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China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

yes, Qian is great.

and i admire him more for his contribution to " rentikexue“, which may truely lead to a scientific revolution.
Must search around to learn what's: 人体科学 réntǐ kēxué (the human body science)
Must search around to learn what's: 人体科学 réntǐ kēxué (the human body science)

can you read Chinese?
the link is i posted years ago, hope can help you.


本书是钱老在1983-1987年在某研究所学术研讨会上的报告和发言。汇编成书于1995年9月出版。 讨论内容为系统科学,科学技术大体系,和人体科学思维科学,涉及面深广。可以看到,前辈科学家在几十年前就已经开始为祖国的科学发展规划蓝图。许多内容即使在今天看来也是很超前,还需要努力才能实现。 讨论的基本问题有:科学哲学上整体论和还原论的辩证统一,微观宏观统一;传统中医和西医关系,人体科学理论和方法,实用学科人-机-环境系统工程等等,钱老都有他独特的看法。

can you read Chinese?
the link is i posted years ago, hope can help you.


本书是钱老在1983-1987年在某研究所学术研讨会上的报告和发言。汇编成书于1995年9月出版。 讨论内容为系统科学,科学技术大体系,和人体科学思维科学,涉及面深广。可以看到,前辈科学家在几十年前就已经开始为祖国的科学发展规划蓝图。许多内容即使在今天看来也是很超前,还需要努力才能实现。 讨论的基本问题有:科学哲学上整体论和还原论的辩证统一,微观宏观统一;传统中医和西医关系,人体科学理论和方法,实用学科人-机-环境系统工程等等,钱老都有他独特的看法。

View attachment 358474
I can manage for a short passage though not a book definitely :-) since you provide it in text I can resort to some tools for help :-) thank you!

Btw, here's a fascinating BIOPIC of Qian Xuesen 钱学森 (Hsue-shen Tsien), this full-length 1080p movie comes with both hard-coded Chinese & English subtitles so every one will be able to grasp and enjoy the viewing.

China develops non-toxic propellant for orbiting satellites
by Staff Writers
Beijing (XNA) Dec 09, 2016

Shijian-17 is tasked with verifying technology for observation of space debris, new electric sources and electric propulsion.

A non-toxic propulsion system developed by Chinese scientists will enable satellites to carry more payload and save on satellite launching costs, the system's developer said Tuesday.

The ammonium dinitramide (ADN) technology used in the system proved successful when it was tested in the Shijian-17 satellite sent into space last month, the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation said in a statement.

Shijian-17 is tasked with verifying technology for observation of space debris, new electric sources and electric propulsion.

According to scientists, the propulsion system is meant to help an orbiting satellite sustain its altitude as atmospheric drag and gravity can lead to gradual descent in orbit.

It will also make China the second country after Sweden to master a non-toxic propulsion technology in orbit, it said.

The technology will help avoid human injuries and adverse effects to equipment caused by propellant emission or leakage, according to the document.

As most propellants currently used are toxic, countries are racing to develop more environmentally friendly and non-toxic propellants, it added.

Long March 3B launches Fengyun-4A meteorological spacecraft
December 10, 2016 by Rui C. Barbosa

China launched the first of a new generation geosynchronous meteorological satellites on Saturday. The launch of Fengyun-4A satellite took place at 16:11 UTC using the Long March-3B/G2 (Y42) – or Chang Zheng-3B/G2 per its Chinese name – from the LC3 Launch Complex at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.

Chinese Launch:

Fengyun-4 (Wind and Cloud) series is China’s second-generation geostationary meteorological satellites after Fengyun-2 satellite series. The performance of Feng Yun-4 has been improved in relation to FY-2 in terms of data amount, network transmission bandwidth, product type and quantity and archiving data and applications.

The satellite attitude is three-axis stabilized to improve the time resolution of observations and regional mobility.

The new generation satellites are designed with an enhanced imagery scanning capability, desirable for monitoring small and medium scale weather systems. It is equipped with vertical atmospheric sounding and microwave detection capabilities to address 3D remote sensing at high altitudes.

