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China, Sri Lanka to boost military ties

lol where did I say it's already in place.

We are gradually building those ports and will eventually be switched to full military bases. They are currently only civilian, but the in the future warships will be allowed to visit those ports and eventually be turned into full military bases.

CPC knows how to play the long game and gradually squeeze India.

India is surrounded from the North, East, South and West.

Good luck trying to counter all those countries.

Man calm down and think can you squeeze a country like India?Think it rationally.Only boast about what you can do.
lol look at your neighborhood. We are getting extremely close with all of your neighbours. India can't do jack about it lol.

we're not some insecure cowards like China who simply wants to put their d!ck in every bilateral relationship..

Not only that but they even give us ports and has even said our warships are welcome in those ports once completed.

who told you that??LOL..your country is developing it.a civilian port is not a military strategic port.seriously,you guys should open your eyes to realise the fact than fiction..

We are forming economic, military and political ties with Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Maldives. The anti-India alliance is getting closer and closer. India has zero friends in its neighbourhood, ZERO!

Good for you.but thats not Anti-India alliance as you're saying.truely my friend,I'm really tired by seeing these kind of "Chibot's d!ck arousing comments" here.because you bots doesn't know the depth of relationship between these relations and India.one clue,which country present Maldieve president visited twice during during election and going to visit first after being President along with ongoing Defence Minister visit???its India..:rofl:

Why do you think we are building ports in every country in your neighbourhood, it's to contain India. These are meant for PLAN warships in the future, only fools thinks this is only for civilian purposes. Once our Navy starts operating at these ports, the next step will be military bases.

LOL really????I'm so scared now.. :rofl: I really want to see the clauses where Sri Lanka or Maldieves said they'll handover this port after making???real Chibot logic.but on the other hand,we placed surveillance radar to almost every atolls in Maldieves,we donated warships,our helos are placed into their country and screen water of their border.:rofl:

Indian bullying has caused all your neighbours to get closer to us and want our presence economically, politically and now militarily.

We provide a massive consumer market, exports of goods & services, direct investment, aid, technology, weapons, construction of infrastructure, political support at UNSC using our veto, and a strong anti-India alliance to keep the dictatorial Indian regime firmly in check.

India is COMPLETELY surrounded from the North (China), West (Pakistan), East (Bangladesh) and South (Sri Lanka).

Ha ha ha...clear you glass and you'll see all these countries you've mentioned except Sri Lanka and Pakistan,is dependent on India on the foreign policy.we provide security to all 3 apart from BD(but they too are under our influence).all these are part of SAARC and partner of Co-Op.we train their soldiers,we send aid to them,we provide them security,we place our weapons to them,lease our equipments and cooperate in billion other sectors..

but then again,its CHIBOT LOGIC,that'll never change...

open the glass CCP has put on you,and start a life in reality,not around lies...
tatz happnin in usa or uk....punjabis in india have got no time for khalistan....tat is why punjab is the over all best performing state in india....

is ur avatar a logo of some super hero ?
Yes it is
we're not some insecure cowards like China who simply wants to put their d!ck in every bilateral relationship..

who told you that??LOL..your country is developing it.a civilian port is not a military strategic port.seriously,you guys should open your eyes to realise the fact than fiction..

Good for you.but thats not Anti-India alliance as you're saying.truely my friend,I'm really tired by seeing these kind of "Chibot's d!ck arousing comments" here.because you bots doesn't know the depth of relationship between these relations and India.one clue,which country present Maldieve president visited twice during during election and going to visit first after being President along with ongoing Defence Minister visit???its India..:rofl:

LOL really????I'm so scared now.. :rofl: I really want to see the clauses where Sri Lanka or Maldieves said they'll handover this port after making???real Chibot logic.but on the other hand,we placed surveillance radar to almost every atolls in Maldieves,we donated warships,our helos are placed into their country and screen water of their border.:rofl:

Ha ha ha...clear you glass and you'll see all these countries you've mentioned except Sri Lanka and Pakistan,is dependent on India on the foreign policy.we provide security to all 3 apart from BD(but they too are under our influence).all these are part of SAARC and partner of Co-Op.we train their soldiers,we send aid to them,we provide them security,we place our weapons to them,lease our equipments and cooperate in billion other sectors..

