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China Squashes Attempted Tunisia-Style Revolt the JASMINE REVOLUTION

So Indians were colonized by only 3000 British soldiers.
That's not the first time either. Indians were first colonized by the Aryans, who imposed their own social and religious beliefs onto the natives and banished them into the lower castes. Indians are used to adopting their conqueror's culture. Trumpeting "democracy" is only their latest example. They thus cannot abide China, the world's longest continuous civilization, choosing to develop as the Chinese best sees fit.
I have seen these communist closely, They are most ruthless people they rape, kill, torture there enemy(who don support them). They kill each other. These communist have ruled West Bengal for 25 years, they have killed many people in WB. So all together these communist are all same.

I was living in Peaceful town (Gumla) in Jharkhand. After these Red bigots came to my town , they spoiled everything... Now we are trapped between These red killers and Government....

Role of church: To save their life and successfully run conversion church support and sometime neutral towards these red killers..

What if they win: After there win they will not stop, they will start fighting among themselves and the bloody war will not stop...

most indian rebels are not communist, at least first

peasants land and property been robbed by authority

they eaither die or rise
That's not the first time either. Indians were first colonized by the Aryans, who imposed their own social and religious beliefs onto the natives and banished them into the lower castes. Indians are used to adopting their conqueror's culture. Trumpeting "democracy" is only their latest example. They thus cannot abide China, the world's longest continuous civilization, choosing to develop as the Chinese best sees fit.

Get back on topic.
That's not the first time either. Indians were first colonized by the Aryans, who imposed their own social and religious beliefs onto the natives and banished them into the lower castes. Indians are used to adopting their conqueror's culture. Trumpeting "democracy" is only their latest example. They thus cannot abide China, the world's longest continuous civilization, choosing to develop as the Chinese best sees fit.

You live in a democratic country and then bash it :lol:
Are Marx an lenin are from china??
India's population is a significant problem for the world's environment. They contribute phosphate and bacterial pollution through sh*ting everywhere and spread AIDS. India should become a feudal state, that is the only way the world can move forward.

Beware dude!! You think that china's recent economic advances has given it so much power that you have began to look world as an extension of your di*c. Remember that with great power comes great responsibilities. Don't be so overconfident that when time comes to prove, you actually fail. China's rise does not means that no one could match them. I refuse to listen to the posters whose country doesn't give them basic right of information. Credibility of such posters goes down the drain at that point.

By the way You chinkis eat every insect na?? So when indians sh*t, kindly come and eat all the decayed sh*t you want. you know its full of all those creepy insects when sh*t rots (china's national food-- India's rotten sh*t with crunchy bugs). You call indians poor?? Well at least we don't eat insects, even though we are poors.
Any one corrupt gets hanged or is their a gradation process???

Theoretically, you can be shot for corruption of anything over around 1 million. In reality, corruption is given immediate death sentences only for things that cause death, or involve foreign spying. In China, death penalties for murder are less supported than death penalties for corruption.
Any one corrupt gets hanged or is their a gradation process???

Of course there is a scale.

I wonder what Indians will do about their politicians, who stole more than a trillion dollars from their own countrymen, and hid that money in Swiss bank accounts.

How many people would have avoided death by starvation/disease, if that money had not been stolen?
Western-style democracy is a drug that only makes low IQs forget who they are and make them believe they are the God. For Chinese, we believe we can have a much better system than theirs. The outcome of recent 30 years reform just shows the whole world the initial results. Here is my prediction, by the time when China push US into the 2nd place both economically and militarily, western world will face an ideology crisis because people will find out that Communist China can do much better than western countries. We will be very interesting to see how western countries cover their old lies with some new lies.
most indian rebels are not communist, at least first

peasants land and property been robbed by authority

they eaither die or rise
Stop ranting these Maoist attack every sign of development i.e. Schools , hospitals, telephone lines, rail tracks, stations.
Abduct people who do good for the people Hold kangaroo courts, kill the very tribals they say hey support when the wan the benefits of democracy.
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