The satellite also carries instrumentation for solar observations for extreme ultraviolet and X-rays, in a bid to enhance China’s space weather watch and warning capability.

The new FY-4 series will comprise satellites will optical and microwave variants. An optical satellite will carry onboard a 10-channel 2D scanning imager, an interferometric vertical detector, a lightning imager, CCD camera and an earth radiation budget instrument. The satellite produces earth disc imageries every 15 minutes.

The optical variant will include two satellites. This includes an “East” satellite covering a region including western China, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea and the Middle East; and ‘a “West” satellite covering a region including middle and eastern China and the Pacific. The microwave variant FengYun-4 will cover China and its peripheral areas.

In general the main tasks of the Fengyun-4 series will be to take multiple spectral band measurements of high temporal resolution and accuracy, to obtain imagery of the earth’s surface and cloud, including the segment images and increase the overall capability of the China Meteorological Administration in space-based quantitative observation and application.

It will also measure the vertical profile of temperature and humidity of the atmosphere with improved detection accuracy and vertical resolution; to detect the lightning to obtain the map that positions the lightning occurrences; to transmit the observational images, data and derived products with on-board transmitter; to collect the earth environmental measurements from automatic data collection platforms and transmit to users; and to monitor solar activities and space environment to provide the data for space weather research and service.

The main tasks for the new satellites are to obtain the multi-spectrum and high-accurate quantitative images of the earth and clouds; to measure the humidity parameter of atmosphere; to enhance the ability of detecting the space weather and environment; to collect various earth environmental parameters; and to transmit images, weather products, and the devastating weather forecasting.

The main instruments on Fengyun-4A are the Advanced Geosynchronous Radiation Imager (AGRI), with 14 channels with a spectral range set between 0.55μm and 13.8μm; the Interferometric Infrared Sounder (GIIRS); the Lightning Mapping Imager (LMI); the Space Environment Package (SEP); the Solar X-EUV imaging telescope (SXEUV); and the Data Collection Service (DCS).

AGRI was developed by the constructed by Harris Corporation and uses an off-axis telescope, two scan mirrors, 216 detectors in 14 spectral bands, and full-path on-orbit calibration. The instrument is replacing the S-VISSR sensor, flown on the FY-2A to H series. It has 14 channels and two observation modes. The temporal resolutions are 1 – 5 minutes over a regional domain and 15 minutes over the full-disk domain.

GIIRS was developed by National Space Science Center of the China Academy of Sciences and is the main payload onboard of FY-4A satellite. It will monitor and measure internal constitution and precipitation parameters of the atmosphere cloud cluster. GIIRS can be used for vertical atmospheric sounding and it is the first high-resolution sounding sensor onboard the geostationary satellite.

There are two observation modes of GIIRS. One mode is designed for China area, whose temporal resolution is 55 minutes and the coverage is 4500 x 4500 km. The other observation mode is mesoscale mode, whose temporal resolution is 30 minutes and the coverage is 1000 x 1000 km.

LMI is the first lightning detection sensor on China’s satellites. It will be used to observe regional lightning activity in China. Information obtained will be used in forecasting and warning of convection precipitation, and studying of Earth’s electric field.

The SEP will monitor the charged particles at platform level. Set of counters for electrons (0.4-4 MeV) and protons (1-165 MeV). The instrument packaged is composed of a High-energy Proton Detector (8 channels in the energy range of 1-165 MeV; the FOV is conical at 60º), an High-energy Electron Detector (9 channels in the energy range of 0.4 – 4 MeV; the FOV is conical at 25º) and a package of instruments including a FGM (Flux Gate Magnetometer), and radiation dosimeter and surface charging sensors. The dynamic range of FGM: ±0.01 to ±600 nT for each component, with a maximum resolution of ±0.06 @ of the dynamics.

Data collection from DCPs (Data Collection Platforms) in the ground segment has two types of DCPs that will be served at either regional or international (i.e. migrating across the field of view of more geostationary satellites).

