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"China Should Send Troops to Fight ISIS"



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Mar 1, 2013
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United Kingdom
"China Should Send Troops to Fight ISIS"

Now that the U.S. has decided to bomb ISIS and assembled an international coalition to do so, the key question for China is what should it do? Should China join the international coalition in one way or another? Although the Chinese government seemed to decline the U.S. offer to join the coalition, there are actually multiple reasons China should join. I’ve outlined five benefits that China can reap by joining the U.S. coalition against ISIS.

First and foremost, it is in China’s security interest to destroy ISIS, which is already a threat to China’s national security and could become a very serious threat if it gains more power and influence. ISIS has proven to be a brutal regime, willing to kill innocent people who do not share their radical religious views. After beheading two innocent American journalists, it is not inconceivable that one day ISIS could do the same to Chinese nationals. ISIS also has territorial ambitions toward China’s Xinjiang province and unconfirmed reports suggest that it might have recruited Chinese nationals already. If true, then this is a serious problem as it shows that domestic terrorism in China is now closely connected to international terrorism. In any case, it is not an exaggeration that ISIS already poses a serious threat to China.

A second reason for China to send its troops to fight ISIS is the invaluable combat experience that Chinese military can gain in doing so. Despite the quick increase of China’s military power in recent years, many questions still remain when it comes to the PLA’s actual fighting capabilities because the PLA has not fought a real war in about 30 years. If “the Chinese military can assemble as soon as summoned, fight any battle, and win,” as China’s minister of defense recently said, then it desperately needs better training in areas like logistics, coordination, intelligence, and so forth. How can you gain real combat experience if you never participate in war? Although fighting pirates has some useful functions, fighting a real war is what matters the most for the PLA.

The third benefit for China is that joining the fight against ISIS would engage it more deeply in the Middle East. Now that China imports more oil from the Middle East than the U.S. does, it cannot sit on the sidelines even if it wants to. Even if China does not want any part of the trouble in the Middle East, the trouble there will eventually find its way to China. Given China’s heavy dependence on the Middle East for its energy security, it is imperative that China begin to have a military presence there to protect its expanding economic interests.

The fourth benefit is that fighting ISIS is good for China’s leadership role and global image. The good thing is that ISIS is hated by almost everyone. So the reputational risk for China once it gets involved is limited since fighting ISIS is essentially providing a global public good. The international community has complained that China is not doing enough in terms of its international responsibility. Although this view is unfair, what matters most are perceptions (or misperceptions, as the case might be). Fighting ISIS would give China a good opportunity to clarify its position and enhance its international image and reputation.

Last but not least, fighting ISIS can improve U.S.-China relations, particularly in a time when tensions are rising in this relationship. The U.S. is limited in fighting ISIS fully (for example, with boots on the ground) because of domestic political factors and past failures in Iraq; thus Washington needs greater help from other powers. As the most important bilateral relationship in the world, the Sino-U.S. relationship needs stability and cooperation. Fighting ISIS together precisely provides such an opportunity.

In the end, whether or not to it will send troops overseas to fight ISIS will be a tough decision for Chinese leaders to make, particularly given the complexity of the situation. A good balance needs to be maintained between sovereignty and humanitarian protection, and there are costs, concerns, and uncertainties for China. Above all, China should recognize that this is one a rare opportunity to flex its military muscles without much (or any) international criticism.

To not seize this opportunity would be a mistake for Chinese foreign policy.

Cant post links yet, but it's an article on the Diplomat.

I'm personally against it, but if it were to be considered, the Chinese leadership will have to be very careful. Perhaps China can contribute under some sort of UN framework?
Why not?....If China would like to be a leading player in this century and like to create a unipolar world like US is today, then China can not be passive to the chain of events that is happening around the world...It has to take sides either go with US or completely support ISIS or any other groups who propagate Islamic Jihad...
You should stfu and mind your own business. This goes to all other genocidal terrorist 'democratic' regimes. Any major attack will force the region into an earthquake which will screw all of you.
With the authorization of the UN, also in a joint cooperation with other SCO members.

You should stfu and mind your own business. This goes to all other genocidal terrorist 'democratic' regimes. Any major attack will force the region into an earthquake which will screw all of you.

You are right, mostly we won't have a chance to interfere.
With the authorization of the UN, also in a joint cooperation with other SCO members.

You are right, mostly we won't have a chance to interfere.

I have nothing against China, but, you know how all these decades Western interference in our region has devastated it only for the interests of Israel. And we are getting tired of it.
don't fall in diplomat's diplomatic trap, thats a japanese news media.

don't get provoked, china's sworn enemies will do everything to drag china into this conflict

china government has said it clear, china won't send any troops
I have nothing against China, but, you know how all these decades Western interference in our region has devastated it only for the interests of Israel. And we are getting tired of it.

We are not the West, we won't likely do anything unless the ISIS wants to mess in our own backyard.

BTW, Russia is also unlikely to get involved if the ISIS isn't foolish enough to mess in its Caucasus regions, and Putin now wants to focus on Ukraine, not on the Middle East.

don't fall in diplomat's diplomacy, thats a japanese news media.

don't get provoked, china's sworn enemies will do everything to drag china into this conflict

Of course, we know that, and let's the US to handle their own mess.
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We are not the West, we won't likely do anything unless the ISIS wants to mess in our own backyard.

BTW, Russia is also unlikely to get involved if the ISIS isn't foolish enough to mess in its Caucasus regions, and Putin now wants to focus on Ukraine, not the Middle East.

Of course, we know that, and let's the US to handle their own mess.

Even if you do get involved the West will play the game of tying you into the mess and make you clean it up or make demands from you and your allies. The West looks for every opportunity to bring us down.
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