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China slammed India FM's claims


Jul 11, 2008
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Nov 11, 2008

BEIJING - CHINA objected strongly on Tuesday to comments by India's foreign minister in which he rejected Chinese claims over a border region long disputed by the two giants.

'We express deep regret over India's public remarks that ignore historic facts', Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said during a regular news briefing.

Mr Qin was responding to comments Sunday by Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee, who reportedly said China was 'fully aware' that the state of Arunachal Pradesh - which is claimed by China - is 'an integral part of India'.

'China is often making claims on Arunachal Pradesh, but Arunachal Pradesh has a special place in our heart', Mr Mukherjee said during a visit to the region, according to the Press Trust of India.

The two countries are engaged in long-running negotiations over disputed border regions, which triggered a brief but bloody war in 1962.

Although he stressed that the two sides were seeking a peaceful solution, Mr Mukherjee said 'the question of parting company with Arunachal or any of its parts does not arise.'

But Mr Qin said an official demarcation of the border remains to be carried out.

'No Chinese government in history has ever admitted the unlawful McMahon line', Mr Qin said, referring to the boundary line claimed by India.

'India knows this'.

India says China occupies 38,000 square kilometres (14,700 square miles) of its Himalayan territory, while Beijing claims all of Arunachal Pradesh, which is 90,000 square kilometres.
Finally, India standing up to china. Though I guess this is with an eye on elections.
Why is the same line acceptable with Myanmar and not with India?

They keep telling this to everyone and other they repeat is "ISI is behind it"

Are you an arbitrator or what?. How do you know Arunachal is not integral part of India. Just using smilies doesn't make your point.
How do you know AC is not integral part of India

Chinese treating the same way the issue of AC as u do of the Kashmir against PK..so i made my point :D
Chinese treating the same way the issue of AC as u do of the Kashmir against PK..so i made my point :D

But only one difference, Kashmir is still with India. We are not asking for ***. So there is no similarity in between these two. So, your point is wrong.
But only one difference, Kashmir is still with India. We are not asking for ***. So there is no similarity in between these two. So, your point is wrong.

Considerable part of Kashmir is with Pakistan and in case of Arunachal Pradesh China has some of its portion in same way like PK has some part,so your point is wrong
Considerable part of Kashmir is with Pakistan and in case of Arunachal Pradesh China has some of its portion in same way like PK has some part,so your point is wrong

What do you mean by considerable?. China doesn't have a squat.
What do you mean by considerable?. China doesn't have a squat.
India says China occupies 38,000 square kilometres (14,700 square miles) of its Himalayan territory, while Beijing claims all of Arunachal Pradesh, which is 90,000 square kilometres.:crazy:
India says China occupies 38,000 square kilometres (14,700 square miles) of its Himalayan territory, while Beijing claims all of Arunachal Pradesh, which is 90,000 square kilometres.:crazy:

The Indian territory that China occupied is in the Aksai Chin region.

They returned back from the territory they occupied in the NE because they were stretched too thin.
i will say even india get whole asia his hunger of land not finished what KASHMER AC
Not true. India has not attacked a single country after 1947.

We did not even try to occupy Bangladesh when our armies were already in Dhaka. Didn't attack any of our smaller neighbors.

Our wars have been only with Pakistan and China and reasons for that are well known. We have not kept an inch of land of Pakistan from any of those wars too.
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