Launch vehicle and launch site:

To meet the demand of international satellite launch market, especially for high power and heavy communications satellites, the development of Long March-3B (Chang Zheng-3B) launch vehicle was started in 1986 on the basis of the fight proven technology of Long March launch vehicles.

Developed from the Chang Zheng-3A, the Chang Zheng-3B is at the moment the most powerful launch vehicle on the Chinese space launch fleet.

The CZ-3B features enlarged launch propellant tanks, improved computer systems, a larger 4.2 meter diameter payload fairing and the addition of four strap-on boosters in the core stage that provide additional help during the first phase of the launch.

The rocket is capable of launching a 11,200 kg satellite to a low Earth orbit or a 5,100 kg cargo to a geosynchronous transfer orbit.

The CZ-3B/G2 (Enhanced Version) launch vehicle was developed from the CZ-3B with a lengthened first core stage and strap-on boosters, increasing the GTO capacity up to 5,500kg.

On May 14, 2007, the first flight of CZ-3B/G2 was performed successfully, accurately sending the NigcomSat-1 into pre-determined orbit. With the GTO launch capability of 5,500kg, CZ-3B/G2 is dedicated for launching heavy GEO communications satellite.

The rocket structure also combines all sub-systems together and is composed of four strap-on boosters, a first stage, a second stage, a third stage and payload fairing.

The first two stages as well as the four strap-on boosters use hypergolic (N2O4/UDMH) fuel while the third stage uses cryogenic (LOX/LH2) fuel. The total length of the CZ-3B is 54.838 meters, with a diameter of 3.35 meters on the core stage and 3.00 meters on the third stage.

On the first stage, the CZ-3B uses a YF-21C engine with a 2,961.6 kN thrust and a specific impulse of 2,556.5 Ns/kg. The first stage diameter is 3.35 m and the stage length is 23.272 m.

Each strap-on booster is equipped with a YF-25 engine with a 740.4 kN thrust and a specific impulse of 2,556.2 Ns/kg. The strap-on booster diameter is 2.25 m and the strap-on booster length is 15.326 m.

The second stage is equipped with a YF-24E (main engine – 742 kN / 2,922.57 Ns/kg; four vernier engines – 47.1 kN / 2,910.5 Ns/kg each). The second stage diameter is 3.35 m and the stage length is 12.920 m.

The third stage is equipped with a YF-75 engine developing 167.17 kN and with a specific impulse of 4,295 Ns/kg. The fairing diameter of the CZ-3B is 4.00 meters and has a length of 9.56 meters.

The CZ-3B can also use the new Yuanzheng-1 (“Expedition-1″) upper stage that uses a small thrust 6.5 kN engine burning UDMH/N2O4 with specific impulse at 3,092 m/s. The upper stage is able to conduct two burns, having a 6.5 hour lifetime and is capable of achieving a variety of orbits. This upper stage was not used on this launch.
Typical flight sequence for the CZ-3B/G2 sees the launch pitching over 10 seconds after liftoff from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre. Boosters shutdown 2 minutes and 7 seconds after liftoff, separation from the first stage one second latter. First stage shutdown takes place at 1 minutes 25 seconds into the flight.

Separation between the first and second stage takes place at 1 minute 26 seconds, following fairing separation at T+3 minutes 35 seconds. Stage 2 main engine shutdown occurs 326 seconds into the flight, following by the shutdown of the vernier engines 15 seconds later.

Separation between the second and the third stage and the ignition of the third stage takes place one second after the shutdown of the vernier engines of the second stage. The first burn of the third stage will last for 4 minutes and 44 seconds.

After the end of the first burn of the third stage follows a coast phase that ends at T+20 minutes and 58 seconds with the third stage initiating its second burn. This will have a 179 seconds duration. After the end of the second burn of the third stage, the launcher initiates a 20 second velocity adjustment maneuver. Spacecraft separation usually takes place at T+25 minutes 38 seconds after launch.

