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China slammed India FM's claims

Will that make a difference in your answer either way ?

//takes Note

It is difficult to take a person's post seriously when they, themselves are confused about their own national orientation.

Not to mention that it was the first post, and it was a mess.

I am clearing this confusion.
Why Indians are just so stupid?:tdown:

I just couldn't understand why they want to be the regional trouble maker.

Look at the situation, you Indians do NOT have any chance to take that land. Chinese fighters can reach your capital in 30 mins and a short range missile could target all your population centers. what you can do? your best missiles can hit Lanzhou maybe (You don't want to hit Lhasa).

My Indian friends: tell your government to just shut up, you will lose again if you push harder. check the history of the 1962 war.

btw: Like other billion Chinese, I see you as the biggest threat to our nation. To keep you poor and stupid would be the goal of my life - I do this for my child and grandchild.
To keep you poor and stupid would be the goal of my life - I do this for my child and grandchild.

^^ The only people you have managed to keep stupid can be seen in the mirror.

Try that first thing in the morning.

I hope your child and grandchild does not suffer that.

Frankly, I have seen better Chinese people. I have a better impression of them than people like you create.

But then it takes all kinds to make a billion.
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^^ The only people you have managed to keep stupid can be seen in the mirror. I hope your child and grandchild does not suffer that.

Try that first thing in the morning.

Frankly, I have seen better Chinese people. I have a better impression of them than people like you create.

But then it takes all kinds to make a billion.

How is your Land Crashing Aircraft doing these days? or maybe we can also talk about your world's longest tested (but yet not ready for operation) Arjun Tank? Still believe you are capable of building anything? I don't.

Dude, keep my words in your mind: this world is just not big enough to have both developed China and India, we ARE enemies.

Now I have one simple suggestion for you - don't get fooled by the westerners, they are now mentioning India whenever China is mentioned, they are giving your the feeling that you are capable of doing something, you are capable of being a developed countries in 20-30 years. Do you believe that? I don't. Why they fool you? because your 1 billion highly under-educated population can be easily used for being the trouble maker to China.
Well, I can already see that it is waste of time trying to talk reason with you. Enjoy your day. :wave:
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