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China 'should sprint to become the world's most powerful country'

Welcome Back Commi been missing you here on the forum , lets have a Blast :lol: !!
Lol... fair enough, if I were an Australian and was told about the communism's past for that point of view then I would feel threatened too I guess.

But one thing that we all shouldn't overlook is the trend that the chinese government is embarking on since the funding of the PRC in 1949, every generation the leaders become more open and responsive to its people. For example, back in Mao Ze Dong days, his words is the definitive command for the whole country, but now while China doesn't have a western style general election, it is not totally totalitarian either -- increasingly its policies are influenced by public think tanks and intellectual elites at universities, and there are open debates within the intellectual and political elite class on China's strategic decisions, so almost in a way there is some form of democracy -- but for the intellectual elite class, I personally think given that China has 1.3 bln people with many domestic issues, at this stage let China's well educated class to debate between themselves and come up with policies is far more efficient than letting the 1.3 bln people to vote it out. For example, the three gorges dam project -- the flooding problem in that area has affected China throughout its history, and this project required the Chinese government to move millions of people and required more than a decade to complete -- much longer than a term of any democratic government can afford, but once it is completed, not only it solves the flooding problem in that region but also generates immense amount of electricity -- it is to date the world's largest electricity generating plant of any kind, I have the feeling that if China were in a totally democratic world this kind of project would have never been able to take place even though it severs a strategic importance to China's energy supply in the long run.

Regarding the Chinese governments secrecy -- it's a vicious circle, the Chinese people feel that because their system is so different, they are encircled and not trusted by existing world powers and therefore need to keep the cards close to the chest, and the west takes that as evidence that the Chinese are plotting a dark secret and tries to contain it/accuse it even more, lol... I'm only hoping that there will be enough exchange/communications between us to carry us through to a peaceful end, the good thing is the dialog between the Chinese government and the rest of world is increasing and we should acknowledge/encourage that, inside china there are constant debates between the left and the right (just as what you are witnessing here ;-) on which direction China should head, but I remain optimistic!

If you are interested in knowing how the Chinese government thinks/works, I recommend you or everyone here to take a look at this video:

This is an UC Berkeley's interview with Mark Leonard, who is the director of the think-tank "European Council on Foreign Relations", He gave some very in-depth analysis of the chinese political system, the interesting part of the discussion starts at about 18mins into the video.

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Glad to see a reply from a Chinese person who isn't a fanatic. :)

I also agree with the fact that China should modernise it's military defence, but that isn't really what China is planning to do. China plans on going past that and building up it's military to be the strongest in the world and stronger then 5 countries put together.

This alarms people because they look at china and it's history and it's actions in the past and make an assumption.

China is a communist country. Communism hasn't really had a good past has it? In communist soviet Russia, they were hell bent on building up there military to be the strongest in the world, so they could do what they like and invade whoever they wanted to and Russia did invade alot of countries.

It's exactly what China has expressed interested in doing today. Which once again makes everyone scared.

Russia was also very secretive, just like China is today. They didn't show people in the outside world what they were doing, they controlled all the media, they controlled all there citizens movements, they didn't allow any elections, they didn't allow anyone to protest against there government even though the government were doing bad things. There was alot of human rights abuses.

So the same thing is happening in China today. History is repeating itself, and that makes people scared. China has openly expressed it's desire to invade countries and do what it likes without anyone being able to stop them. People think that China is the sleeping dragon, it's all nice and acts peaceful now but as soon as they get stronger then anyone they will come out and start invading everyone.

If China truly wanted to be a peaceful country, they wouldn't be so hostile towards other countries and they would stop with there intentions to invade countries with there plans of building up there military.

I will admit that i am a Chinese alarmist, and i feel that i have a right to be alarmed because of Chinas actions. Many people in my country and around the world feel the same way. Even my government feels the same way, we are having the largest military build up since world war 2 in response to china trying to become a military super power and expressing it's interest in invading countries such as Taiwan. Whats to stop China invading Australia for its resources in the future? Nothing.

Russia has invaded 1 country after World War 2 - Afghanistan. Hungary and Czech were just peacekeeping and suppressing rioters since the governments were still soviet controlled.