The first launch from Xichang took place at 12:25UTC on January 29, 1984, when the Chang Zheng-3 (Y-1) was launched the Shiyan Weixing (14670 1984-008A) communications satellite into orbit.

The Xichang Satellite Launch Center is situated in the Sichuan Province, south-western China and is the country’s launch site for geosynchronous orbital launches.

Equipped with two launch pads (LC2 and LC3), the center has a dedicated railway and highway lead directly to the launch site.

The Command and Control Centre is located seven kilometers southwest of the launch pad, providing flight and safety control during launch rehearsal and launch.

The CZ-3B launch pad is located at 28.25 deg. N – 102.02 deg. E and at an elevation of 1,825 meters.

Other facilities on the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre are the Launch Control Centre, propellant fuelling systems, communications systems for launch command, telephone and data communications for users, and support equipment for meteorological monitoring and forecasting.


CCTV short launch video


Launch simulation video with satellite data (5380 kg launch mass)

China launches in 2016 (times in UTC)

01 - January 15 (16:57:04.080) - CZ-3B/G2 (Y29) - XSLC, LC3 - BelinterSat-1 / Zhongxing-15 (Chinasat-15)
02 - February 1 (07:29:04) - CZ-3C/YZ-1 (Y14/??) - XSLC, LC2 - Beidou-3-M3S (Beidou-21)
03 - March 29 (20:11:04.682) - CZ-3A (Y26) - XSLC, LC2 - Beidou-2-IGSO6 (Beidou-22)
04 - April 5 (17:38:04.160) - CZ-2D (Y36) - JSLC, LC43/603 - SJ-10 Shijian-10
05 - May 15 (02:43) - CZ-2D (Y27) - JSLC, LC43/603 - YG-30 Yaogan Weixing-30
06 - May 30 (03:17:04.523) - CZ-4B (Y33) - TSLC, LC9 - ZY-3 Ziyuan-3 (2); ÑuSat-1/LUSEX 'Fresco'; ÑuSat-2 'Batata'
07 - June 12 (15:30:04.361) - CZ-3C (Y15) - XSLC, LC3 - Beidou-23 (Beidou-2-G7)
08 - June 25 (12:00:07.413) - CZ-7/YZ-1A (Y1) - WSLC, LC201 - Duoyongtu Feichuan Fanhui Cang (Prototype Crew Capsule Reentry Test); Aoxiang Zhixing (CubeSat-12U); AL-1 Aolong-1; TF-1 Tiange Feixingqi-1; TF-2 Tiange Feixingqi-2; Zai Guijia Zhu Shiyan Zhuangzhi (attached to upper stage); Pei Zhong Zhijia (ballast)
09 - June 29 (03:21) - CZ-4B (Y35) - JSLC, LC63/603 - SJ-16 Shijian-16 (2)
10 - August 5 (16:22:04.273) - CZ-3B/G2 (Y35) - XSLC, LC3 - Tiantong-1 (01)
11 - August 9 (22:55:25.077) - CZ-4C (Y19) - TSLC, LC9 - GF-3 Gaofen-3
12 - August 15 (17:40:04.546) - CZ-2D (Y32) - JSLC, LC43/603 - Mozi (QSS 'Quantum Science Satellite')**, ³Cat-2, Lixing-1
13 - August 31 (18:55) - CZ-4C - TSLC, LC9 - GF-10 Gaofen-10 (Launch failure)
14 - September 15 (14:04:12.428) - CZ-2F (T2) - JSLC, LC43/921 - TG-2 Tiangong-2; Banxing-2
15 - October 16 (23:30:31.409) - CZ-2F/G (Y11) - JSLC, LC43/921 - SZ-11 Shenzhou-11
16 - November 3 (12:43:13.998) - CZ-5/YZ-2 (Y1/Y1) - WSLC, LC101 - SJ-17 Shijian-17
17 - November 9 (23:42) - CZ-11 (Y2) - JSLC - Maichong Xing Shiyan Weixing XPNAV-1; Xiaoxiang-1 (CubeSat-3U); Lishui-1-01 (CubeSat-3U); Pina-2 (CubeSat); KS-1Q/CAS-2T 'Fengtai-1' (CubeSat-2U) attached to the CZ-11 4th stage
18 - November 11 (23:14) - CZ-2D (Y34) - JSLC, LC43/903 - Yunhai-1 (01)
19 - November 22 (15:24:04.194) - CZ-3C/G2 (Y13) - XSLC, LC2 - TL-1 Tianlian-1 (4)
20 - December 10 (16:11) - CZ-3B/G2 (Y42) - XSLC, LC3 - FY-4A Fengyun-4A

