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China 'should sprint to become the world's most powerful country'

Interesting that China loves to criticize the U.S. for for the very things China itself admits to aspire to. And what kind of "champion" role does it want? What can an authoritarian regime hope to aspire to? Maybe freedom of speech? freedom of religion? (they still persecute and imprison Christians, Muslims, and others for their beliefs)

Do you realize that if Pakistan had the same form of Government as China. Many on this forum would be in danger of arrest and imprisonment for expressing what they believe. And forget about political parties becuase there would be only one to vote for. You could go to Mosque but only the State sanctioned one and you would have to register of course.

Yes a Government like that would defiantly be a "champion" to look up to.
Everything in life has a 'champion' or a virtuous skill. Strictly speaking, a 'virtue' is morally neutral. For a motivational speaker, diction and clarity are 'virtuous' or highly desirable skills. For a pickpocket, anonymity and deft hands are 'virtuous'. And so on. Guess violent suppression of dissenting ideas are 'virtuous' and does have champions and aspirants somewhere.
Contain China! contain China! contain China! .... I just got pissed off hearing the same mantra by US again and again! Bloody Pentagon... you just poisoned the Chinese mind and now you have to swallow the poison.

You have to reap what you sow... don't you know, Mr US?

You have been doing to contain China, now China should start doing something to contain US... Thats what China must do to survive.

And my message to CPC as well,

Don't ignore the people's sentiment, you are there because of the people and you must listen to the people's demand. Obviously, you don't want to get overthrown by the people and then kicked out to another island, so better walk along with the people. If you still continue ignoring people's voice, PLA might revolt and take over all your positions. Its very clear that PLA is getting annoyed by your cowardly acts. So please listen to the people.

Make friends with India, its easy , i said in post earlier, We will contain Dalai Lama for you like we did in past.
But you have to make some concessions to India, only when you became hostile, India allowed Dalai Lama free run.
It is in your interest today to make India friend. We have been trading with each other from centuries, even at the time when Europe was in dark ages and America not born.
Xdrive / Atlantis Relax and Stick to Topic !!

Please pardon me but I do feel very angry when I read the very first post. What the hell, the so called Professor Liu is just another crazy man like Mao Ze Dong. China don't need another Mao. We have suffered enough from him. What makes "become world number one" so important to be even a goal of China? To let people enjoy a higher living standard is what every person really care. Go hell "To save itself, to save the world"... Chinese need a leader who cares only for themselves rather than obsessing with the "world leadership".

In short, Professor Liu is crazy and don't know what he's talking about. But it's lucky that China's leader don't share the same view with him on this.

Again, learn a lesson from USA(even USSR in cold war and Japan in WW II). Never trying to do a thing that you cannot do.
Please pardon me but I do feel very angry when I read the very first post. What the hell, the so called Professor Liu is just another crazy man like Mao Ze Dong. China don't need another Mao. We have suffered enough from him. What makes "become world number one" so important to be even a goal of China? To let people enjoy a higher living standard is what every person really care. Go hell "To save itself, to save the world"... Chinese need a leader who cares only for themselves rather than obsessing with the "world leadership".

In short, Professor Liu is crazy and don't know what he's talking about. But it's lucky that China's leader don't share the same view with him on this.

Again, learn a lesson from USA(even USSR in cold war and Japan in WW II). Never trying to do a thing that you cannot do.

i guess we should still be shining the white man's shoes and smoking their opium with that attitude. maybe even keep our braids with the qing dynasty.

we need ambition. yes Mao made mistakes, but he had the guts to change things. look at mr. jiang, he was a coward who was afraid of change. nothing changed in the 37 years of nationalist rule. china was weak when those 37 years started, it was weak when it ended. what happened in the first 37 years of the PRC? made nuclear missiles, fastest fission to fusion transition, stood up to both superpowers, first nuclear submarine. yeah we were poor, but i'd rather eat grass with dignity, than be a slave eating scraps at another's table.
Interesting perspective you have put on things. But the most dangerous thing about communism is that the government in charge could have a bad agenda, while the general population wants something entirely different but can't do anything about it before they can't change the government.

In my country it's the people who make the decisions and set the agenda. If this wasn't the case, i think my country would be stuffed right now. Our government is answerable to the people and any mistake or bad agenda by them will result in them getting kicked out of government during elections.

This is what most people fear about China. The officials in government have their own agenda and it seems like it is a bad agenda and the officials obviously don't represent the majority of chinese because they weren't elected.

No, the U.S is trustworthy because it's a democratic country where the government answers to the people and the government only invades when a country is doing something very wrong.

