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"China Should Send Troops to Fight ISIS"

Article after article all china does is threaten...... China once again shows no signs of balls to do anything....

Let the Dragon sleep
Article after article all china does is threaten...... China once again shows no signs of balls to do anything....

Let the Dragon sleep

we care about our citizens and we do not want them beheaded on TV, besides we do not want to piss off Senator John McCain's friends.
Article after article all china does is threaten...... China once again shows no signs of balls to do anything....

Let the Dragon sleep

It's a mess the Americans created themselves so they better send the boys back to Iraq and deal with the terror. It has nothing to do whether China has balls or not. :lol: I think we have proved that during the Vietnam War and the Korean War.
I hope you guys have prepared the flag draped coffins already for some of your boys when they set foot in Iraq once again. :rofl:
It's a mess the Americans created themselves so they better send the boys back to Iraq and deal with the terror. It has nothing to do whether China has balls or not. :lol: I think we have proved that during the Vietnam War and the Korean War.
I hope you guys have prepared the flag draped coffins already for some of your boys when they set foot in Iraq once again. :rofl:

Be warned that IS could be the pretext for US to conduct air strikes in Syria against Assad. That's their way of "fixing" this mess, by destroying another secular government in the region. I think chaos & mayhem in the middle east is the true goal of the US government for none can be this clumsy and make that many strategic mistakes, knowingly so.
Once again, why should China spend blood and treasure to clean up an American mess? The same US who repeatedly conducts aggressive spy flights near China's borders and surrounds China with new military bases and deployments under the guise of a "pivot"? The height of hypocrisy and shamelessness is when this Japanese funded propaganda site (the Diplomat) suggests that China should send in troops, as if they suddenly care about China after years of nothing but China bashing and wishing for China's failure.

This is what China should do when the US gets dragged into another quagmire and starts bleeding again ---> :coffee::pop:
Be warned that IS could be the pretext for US to conduct air strikes in Syria against Assad. That's their way of "fixing" this mess, by destroying another secular government in the region. I think chaos & mayhem in the middle east is the true goal of the US government for none can be this clumsy and make that many strategic mistakes, knowingly so.

That's also a possibility, after ISIS the US will start to go after Assad again. American hidden agenda :tsk:
Article after article all china does is threaten...... China once again shows no signs of balls to do anything....

Let the Dragon sleep

Aaah Amelika, so blave, so blave! China, so scared! Amelika send in ground troops to fight ISIS. China sit back and watch and rake in billions from Oil deals. Amelika #1 hero! Happy? :haha:
2,000 people head to Suruç to fight ISIL

News reports said 35 buses carrying some 2,000 people departed from İstanbul to Suruç, Şanlıurfa. (Photo: Cihan)

September 24, 2014, Wednesday/ 17:19:52/ TODAY'S ZAMAN / ISTANBUL

Some 2,000 people traveled to the Şanlıurfa province town of Suruç on Wednesday to cross the border and fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Syria.

They will join the main Kurdish armed group in northern Syria, the People's Protection Units (YPG), and the Syrian-Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) to defend the frontier town of Ayn al-Arab, known as Kobani in Kurdish, according to Turkish media reports.

Speaking to reporters in İstanbul, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ said Turkey is not taking action against ISIL, while the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) shows a real willingness to fight against the terrorist group.

Last week, the PKK called on the youth of the country's mostly Kurdish Southeast to join the fight against ISIL militants in northern Syria.

"The youth of northern Kurdistan [southeast Turkey] should go to Kobani (Ayn al-Arab) and take part in the historic, honorable resistance," the PKK said in a statement on its website.

Yüksekdağ also claimed that Turkey cooperates with groups affiliated with ISIL and even gives ISIL members medical treatment.

Kobani sits in a strategic position on the Turkish-Syrian border and has prevented radical ISIL militants from consolidating their gains across northern Syria.

The Turkish government last October sent a motion to Parliament requesting authorization to send troops to foreign countries due to the situation in war-torn Syria, noting that millions of Syrians have been displaced by war and that Turkey faces the risk of an even greater influx of refugees from its neighboring country.

The United States and its Arab allies bombed Syria for the first time on Tuesday, killing scores of ISIL militants and members of a separate al-Qaeda-linked group, opening a new front against militants by joining Syria's three-year-old civil war.

NATO ally Turkey, which is alarmed by ISIL but also worried about Kurdish militants and opposed to any action that might help Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has so far refused a military role in the coalition.
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