US has invaded, 1945-1991 (so to be in step with the soviets):

Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, Grenada, Iraq.

US suppressing rioters in pro-US governments: Iran, Chile, Argentina, Vietnam, Egypt.

the US is trustworthy in the sense that if you bow down to the big buff bully, he might spare you. But I don't think that's trust.
Glad to see a reply from a Chinese person who isn't a fanatic. :)

I also agree with the fact that China should modernise it's military defence, but that isn't really what China is planning to do. China plans on going past that and building up it's military to be the strongest in the world and stronger then 5 countries put together.

This alarms people because they look at china and it's history and it's actions in the past and make an assumption.

China is a communist country. Communism hasn't really had a good past has it? In communist soviet Russia, they were hell bent on building up there military to be the strongest in the world, so they could do what they like and invade whoever they wanted to and Russia did invade alot of countries.

It's exactly what China has expressed interested in doing today. Which once again makes everyone scared.

Russia was also very secretive, just like China is today. They didn't show people in the outside world what they were doing, they controlled all the media, they controlled all there citizens movements, they didn't allow any elections, they didn't allow anyone to protest against there government even though the government were doing bad things. There was alot of human rights abuses.

So the same thing is happening in China today. History is repeating itself, and that makes people scared. China has openly expressed it's desire to invade countries and do what it likes without anyone being able to stop them. People think that China is the sleeping dragon, it's all nice and acts peaceful now but as soon as they get stronger then anyone they will come out and start invading everyone.

If China truly wanted to be a peaceful country, they wouldn't be so hostile towards other countries and they would stop with there intentions to invade countries with there plans of building up there military.

I will admit that i am a Chinese alarmist, and i feel that i have a right to be alarmed because of Chinas actions. Many people in my country and around the world feel the same way. Even my government feels the same way, we are having the largest military build up since world war 2 in response to china trying to become a military super power and expressing it's interest in invading countries such as Taiwan. Whats to stop China invading Australia for its resources in the future? Nothing.

Chinese history proved that she is more peaceful than any western country. China had ruled the seas in Ming Dynasty but you do not see any colonization of any country. The current super power (US) invaded Iraq despite the objection of UN. This is the attitude of current super power. Australia, Canada, US is the result of West agression.

I think the West is uncomfortable with the rise of China & Asia as this will change the current world order. I think the world will be back in order of early 1800s.
Of course. Everyone would be fine with China becoming a world economic superpower, but they are not trustworthy and have shown not to be trustworthy. They actively seek to become a military super power which alarms everyone.

Also it makes the situation worse when you have people in the Chinese government and Chinese military saying "we must become a military superpower so we can invade Taiwan." and they wonder why the world is so against them.

China becoming a economic superpower is fine, but becoming a military superpower is not. They obviously don't want peace and they want to invade countries.

Shhhhhhh that's big a** country you got with only 30 mil people. Don't start giving idea to the Chinese. ;)
Lol... fair enough, if I were an Australian and was told about the communism's past for that point of view then I would feel threatened too I guess.

But one thing that we all shouldn't overlook is the trend that the chinese government is embarking on since the funding of the PRC in 1949, every generation the leaders become more open and responsive to its people. For example, back in Mao Ze Dong days, his words is the definitive command for the whole country, but now while China doesn't have a western style general election, it is not totally totalitarian either -- increasingly its policies are influenced by public think tanks and intellectual elites at universities, and there are open debates within the intellectual and political elite class on China's strategic decisions, so almost in a way there is some form of democracy -- but for the intellectual elite class, I personally think given that China has 1.3 bln people with many domestic issues, at this stage let China's well educated class to debate between themselves and come up with policies is far more efficient than letting the 1.3 bln people to vote it out. For example, the three gorges dam project -- the flooding problem in that area has affected China throughout its history, and this project required the Chinese government to move millions of people and required more than a decade to complete -- much longer than a term of any democratic government can afford, but once it is completed, not only it solves the flooding problem in that region but also generates immense amount of electricity -- it is to date the world's largest electricity generating plant of any kind, I have the feeling that if China were in a totally democratic world this kind of project would have never been able to take place even though it severs a strategic importance to China's energy supply in the long run.

