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China seething after India issues visa to Uyghur ‘terrorist’

See issue is simple. I don't understand why you and @wanglaokan are getting so emotional. We Indians are neutral. In fact if anything, we don't trust USA and till date have not joined Western faction against China-Russia
it is nothing but severe butt hurt, this is what happens when the bully gets the treatment. All these days china was getting away by indulging with pakistan and harming India. Now India has decided to pay back them in their own coin thats the issue. It is case of pot calling kettle black.
See issue is simple. I don't understand why you and @wanglaokan are getting so emotional. We Indians are neutral. In fact if anything, we don't trust USA and till date have not joined Western faction against China-Russia.

But like how you guys are getting emotional that a terrorist who killed innocent Chinese is getting a visa by India, why did China protect a known "UN Banned" organisation chief then? He killed innocent Indians in terror attacks.

So your terrorists are terrorists but you won't consider ours as terrorists? What kind of logic is this? So much hypocrisy!

That its not the spineless UPA govt. at the helm. Its Modi and he means business.

By the way, India along with China is fast becoming a world power. Countries should know they can't just ignore India's versions or concerns just like that.
We don't hate Indians, we just don't trust you. It's nothing more than used to be, old tricks. Modi is pushing too hard on this, only brings China and Pakistan closer and closer.
We don't hate Indians, we just don't trust you. It's nothing more than used to be, old tricks. Modi is pushing too hard on this, only brings China and Pakistan closer and closer.

Same thing here.

Only difference is we are not Pakistan and dependent on your military aid or economic assistance. We are 2.5 trillion dollar economy. If anything, China protecting India's terrorists (UN declared) means India will shift to the western camp.

Now tell me honestly. Where do you see India after 15-20 years? Obviously if not as powerful as China, but definitely among top 5 most powerful countries economically/ militarily. Would you want another enemy next door like Japan and USA??
All the west Contaning China, nothing shocking if India join them as well. Your so called retribution is old tricks, no surprise. As you invited a well known terrorist to your country, means Azhar is also acceptable to you. You don't play double standard.
Whatever bloats/floats your boat.

India has made its intent clear and read the riot act. If china wants peace in Asia and keep out US it is entirely upto themselves. They can connive with a country like pakistan and lose asia. Its time china became mature to understand that India & china can keep of western powers and bring prosperity to Asia. If they try to undermine India, the same fate will befall them on what is happening to pakistan due to afghanistan misadventure.
Sound like you ask China to pick side :lol:
yes ,asking not to take sides of terrorists. bro some of the terrorists operating in China get trained in Pakistan and pak-Afghan border areas. some of the guys would have trained alongside this same guy we wanted to ban.
China fired the first shot by vetoing the proposition in UN, this is retaliation. We will hit where it will hurt the most for China. SCS will be the next playground.

China will hit where it hurts India the most....your dozens of separatist movements to disintegrate your fake British created 'country'.

Get ready for increased presence in South Asian Ocean too.

China can hurt India multiple ways and the impact will be slot worse for India.

India is an any compared with China in all areas.
@wanglaokan As far as getting closer to Pakistan is concerned, how mucgh more closer you guys want to be

We don't care. Pakistan is becoming more and more irrelevant economically and militarily as India continues tyo grow at 7% per year with a robust military. Its only when China-Pakistan start supporting terror groups that it concerns us. And India today is not the India of pre 2014 where you could have dictated terms.

By the way, get as much closer to Pakistan as possible. Make Pakistan your domestic state we wont even care. But you have to decide whether to make India an enemy or be neautral at best.

China will hit where it hurts India the most....your dozens of separatist movements to disintegrate your fake British created 'country'.

Get ready for increased presence in South Asian Ocean too.

China can hurt India multiple ways and the impact will be slot worse for India.

India is an any compared with China in all areas.

How much more will you guys support :-)

For 50 years Pakistan is supporting Khlalistan, Kashmir, etc. China is supporting Maoists, NE insurgents, etc... What happened? I thought India will break up? :lol::lol:

Infact your ally Pakistan got divided into two in 1971

If you have separatists in India, we have Tibet and Xinxiang. Two can play the game, you see.
But wonder of wonders it's always Pakistan which is mentioned with terrorism. Tough No. :-)

It's time we come out in support of Tibet and say Tibet is not a part of China.
What about arming the Viet's with Brahmos. Where are we on that front.
Non-resolution of AP points to that direction of Indias refusal to acceptance. Thats the reason why china is going so hard after AP. They want to create legitimacy. Without Tawang their entire claim falls flat.
Well let's be honest, we will never let you dominate this region. You will soon come to terms with it.

I have nothing against maintaining a friendly relationship. But not at the cost of our national interest. It's business, nothing personal.

As they say, 'silent genocide'.

China will never let India bully its neighbours. China will be in South Asia because it's China's backyard.

The string of pearls is already being built to counter Indian thuggery and that will NEVER stop.

China and Pakistan will team up to destabilise India and break up your fake country.

Play games with China, and India can expect a similar humiliation to what you experienced in 1962.

More veto of Indian resolutions will also be done in the UNSC.
China will hit where it hurts India the most....your dozens of separatist movements to disintegrate your fake British created 'country'.

Get ready for increased presence in South Asian Ocean too.

China can hurt India multiple ways and the impact will be slot worse for India.

India is an any compared with China in all areas.
gud luck with it. It will be another pakistan-afghanistan albeit with it will be India-china. Why do you think china has remained silent so far on dalai lama bcos they are strong? Nope bcos there is nothing much china can do. Bravado's will not take you too far, it will only take china as far as pakistan has gone.
And JeM to which Masood Azhar belongs, the guy China is trying to protect, is a UN declared terrorist organisation!


You are more than welcome to invite the Maoists, it will help us nab them :lol:

Invite? :lol:

Nah, China will just fund them and arm them to destabilise India and bring chaos.

India is a power keg with dozens of separatist movements.
See issue is simple. I don't understand why you and @wanglaokan are getting so emotional. We Indians are neutral. In fact if anything, we don't trust USA and till date have not joined Western faction against China-Russia.

But like how you guys are getting emotional that a terrorist who killed innocent Chinese is getting a visa by India, why did China protect a known "UN Banned" organisation chief then? He killed innocent Indians in terror attacks.

So your terrorists are terrorists but you won't consider ours as terrorists? What kind of logic is this? So much hypocrisy!

Terrorists are the same regardless if your or ours, they all should be punished equally. Chinese representative in UN has gave the justification why China veto, if India don't like it, it should settle that in UN and not blackmail China with tilt for tat retaliation. And I'm not emotional, my replies are only for those who think that India can hit China where it hurt :D, other people like you should just ignore my comment.
As I mentioned on my previous post #93, China has unmasked India's plot for dragging this issue to UN, if China agree with India, we will betray Pakistan, if we veto India will label China as terrorist sympathizers so they can use that as excuse to retaliate...in India geopolitical calculus, it has nothing to lose.

I'm surprise to see India to take this kind of Childish Tilt for Tat immature action, I mean India itself is full of separatism problem such ULFA, Maoist....If China want to escalate the problem, we have plenty options to hit India where it hurt the most...image if we invite these rebel leaders for an audition in Beijing:rofl: but I think China will not do that.

China should just fund and arm all the separatist movements in India. Give Pakistan full license to cause chaos in India. It's very easy to destabilise India.

Tit for tat response is needed to put that corrupt defecation hellhole in their place.

India gives absolutely nothing to China. Having relations with that fake 'country' is a liability.
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