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China Struggles to Control Human Flesh Pills

What kind of sick ppl are these chinese

You have to understand that the value of human life is very low in China due to extreme population and the lack of religion to teach the right from wrong. Chinese do not fear afterlife because they don't believe in it, it is all about "now" for Chinese.

Accordingly, Chinese do not see each other as fellow beings, and this is the reason behind Chinese ignoring people in trouble.

That's a sick chinese artist's action art.
Based on the reality of a long-standing Chinese tradition.

blahblahblah,there are a lot of china haters in the world due to the communist government,but that don't changes that korean think eating human flesh can cure many diseases.
No, those Chinese capsule sellers never told the desperate terminally-ill cancer patients the content of the capsule(Or they wouldn't have made the sales). The dying patients are just told this was magical Chinese ingredient, and the patients were desperate to try anything.

Translation : "I am having a heart attack now that the world has learned about the Chinese secret."
if i am not wrong chinese demand for parts of tiger body to make medicines mainly lead to decrease in tiger in India, otherwise if there is no demand why would there been tiger killing. Once i saw a nat geo documentary where even though the reporter informs chinee police about the tiger parts trafficking , they did nothing afterwards. the chinese should stop such illegal activities like killing baby for capsule and tiger parts smuggling.
chinese eating and manufacturing babies flesh is very very sick and inhuman.

Chinese believe that newborns and unborns have "special life force" that is not present among the grown-up, so consuming fetuses and babies will give them that "special life force."

This is the reason why the "Virgin Boy Urine Egg" is so popular in China, for the same reason, that young boys have special life energy not found in elderly.

Urine-soaked eggs a spring taste treat in China city | Reuters

the chinese should stop such illegal activities like killing baby for capsule and tiger parts smuggling.
Chinese do not kill babies to make capsules; they just collect dead babies and aborted fetuses from hospitals in exchange for cash.
What is so new here? criminals in any society will do anything for quick busks, this case is no worse than rapists murderer s and some one kill their husband or wife for insurance money, this happened to any society , but the funny thing is the sad people who started thread like this to belittle other country as though things like these never happen in their own country.
What is so new here?
Indeed nothing new here, for people who know China inside and out.

criminals in any society will do anything for quick busks, this case is no worse than rapists murderer
Actually westerners consider this worse than rape and murder.

but the funny thing is the sad people who started thread like this to belittle other country as though things like these never happen in their own country.
I don't think there is a baby capsule trade in India.
Indeed nothing new here, for people who know China inside and out.

the case is under investigation, isnt it?

Actually westerners consider this worse than rape and murder.

this is ridiculous! "rape and murder" are multiple times worse

I don't think there is a baby capsule trade in India.

really? not in your place of birth? I know as northeast said aghoris have their own rituals
korean and aghoris blame korean ethic chinese produce human flesh capsule,lol.
But you said all those who live in China are Chinese; Manchus are Chinese, Tibetans are Chinese, Koreans are Chinese, etc. And indeed Koreans in Korea consider those ethnic-Korean Chinese as Chinese, since they have the soul and the culture of Chinese, and act like Chinese, and they qualify for "multicultureal" social benefits, unlike Koreans from Japan or the US who get no such benefit.

Afterall, these Korean Chinese are merely smuggling a product that is already popular and in high-demand among Chinese in China and overseas.

this is ridiculous! "rape and murder" are multiple times worse
This is why you don't understand the west. Baby capsule is basically a crime-against humanity in the West, the same as the Auschwitz.
But you said all those who live in China are Chinese; Manchus are Chinese, Tibetans are Chinese, Koreans are Chinese, etc. And indeed Koreans in Korea consider those ethnic-Korean Chinese as Chinese, since they have the soul and the culture of Chinese, and act like Chinese, and they qualify for "multicultureal" social benefits, unlike Koreans from Japan or the US who get no such benefit.

Afterall, these Korean Chinese are merely smuggling a product that is already popular and in high-demand among Chinese in China and overseas.

some korean believe eating human flesh is good to health,it's your culture.I read it on chosun Ilbo,don't deny it ,you lair.
some korean believe eating human flesh is good to health
No Korean believe in consumption of human flesh. This is why Koreans too are shocked and disgusted by these Chinese smugglers.

it's your culture
There is no culture of cannibalism in Korea.

I read it on chosun iibo,don't deny it ,you lair.
The Chosun Ilbo reports that Chinese are smuggling it for distribution among Chinese laborers, who have a habit of eating these capsules to get relief from hard labor, and some smugglers trying to sell this stuff to terminally-ill cancer patients as last hope without telling the ingredient.

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