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China should punish Philippines over US offer: report


Dec 14, 2010
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BEIJING — China should impose "sanctions" against the Philippines after it offered to allow more US troops on its soil, state media said Sunday, amid growing tensions over disputed waters in the South China Sea.

Manila said Friday it planned to hold more joint exercises and to let more US troops rotate through the Southeast Asian country -- an offer welcomed by the United States as it seeks to expand its military power in Asia.

China has not yet officially responded to the announcement, which was made during the country's week-long holiday for the Lunar New Year. The foreign ministry on Sunday did not immediately respond to AFP requests for comment.

But an editorial in the Global Times, known for its nationalistic stance, said Beijing "must respond" to the move by using its "leverage to cut economic activities" between the Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries.

China also should consider "cooling down" business links with its smaller neighbour, according to the editorial published in the Chinese and English versions of the newspaper."It should show China's neighbouring areas that balancing China by siding with the US is not a good choice," it said.
"Well-measured sanctions against the Philippines will make it ponder the choice of losing a friend such as China and being a vain partner with the US."

China and the Philippines, along with Vietnam, have rival claims to parts of the South China Sea, home to some of the world's most important shipping lanes and believed to hold vast deposits of fossil fuels.

Taiwan, Brunei and Malaysia also have claims in the South China Sea.Manila and Hanoi complained repeatedly last year of what they said were increasingly aggressive acts by China in the decades-long rift.

The alleged acts, which included a Chinese naval ship reportedly firing warning shots at Filipino fishermen, fuelled fears among some nations in the region about China as its military and political strength grows.

The US has been looking to increase its military presence across the Asia Pacific in a strategic shift that has angered China.US President Barack Obama said in November the United States would deploy up to 2,500 Marines to northern Australia. The following month a US admiral wrote that the US expected to station several combat ships in Singapore.

AFP: China should punish Philippines over US offer: report

The Philippines has signaled during a recent bilateral defense dialogue that it would expand the US military presence on its soil. US navy ships will reportedly be deployed in the Philippines, and more joint military exercises will be considered. China must respond to this move. Besides expressions of concern and disagreement, detailed countermeasures are necessary.

Given the recent active maneuvers of the US military in China's neighboring area, the lack of a response from China would be inappropriate, though it is also impossible to react strongly toward every move by the US. It is thus necessary to single out a few cases and apply due punishment.

The Philippines is a suitable target to impose such a punishment. A reasonable yet powerful enough sanction can be considered. It should show China's neighboring area that balancing China by siding with the US is not a good choice.

The Philippines and Vietnam are the two main countries creating waves in the South China Sea. Yet Vietnam needs China's political support as an alliance between Vietnam and the US has a difficult line to cross. However, the Philippines can easily surrender itself as a pawn in the US' geopolitical game against China. But the Philippines has its own bitter memory of the US. At least for now, Filipinos remain aware of the history of US colonization. Meanwhile, China's economy presents a huge attraction.

Well-measured sanctions against the Philippines will make it ponder the choice of losing a friend such as China and being a vain partner with the US.

To this end, China may consider cooling down its business ties with the Philippines. One step forward in military collaboration with the US means a step backward in economic cooperation with China. In the long run, China may also use its economic leverage to cut economic activities between ASEAN countries and the Philippines.

The US will likely increase aid to the Philippines to make up for its losses. This will further burden the US financially. During this tug of war, as long as China keeps its economic growth momentum, it will have an advantage.

While isolating the Philippines economically, China should keep a reserved military stance in South China Sea affairs, convincing neighboring countries of its peaceful intentions and defusing fears of China's rise.

Not being an empire, China won't be easily irritated or flex its military muscle at will. However, it has its principles. It will not accept a small country in the region creating military tensions by playing a balancing strategy. A price should be paid for violating this principle. The Philippines will not be an exception.