Regarding the Chinese governments secrecy -- it's a vicious circle, the Chinese people feel that because their system is so different, they are encircled and not trusted by existing world powers and therefore need to keep the cards close to the chest, and the west takes that as evidence that the Chinese are plotting a dark secret and tries to contain it/accuse it even more, lol... I'm only hoping that there will be enough exchange/communications between us to carry us through to a peaceful end, the good thing is the dialog between the Chinese government and the rest of world is increasing and we should acknowledge/encourage that, inside china there are constant debates between the left and the right (just as what you are witnessing here ;-) on which direction China should head, but I remain optimistic!

If you are interested in knowing how the Chinese government thinks/works, I recommend you or everyone here to take a look at this video:
YouTube - Conversations With History - Mark Leonard

This is an UC Berkeley's interview with Mark Leonard, who is the director of the think-tank "European Council on Foreign Relations", He gave some very in-depth analysis of the chinese political system, the interesting part of the discussion starts at about 18mins into the video.


Interesting perspective you have put on things. But the most dangerous thing about communism is that the government in charge could have a bad agenda, while the general population wants something entirely different but can't do anything about it before they can't change the government.

In my country it's the people who make the decisions and set the agenda. If this wasn't the case, i think my country would be stuffed right now. Our government is answerable to the people and any mistake or bad agenda by them will result in them getting kicked out of government during elections.

This is what most people fear about China. The officials in government have their own agenda and it seems like it is a bad agenda and the officials obviously don't represent the majority of chinese because they weren't elected.

the US is trustworthy in the sense that if you bow down to the big buff bully, he might spare you. But I don't think that's trust.

No, the U.S is trustworthy because it's a democratic country where the government answers to the people and the government only invades when a country is doing something very wrong.

You all make out that the U.S invades countries just for the hell of it, but it's not true. The U.S would of invaded Australia if that was the case, we have tons of resources and we haven't "bowed" down to them.

If you are hostile and threatening to multiple countries, those countries are going to be hostile back. Look at the soviet union, they were hostile and threatening to nearly every country in the world, just like china is today. But as soon as Russia stopped being like that, everyone left them alone.

I see alot of chinese members do the whole "The U.S is the one who wants to colonise the world" that's just stupid. The U.S wants peace, China does not. China have expressed there interest in building up a military power so no country can stop them invading Taiwan and numerous other countries. china regularly tries to bully countries into doing things. China regularly hacks into governments around the world in order to steal information such as Australia. My country isn't aggressive or anything towards china, yet the government tries to hack our computers to steal information and tries to dictate who comes to our country etc, this is the kind of hostility i am talking about.
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Shhhhhhh that's big a** country you got with only 30 mil people. Don't start giving idea to the Chinese. ;)

They already have the idea. China has already expressed it's interest in becoming the world military superpower so they can invade whoever they want. I have no doubt that in the future they will try to invade Australia.
They already have the idea. China has already expressed it's interest in becoming the world military superpower so they can invade whoever they want. I have no doubt that in the future they will try to invade Australia.

You have used this more than one time. I am going to report your post. Also I ask the fellow Chinese members to report this troll post.
whats wrong in this even Bangladesh want to be super power

but do they know what super power means ??
Also it makes the situation worse when you have people in the Chinese government and Chinese military saying "we must become a military superpower so we can invade Taiwan." and they wonder why the world is so against them.


Where did you get the quote?
Yeh china should quickly become the worlds super power, so they can quickly invade countries. lol.

Let's be realistic, that's the only reason china wants to be the military superpower, so they can invade Taiwan and any other country they like because no one will be there to stop them.

China is the most untrustworthy country in the world and communism doesn't help there case either.

I am waiting for the mods.
China have expressed there interest in building up a military power so no country can stop them invading Taiwan and numerous other countries. china regularly tries to bully countries into doing things. China regularly hacks into governments around the world in order to steal information such as Australia. My country isn't aggressive or anything towards china, yet the government tries to hack our computers to steal information and tries to dictate who comes to our country etc, this is the kind of hostility i am talking about.

Apna all india radio chalu rakh... (keep your all india radio on).
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