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China slowly becoming a player in Arab Israel conflict

Deploying local human shield in particularly women and children will see your legitimacy and support drop to zero.

This must be Western media fake news.
they hide & fire rockets among the civilian facilities & attract rockets from israel to palestinian civilians & show the media israel intentionally targeting civilians while israel does her best to forewarn the civilians with :roof knocking" before destroying a building That is a fact....
Good to see china putting pressure on Israel but i believe, all this is just a drama, just to make Chinese image better among Muslims. Perception war! China is not enemy of Israel.
I find it funny that some Chinese members here really believe they can change much in this issue. Especially by playing both sides with the so called two state solution(which is something many other country already agree with anyway lol), so don't see anything new they are proposing . Lol Well, guess it's better for then to make some statements here and there to show they are doing something somehow. However they can't change much on the ground to be honest. Plus as you said groups like Hamas want a one state for Palestine ideally, so don't see what the Chinese are talking about anyway.
The Israel Palestinian issue goes far deeper than they can even understand . For one the CCP isn't even religious so will be difficult for then to understand the feelings of the Palestinians and Israelis over the region/Jerusalem issue and how it affects this conflict. This is a conflict that has been going on for centuries and is so complicated.
CCP should focus more on the Pacific/South China Sea and its border issue with other like India and the US massive presence in the region with its allies surrounding them.
I agree. It's funny. i have never seen china talking about two state solution. Probably just to fool Muslim countries because they have excellent relations with many of them. Anyway China is not enemy of Israel.
Yes and no.

Yes. European Jews were slaughtered by the Germans and by right European Jews should have been given a piece of German land. Instead they took Arab land and gave it to the Jews.

But unfortunately, you cannot win on paper what you have not won on the battlefield.

IT WAS A DOUBLE GAME to get palestine. jews were in hitler army.

Say what you want to say. China is getting real. The quasi CPC spokes person all spokes out against Israel this few days.
wat if china is playing double game in the end it will serve israel, could cpec be the road to zion.


by the way erdogan is all hot air like crypto young turk.
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wat if china is playing double game in the end it will serve israel, could cpec be the road to zion.

View attachment 745120
by the way erdogan is all hot air like crypto young turk.

If USA/Jews trade Taiwan for Israel, I am quite sure China will jump in and grab it now. This deal is on for now.

20 years later, I reckon China GDP will be 2 times US GDP. Then there wont be any deal on table anymore for Israel.

China will want a 2 state solution.
China actively pursues a policy of extermination against the Uyghurs, one that is far worse in its methods in many ways than what Israel does. Palestinians don't need genocidal racists as allies against genocidal racists.

Same goes to Iran's terror regime and it's minions, who seek to humanise the victims of the Palestinian cause, in order to use it as a pawn. While actively dehumanise the Syrian victims of the Assad regime.

The mass murder, and displacement of Syrians today is similar to Palestine Nakba, and the Assadist state does not belong to a world far from the racist Zionist, rather two sides of the same coin.

Simply, you're either with justice everywhere or not at all, it’s not a buffet where you can pick and choose.
All of this is literally cia propaganda. Where do u get your information? Israel is literally 100x worse than any of these three countries.
China will gradually become a decisive player in the Middle East but this will come into fruition probably 20 years from now. Emotional outbursts are not the Chinese way. Long term strategy and planning are. China is already changing the balance of power in the region and developing a plan for the region. It will be revealed in steps through the next two decades and will come into fruition as China becomes the world's largest economy and leading technological power.

So far China never condemn Israel.

In fact China enjoy good relationship with Israel, and keep improving it. Playing as a peace maker between Arab and Israel doesn't mean China be one sided supporting Arabs.

@Song Hong @Feng Leng
CPC had three great chairmen with true understanding of realpolitik. Late Chairman Mao, Deng and now Xi. I would put Chairman Xi right after Mao as the greatest visionary CPC ever had. Let us wait and watch.
China and Israel are top allies. No way China will ever condemn Israel.

She is just short of outright and direct criticizing Israel. The tone is strong enough.

China on Saturday criticized the US for blocking the UNSC from reaching an agreement on the matter and expects all parties in the UNSC to put forward a unified voice on the issue.

Wang said the root cause of the deterioration of the situation is that for a long time there has not been a just solution to the Palestinian issue.

Mehdawi said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang "had rightfully hit on the real roots of the conflict when he pointed out at the very long Israeli military occupation of Palestine as the central cause, he had also clarified and stressed on the most urgent priority and responsibility of the International community through the UN Security Council, which China chairs this month, to insure the immediate stop" of the ongoing bloodshed in Gaza in particular.
She is just short of outright and direct criticizing Israel. The tone is strong enough.

China on Saturday criticized the US for blocking the UNSC from reaching an agreement on the matter and expects all parties in the UNSC to put forward a unified voice on the issue.

Wang said the root cause of the deterioration of the situation is that for a long time there has not been a just solution to the Palestinian issue.

Mehdawi said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang "had rightfully hit on the real roots of the conflict when he pointed out at the very long Israeli military occupation of Palestine as the central cause, he had also clarified and stressed on the most urgent priority and responsibility of the International community through the UN Security Council, which China chairs this month, to insure the immediate stop" of the ongoing bloodshed in Gaza in particular.

China criticize US, not Israel. US is China's enemy, Israel is not.

If many Arab countries is not condemning Israel yet, how come China will do?
I never seen such a tone on Israel until this few days.

We are living in exciting time.
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