Make Philippines pay for balancing act
Good for the Philippines, they have to protect to their own interests :tup:
the united states massacred countless filipinos in order to make them an american colony in the past. it seems the philipines want to become an american colony again.

it's no secret that the US wants to contain china and thus is trying to create an anti-china alliance. what is happening is the US encouraging countries to provoke china, and when china reacts they paint it as china who is the one that's aggressive. this is US/western propaganda.

it's simply the US moving it's pawns against china. this has nothing to do with the interest of the pawns involved, but has everything to do with the interest of the united states.
Filipino workers, unite! Your current US backed regime has systematically failed you for 100 years. Otherwise, why has the Philippines become a 3rd world wasteland with its top exports being mail order brides and cheap labor? This is not the fault of Filipinos, but rather of your regime. Unfortunately, those who could help were killed by US backed military dictators.
The Philippines has signaled during a recent bilateral defense dialogue that it would expand the US military presence on its soil. US navy ships will reportedly be deployed in the Philippines, and more joint military exercises will be considered. China must respond to this move. Besides expressions of concern and disagreement, detailed countermeasures are necessary.

Given the recent active maneuvers of the US military in China's neighboring area, the lack of a response from China would be inappropriate, though it is also impossible to react strongly toward every move by the US. It is thus necessary to single out a few cases and apply due punishment.

The Philippines is a suitable target to impose such a punishment. A reasonable yet powerful enough sanction can be considered. It should show China's neighboring area that balancing China by siding with the US is not a good choice.

The Philippines and Vietnam are the two main countries creating waves in the South China Sea. Yet Vietnam needs China's political support as an alliance between Vietnam and the US has a difficult line to cross. However, the Philippines can easily surrender itself as a pawn in the US' geopolitical game against China. But the Philippines has its own bitter memory of the US. At least for now, Filipinos remain aware of the history of US colonization. Meanwhile, China's economy presents a huge attraction.

Well-measured sanctions against the Philippines will make it ponder the choice of losing a friend such as China and being a vain partner with the US.
China is back! We are the "punisher" of East Asia. We punished one country in 1962. We punished another country in 1979, 1984 and 1988. But it's already 12 years into the new century and we haven't punished anyone yet. That's why China is eager to find somebody else to punish.

This time, the Philippines is a perfect target. We should try to kill 2x as many people as we killed in 1979 and in half the time too! This will make our punishment very memorable for the Philippines. Today, China has so many high tech weapons to help us.

This time, the Philippines is a perfect target. We should try to kill 2x as many people as we killed in 1979 and in half the time too! This will make our punishment very memorable for the Philippines. Today, China has so many high tech weapons to help us.

Get a life dude, effectively China should punish them by stopping all exports to Phil.:lol:
And what sanction did China threaten to Australia for hosting 5K US marines permanently?
China is back! We are the "punisher" of East Asia. We punished one country in 1962. We punished another country in 1979, 1984 and 1988. But it's already 12 years into the new century and we haven't punished anyone yet. That's why China is eager to find somebody else to punish.

This time, the Philippines is a perfect target. We should try to kill 2x as many people as we killed in 1979 and in half the time too! This will make our punishment very memorable for the Philippines. Today, China has so many high tech weapons to help us.

Quoted for funsies.
US's lapdog should be slaughtered.
pinoys,no need to thank us,it's our duty.
punish Phillippines by trade sanctions???

wont it hurt China more???

I believe China exports more than it Imports from Phillipines!!!!!!!!
Its obvious there is no shortage in China of rabid nationalists who have a racist, hegemonic, imperialist attitude towards smaller nations. I've seen chinese members talk utter sh*t about vitenamese, philipinos, koreans, mongoleans, japanese, indians etc. But its the internet so its expected.

Only two things - 1) how about this forum control these idiots spewing their ''lets murder XYZ'' posts, i mean what value does it add other than bust the IQ myth?

2) where is the evergreen chini victim drama queen?
Its obvious there is no shortage in China of rabid nationalists who have a racist, hegemonic, imperialist attitude towards smaller nations. I've seen chinese members talk utter sh*t about vitenamese, philipinos, koreans, mongoleans, japanese, indians etc. But its the internet so its expected.

Only two things - 1) how about this forum control these idiots spewing their ''lets murder XYZ'' posts, i mean what value does it add other than bust the IQ myth?

2) where is the evergreen chini victim drama queen?
Chinese government does not murder anybody. We protect peace and prosperity in Asia by punishing countries like Philippines who cause trouble. Our wars such as 1962 and 1979, are always self-defensive and humane in nature.

Our government has now made it clear we will punish Philippines very hard. Your desire to make China's determination and strength go away (perhaps out of fear for india) is futile self-delusion. This is 2012, and we Chinese are showing Asia who is the Middle Kingdom.
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