You all make out that the U.S invades countries just for the hell of it, but it's not true. The U.S would of invaded Australia if that was the case, we have tons of resources and we haven't "bowed" down to them.

If you are hostile and threatening to multiple countries, those countries are going to be hostile back. Look at the soviet union, they were hostile and threatening to nearly every country in the world, just like china is today. But as soon as Russia stopped being like that, everyone left them alone.

I see alot of chinese members do the whole "The U.S is the one who wants to colonise the world" that's just stupid. The U.S wants peace, China does not. China have expressed there interest in building up a military power so no country can stop them invading Taiwan and numerous other countries. china regularly tries to bully countries into doing things. China regularly hacks into governments around the world in order to steal information such as Australia. My country isn't aggressive or anything towards china, yet the government tries to hack our computers to steal information and tries to dictate who comes to our country etc, this is the kind of hostility i am talking about.

you are not talking with evidence.

the fact remains, the US has attacked more nations post WW2 than any other. This already refutes your claim that the US cares about peace. It does not.

Also, if you think Australia is not controlled by the US, look up what aircraft and tanks australia is using. it sure isn't the ones used by Britain, your homeland.
Excellent, atlantis was banned for his foul language. Thank you admin.
you are not talking with evidence.

the fact remains, the US has attacked more nations post WW2 than any other. This already refutes your claim that the US cares about peace. It does not.

Also, if you think Australia is not controlled by the US, look up what aircraft and tanks australia is using. it sure isn't the ones used by Britain, your homeland.

Britain isn't our "homeland" All of the population isn't British either. We are an independent country, we just share the same head of state.

Also i find it very very funny that you think America controls us just because we have military equipment bought from America.

With that same logic, we could all say Australia is controlled by china because we buy electronic goods from china? :azn:

Or we could say that Australia controls China just because China buys coal from Australia. :P
Most Chinese don't agree with Mr Liu,he is only a man of hawks,and most people are doves,and the road is :Cross the river by feeling the stones
Does any one think "China is a Communism"?No Chinese realy think that China is on the road of Communism nor Capitalism,we cross the river only by feeling the stones~~
Britain isn't our "homeland" All of the population isn't British either. We are an independent country, we just share the same head of state.

Also i find it very very funny that you think America controls us just because we have military equipment bought from America.

With that same logic, we could all say Australia is controlled by china because we buy electronic goods from china? :azn:

Or we could say that Australia controls China just because China buys coal from Australia. :P

Right,you can think like that at some sense,in the era of globalization
every country is controled by the out world in some degree,another name is "influence",the biggest influence in the world is US,EU,China,Russia,Oil countries,Japan,India..., every country controls others and controled by others too~
Interesting that China loves to criticize the U.S. for for the very things China itself admits to aspire to. And what kind of "champion" role does it want? What can an authoritarian regime hope to aspire to? Maybe freedom of speech? freedom of religion? (they still persecute and imprison Christians, Muslims, and others for their beliefs)

Do you realize that if Pakistan had the same form of Government as China. Many on this forum would be in danger of arrest and imprisonment for expressing what they believe. And forget about political parties becuase there would be only one to vote for. You could go to Mosque but only the State sanctioned one and you would have to register of course.

Yes a Government like that would defiantly be a "champion" to look up to.
Very different, for example, we will not insist the same values. War is not easily solve the problem. etc.
In fact, NO1 just a figure, a goal, but each individual's style would later become the NO1 not the same as it not only with international realities, but also with culture.
Do you realize that if Pakistan had the same form of Government as China. Many on this forum would be in danger of arrest and imprisonment for expressing what they believe. And forget about political parties becuase there would be only one to vote for. You could go to Mosque but only the State sanctioned one and you would have to register of course.

Yes a Government like that would defiantly be a "champion" to look up to.

This is an arbitrary imagined. At present, China's attitude to religion is open to any religion are free, if someone was arrested because he broke the law, not because of religion.
If it is freedom of speech, the Chinese on the network has the freedom to go beyond your imagination. Only in this forum, for example, in China there is more freedom of speech, however, there is no problem, your understanding of China mostly by imagination, and China more complex than you think.
Right,you can think like that at some sense,in the era of globalization
every country is controled by the out world in some degree,another name is "influence",the biggest influence in the world is US,EU,China,Russia,Oil countries,Japan,India..., every country controls others and controled by others too~

What do you mean by "You can think like that" Everything i said is fact.

Also not all countries are controlled by other countries. That's just conspiracy crap.
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