China launch schedule


December 19 - CZ-2D (Y33) - JSLC, LC43/603 - TanSat (CarbonSat)
December 26 - CZ-2D -TSLC, LC9 - GJ-1 Gaojing-1 (1), GJ-1 Gaojing-1 (2), BY70-1
December - KZ-1A - JSLC - JL-1 Jilin-1 (3); Zhuai-1 (?); CubeSats
December - XSLC, LC2 - CZ-3B/G2 (Y39) - TXJSSY-2

CCTV short launch video


Launch simulation video with satellite data (5380 kg launch mass)

China launches in 2016 (times in UTC)

01 - January 15 (16:57:04.080) - CZ-3B/G2 (Y29) - XSLC, LC3 - BelinterSat-1 / Zhongxing-15 (Chinasat-15)
02 - February 1 (07:29:04) - CZ-3C/YZ-1 (Y14/??) - XSLC, LC2 - Beidou-3-M3S (Beidou-21)
03 - March 29 (20:11:04.682) - CZ-3A (Y26) - XSLC, LC2 - Beidou-2-IGSO6 (Beidou-22)
04 - April 5 (17:38:04.160) - CZ-2D (Y36) - JSLC, LC43/603 - SJ-10 Shijian-10
05 - May 15 (02:43) - CZ-2D (Y27) - JSLC, LC43/603 - YG-30 Yaogan Weixing-30
06 - May 30 (03:17:04.523) - CZ-4B (Y33) - TSLC, LC9 - ZY-3 Ziyuan-3 (2); ÑuSat-1/LUSEX 'Fresco'; ÑuSat-2 'Batata'
07 - June 12 (15:30:04.361) - CZ-3C (Y15) - XSLC, LC3 - Beidou-23 (Beidou-2-G7)
08 - June 25 (12:00:07.413) - CZ-7/YZ-1A (Y1) - WSLC, LC201 - Duoyongtu Feichuan Fanhui Cang (Prototype Crew Capsule Reentry Test); Aoxiang Zhixing (CubeSat-12U); AL-1 Aolong-1; TF-1 Tiange Feixingqi-1; TF-2 Tiange Feixingqi-2; Zai Guijia Zhu Shiyan Zhuangzhi (attached to upper stage); Pei Zhong Zhijia (ballast)
09 - June 29 (03:21) - CZ-4B (Y35) - JSLC, LC63/603 - SJ-16 Shijian-16 (2)
10 - August 5 (16:22:04.273) - CZ-3B/G2 (Y35) - XSLC, LC3 - Tiantong-1 (01)
11 - August 9 (22:55:25.077) - CZ-4C (Y19) - TSLC, LC9 - GF-3 Gaofen-3
12 - August 15 (17:40:04.546) - CZ-2D (Y32) - JSLC, LC43/603 - Mozi (QSS 'Quantum Science Satellite')**, ³Cat-2, Lixing-1
13 - August 31 (18:55) - CZ-4C - TSLC, LC9 - GF-10 Gaofen-10 (Launch failure)
14 - September 15 (14:04:12.428) - CZ-2F (T2) - JSLC, LC43/921 - TG-2 Tiangong-2; Banxing-2
15 - October 16 (23:30:31.409) - CZ-2F/G (Y11) - JSLC, LC43/921 - SZ-11 Shenzhou-11
16 - November 3 (12:43:13.998) - CZ-5/YZ-2 (Y1/Y1) - WSLC, LC101 - SJ-17 Shijian-17
17 - November 9 (23:42) - CZ-11 (Y2) - JSLC - Maichong Xing Shiyan Weixing XPNAV-1; Xiaoxiang-1 (CubeSat-3U); Lishui-1-01 (CubeSat-3U); Pina-2 (CubeSat); KS-1Q/CAS-2T 'Fengtai-1' (CubeSat-2U) attached to the CZ-11 4th stage
18 - November 11 (23:14) - CZ-2D (Y34) - JSLC, LC43/903 - Yunhai-1 (01)
19 - November 22 (15:24:04.194) - CZ-3C/G2 (Y13) - XSLC, LC2 - TL-1 Tianlian-1 (4)
20 - December 10 (16:11) - CZ-3B/G2 (Y42) - XSLC, LC3 - FY-4A Fengyun-4A

