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China Struggles to Control Human Flesh Pills

Koreans have nothing to be ashamed of because all they did was to stop Chinese smugglers who were smuggling the stuff to sell to Chinese laborers and Chinese snake-oil sellers in the underground market. This thing is a Chinese problem.

no,korean comsumers are the true problem.
Chosun Ilbo says you're wrong and its part of Korean tradition, sorry.
Nope. Cannibalism is considered a grave crime in Korean culture, a prison time in the ROK and the execution in North Korea. A google search will quickly tell you that.

China on the other hand has a world-famous cannibalism culture.

no,korean comsumers are the true problem.
There is no Korean consumer, only Chinese laborers and Chinese snake-oil sellers who sell it as "cure it all" capsule to terminally-ill patients without telling the ingredient.

There is a massive baby capsule market in China and some of those are exported to overseas Chinese network, so all countries should be wary of stuff from China.
Nope. Cannibalism is considered a grave crime in Korean culture, a prison time in the ROK and the execution in North Korea. A google search will quickly tell you that.

China on the other hand has a world-famous cannibalism culture.

There is no Korean consumer, only Chinese laborers and snake-oil sellers who sell it as "cure it all" capsule to terminally-ill patients without telling the ingredient.
korean lair,stop your lies.chosun ilbo says it's korean culture,face it like a man,you coward.
Nope. Cannibalism is considered a grave crime in Korean culture, a prison time in the ROK and the execution in North Korea. A google search will quickly tell you that.

China on the other hand has a world-famous cannibalism culture.

There is no Korean consumer, only Chinese laborers and Chinese snake-oil sellers who sell it as "cure it all" capsule to terminally-ill patients without telling the ingredient.

There is a massive baby capsule market in China and some of those are exported to overseas Chinese network, so all countries should be wary of stuff from China.

nope sorry. Chosun Ilbo.
The question is - Why are Chinese manufacturing it ? So if somebody offer you money for such a thing you will start killing your babies!! Disgusting!!
korean lair,stop your lies.chosun ilbo says it's korean culture
Nope. Why would Koreans be shocked and go after the Chinese smugglers if that was the case, and turn to execution in North Korea if that was the case?

Famous Cannibals.


As part of the front cover, it is written that Confucius was fond of human meat and proceeds with the following three kanjis that denotes the three standard variety of meat preservation

Liu Bei Liu Bei's cannibalism? • The Scholars of Shen Zhou

Liu Bei's cannibalism?
by Beautiful_Beard on Thu Dec 25, 2003 11:16 am

Am I misreading chapter 19 in the scene with Liu An or did Liu Bei eat a woman and then was happy about it because it showed Liu An's loyalty?

by Sima Hui on Thu Dec 25, 2003 11:21 am

No, you're not mistaken. However Liu Bei didn't know untill after he had finished the meal. He was happy because Liu An had shown more love for him than his own wife.

The list goes on and on and on ...

we don't know if the story is true.
It is true.

The question is - Why are Chinese manufacturing it ?
Because of the special "vitality" property that Chinese believe is present in fetuses and babies.

So if somebody offer you money for such a thing you will start killing your babies!! Disgusting!!
No need to "kill" babies; hospitals sell aborted fetuses and dead babies.

it used aborted fetuses.
That much we agree on.
No need to "kill" babies; hospitals sell aborted fetuses and dead babies.

abortion is kind of killing if not done for some valid reasons and for money people can go any low..
Sorry, Chosun Ilbo says you're wrong.

Who is more Korean, Chosun Ilbo or an American in New york... I'll take Chosun Ilbo.

Doesn't matter, The reported case is about China and Chinese authorities are investigating it on their lands.. Have not heard anyone complaining about Koreans involved in such a shameful act..
Have not heard anyone complaining about Koreans involved in such a shameful act..
And Koreans are not involved; they only caught the smuggling by Chinese smugglers for resale to people who know the stuff and demand it; Chinese laborers who consumed this stuff back in China and the Chinese snake-oil sellers.
Chosun Ilbo clearly said that it was Koreans consuming this product
No, Chinese laborers were the primary clients.(Chinese laborers had it like us having Ginseng back in China and had a craving for it) It is indeed reported that Chinese snake oil sellers sold some to terminally-ill Korean cancer patients as a magic cure, without telling about the content, preying on the desperation of the dying patients ready to try anything.
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