vietnamese, who are more superstitous and religious)., it is made into liquid form called "phi la top" and i used to like it a lot when i was a child.

In Western media, it is called medicine made from children flesh. Sickening.

It depends.

If white people eat it, it's called the placenta.

If non-white eats it, it's called children flesh.
I think I have heard of this before, but in the South, what we do with the cord is to bury it in our yard, not grind to make it into medicine.
I think the medicine one is regarded as superstition now, even by the government.
Still in use today, however, it is not produced from the cord anymore (from 2018 I think), not because of the religious or similar reasons, but mainly because of lack of stable sources for industrial scale production.

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I didn't use it but from what I google, Philatop is not made by human cord but animal organ:

I'm not sure about the North vs South tradition, but we have a saying that our homeland is "nơi chôn nhau cắt rốn", and "nhau" is the cord, so I believe our tradition is to bury the cord, not to eat it.
In Western media, it is called medicine made from children flesh. Sickening.

No, the sites in this thread are korean and they are the ones using:

인육캡슐' 밀반입 여전…2년 만에 다시 적발 / 연합뉴스​

Can everybody stop with the usual stupid shifting the blame to the West game..
No, the sites in this thread are korean and they are the ones using:

인육캡슐' 밀반입 여전…2년 만에 다시 적발 / 연합뉴스​

Can everybody stop with the usual stupid shifting the blame to the West game..
This piece of sickening propaganda was first created by Western propaganda machines. I used to live in Korea. I do not know if they ever use this medicine in their history, but i am pretty sure there is anti China voice in Korea media. As usual with "free media", they may have used this as a chance to attack China, or just to appeal to some Korean readers, without verification.

In Vietnam, there was similar article on mainline media 4 years ago about Chinese medicine made from flesh, copied from Western media I think, so noisy that the health authority had to explain that is was just a very traditional medicine in Vietnam for thousand years as well, and made from the cord, not flesh.
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As usual with "free media", they may have used this as a chance to attack China, or just to appeal to some Korean readers, without verification.

Well that's them..so stop saying/doing the stupid default auto-blaming of "the West".

Unless you suddenly consider every country on the planet that isn't China "the West".
Well that's them..so stop saying/doing the stupid default auto-blaming of "the West".

Unless you suddenly consider every country on the planet that isn't China "the West".
The fact that your fake article isn't being widely reported is a dead giveaway. Check your sources next time.
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