China launch schedule


December 19 - CZ-2D (Y33) - JSLC, LC43/603 - TanSat (CarbonSat)
December 26 - CZ-2D -TSLC, LC9 - GJ-1 Gaojing-1 (1), GJ-1 Gaojing-1 (2), BY70-1
December - KZ-1A - JSLC - JL-1 Jilin-1 (3); Zhuai-1 (?); CubeSats
December - XSLC, LC2 - CZ-3B/G2 (Y39) - TXJSSY-2

The maiden flight of KZ-1A has been postponed to 2017
China launches new-generation weather satellite
2016-12-11 10:02, Xinhua

A Long March-3B rocket carrying the Fengyun-4 satellite blasts off from the launching pad at Xichang Satellite Launch Center, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Dec. 11, 2016. (Photo/Xinhua)

China launched a weather satellite at 12:11 a.m. Sunday, marking an upgrade of China's meteorological satellites in geostationary orbit.

The Fengyun-4 satellite, the first of China's second-generation weather satellites in geostationary orbit to have been launched, is also the country's first quantitative remote-sensing satellite in high orbit.

The satellite, launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province, was taken into orbit by a Long March-3B carrier rocket. The launch marked the 242nd mission of China's Long March series of rockets.

The satellite will make high time, spatial and spectral resolution observations of the atmosphere, clouds and space environment of China and surrounding regions, significantly improving capabilities of weather and climate forecasts, according to the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense.

The China Meteorological Administration is the primary user of the satellite.

Previously, China had successfully launched 14 weather satellites, seven of which are still in orbit.


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China’s Space Survival Experiment to Continue Studying Plants
Published on Dec 12, 2016

Four Chinese volunteers who have been living inside a sealed space capsule in south China's Guangdong Province testing technologies to support China's future deep-space exploration projects are set to complete their 180-day survival experiment on Wednesday.

However, experts say the experiment in Shenzhen City will carry on for a further month, with the plants used in the capsule continually surveyed for data collecting purposes.

The key aim for volunteers in the survival experiment has been to focus on the regeneration of food in the controlled eco-system, which has relied on growing and maintaining a large number of plants inside the capsule.

A total of 25 different plants, including wheat, soybeans, potatoes, and tomatoes, were planted in four of the eight compartments of the sealed experiment capsule, which have provided abundant food for the volunteers living there.

"This is plant capsule IV. We have been growing cherry tomatoes and strawberries in it. The cherry tomato plants were just very small seedlings when we first planted them, but now they are all over the place," said Zhang Liangchang, on-scene commander of the survival experiment.

Due to their varying life cycles and cultivation times, the plants will remain in the capsule for a further 30 or so days after the volunteers leave, with human metabolic simulators allowing scientists to collect more comprehensive data.

"The human metabolic simulators will simulate human respiration in the capsule to continue the growth of the plants. Some of the plants will be ripe later, and we will collect all the data before we end the whole experiment," said Yu Qingni, the experiment's technical director.
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