but then again,its CHIBOT LOGIC,that'll never change...

open the glass CCP has put on you,and start a life in reality,not around lies...

lol U mad bro?
Bhai,first you must work for your country,Help them to bring prosperity to 19 crore people.Shoot down drone entered in to our country,eliminate all terrorists ,then we can discuss about toring Indian piece by pieces.I think 1971is not enough for our pakistani friends:haha:
You know nothing about what is going on in Pakistan so stay on topic and there are many topics on 1971. Tmhary foji officers 1965 me chae pi kar kyn nai gaye ?? :sarcastic:

which superhero ??
Check this link

check out this video

It seems that people are talking in Telugu language and I don't know this language.
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You know nothing about what is going on in Pakistan so stay on topic and there are many topics on 1971. Tmhary foji officers 1965 me chae pi kar kyn nai gaye ?? :sarcastic:

Dude ,what I am say is 100% fact.We just don't f*** care what is now happening in Pakistan.
You have leverage before 1971,but after it all gone.Go and play with your own size kid like afghanistan or any other country.:rofl:
we're not some insecure cowards like China who simply wants to put their d!ck in every bilateral relationship..

who told you that??LOL..your country is developing it.a civilian port is not a military strategic port.seriously,you guys should open your eyes to realise the fact than fiction..

Good for you.but thats not Anti-India alliance as you're saying.truely my friend,I'm really tired by seeing these kind of "Chibot's d!ck arousing comments" here.because you bots doesn't know the depth of relationship between these relations and India.one clue,which country present Maldieve president visited twice during during election and going to visit first after being President along with ongoing Defence Minister visit???its India..:rofl:

LOL really????I'm so scared now.. :rofl: I really want to see the clauses where Sri Lanka or Maldieves said they'll handover this port after making???real Chibot logic.but on the other hand,we placed surveillance radar to almost every atolls in Maldieves,we donated warships,our helos are placed into their country and screen water of their border.:rofl:

Ha ha ha...clear you glass and you'll see all these countries you've mentioned except Sri Lanka and Pakistan,is dependent on India on the foreign policy.we provide security to all 3 apart from BD(but they too are under our influence).all these are part of SAARC and partner of Co-Op.we train their soldiers,we send aid to them,we provide them security,we place our weapons to them,lease our equipments and cooperate in billion other sectors..

but then again,its CHIBOT LOGIC,that'll never change...

open the glass CCP has put on you,and start a life in reality,not around lies...

Cry all you want but China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are actively cooperating to checkmate Indian aggression.

That's why we are loved by your neighbours as they want us to be the counterbalance to indian thuggery.

We are in turn forming alliances with your neighbours to make sure India belligerence is checked.

India has no friends in your neighbourhood as you want to bully all your neighbours. China alone is enough to checkmate India but our friends and allies in the region makes this a unified effort to make sure the despotic Indian regime stop its troublemaking ways.

The Indian regime is trying to divert attention away from internal problems with growth falling, currency collapsing, inflation soaring and corruption rising.
Cry all you want but China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are actively cooperating to checkmate Indian aggression.
That's why we are loved by your neighbours as they want us to be the counterbalance to indian thuggery.
We are in turn forming alliances with your neighbours to make sure India belligerence is checked.
India has no friends in your neighbourhood as you want to bully all your neighbours. China alone is enough to checkmate India but our friends and allies in the region makes this a unified effort to make sure the despotic Indian regime stop its troublemaking ways.
The Indian regime is trying to divert attention away from internal problems with growth falling, currency collapsing, inflation soaring and corruption rising.

Am I crying here???I'm laughing my @$$ off at your ignorance...
Even Bangladeshis would say their leaders are Indian stooge.Sri Lanka is another partner of India.we bleed for them,something China never did.

your alliance??China is out of ally even in his neighbourhood.and you're dreaming to create on here,so far from China itself???

Indian Regime??there is no "Regime" in democracy.

after reading your posts,I really think you're out of argument.I advice you should study about regional politics before making fanboy type comment here..and about India's Image....


Bangladesh,Nepal,Sri Lanka,Afghanistan-all voted for India over China and USA,when India is nowhere close to it.so much for Chibot $h!t...

India learnt a long time ago that there is no replacement of immediate neighbour,one China should have learn right now.
Am I crying here???I'm laughing my @$$ off at your ignorance...
Even Bangladeshis would say their leaders are Indian stooge.Sri Lanka is another partner of India.we bleed for them,something China never did.

your alliance??China is out of ally even in his neighbourhood.and you're dreaming to create on here,so far from China itself???

Indian Regime??there is no "Regime" in democracy.

after reading your posts,I really think you're out of argument.I advice you should study about regional politics before making fanboy type comment here..and about India's Image....


Bangladesh,Nepal,Sri Lanka,Afghanistan-all voted for India over China and USA,when India is nowhere close to it.so much for Chibot $h!t...

lol no one cares about what populations think, it's what their governments DO that really matter.

The bottom line is we are forming alliances with all your neighbours. Your regime is scared at our economic, military and political ties with Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. They want our presence and we will make sure they get our much wanted presence.

Going by the opinions of Pakistani, Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi members on PDF, I'm guessing those surveys are wrong lol. They all support China over India lol.

Unless India stops behaving with aggression and trying to cause problems for your neighbours you will never get rid of us. We will continue to get close and before you know it, South Asia will be China's backyard and the 'Indian Ocean' will be our private lake.

You can clearly see our strategy to built up the infrastructure in the countries of our friends and allies. The string of pearls is being established and India is utterly powerless to stop it.

We are now the dominant power in South Asia.

Get used to it :coffee:
lol no one cares about what populations think, it's what their governments DO that really matter.

thats the logic of CCP.doesn't work in democracy..

The bottom line is we are forming alliances with all your neighbours. Your regime is scared at our economic, military and political ties with Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. They want our presence and we will make sure they get our much wanted presence.

Going by the opinions of Pakistani, Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi members on PDF, I'm guessing those surveys are wrong lol. They all support China over India lol.

of course we welcome your step to form an alliance with any country.but why it should've to be against India when our neighbours aren't enemy of India??and you want to formulate policy against comments of members in PDF??height of foolishness..if you go by the logic,Pakistan would've nuked India years ago.. :rofl:

Unless India stops behaving with aggression and trying to cause problems for your neighbours you will never get rid of us. We will continue to get close and before you know it, South Asia will be China's backyard and the 'Indian Ocean' will be our private lake.

You can clearly see our strategy to built up the infrastructure in the countries of our friends and allies. The string of pearls is being established and India is utterly powerless to stop it.

We are now the dominant power in South Asia.

Get used to it :coffee:

who bother what a Chibot like you think what India should do or don't??you build infra in various country,but we provide them fund.we're decade old friends of these countries,we sent army in each country you've mentioned for providing security.and that list includes Nepal,Bhutan,Bangladesh,Sri Lanka and Maldieves.we're not some looser like China who encroach neighbour's lands.we help them.unless you know whats real and whats your wet imaginations,you could never understand.end of discussion.:closed:
thats the logic of CCP.doesn't work in democracy..

of course we welcome your step to form an alliance with any country.but why it should've to be against India when our neighbours aren't enemy of India??and you want to formulate policy against comments of members in PDF??height of foolishness..if you go by the logic,Pakistan would've nuked India years ago.. :rofl:

who bother what a Chibot like you think what India should do or don't??you build infra in various country,but we provide them fund.we're decade old friends of these countries,we sent army in each country you've mentioned for providing security.and that list includes Nepal,Bhutan,Bangladesh,Sri Lanka and Maldieves.we're not some looser like China who encroach neighbour's lands.we help them.unless you know whats real and whats your wet imaginations,you could never understand.end of discussion.:closed:

They all see Indian belligerence and bullying and they want our presence to counter India. That's exactly what we are doing, we are there and forming our India containment strategy.

As I said we lend more to the developing world than the world bank. Our reserves are more than twice as big as your shrinking economy.

When it comes to giving money, India can only dream of competing with us.

Face it buddy, you're surrounded from North, South, East and West.
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