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China Sails Warships Near Guam in Warning to U.S. Over Taiwan

He is just a clown of some sort, I knew that when he went to see Mafia Trump.

That kind of regimes always create lots of internal enemies. Without enemies, it cannot survive. Because, regime legitimacy does not come from the majority. It comes from a continuous sense of existential crisis. People are told to bear with the usurpation of power because the alternative would be chaos. Hence, each and every matter remains sensitive. These regimes are based on fear; popular legitimacy is drawn from fear.

Then, yes, Ma Yun was deemed a threat.
That kind of regimes always create lots of internal enemies. Without enemies, it cannot survive. Because, regime legitimacy does not come from the majority. It comes from a continuous sense of existential crisis. People are told to bear with the usurpation of power because the alternative would be chaos. Hence, each and every matter remains sensitive. These regimes are based on fear; popular legitimacy is drawn from fear.

Then, yes, Ma Yun was deemed a threat.
That is more true of the US that needs to create an evil enemy to survive, first it was USSR, then its Russia and now China. You should live in US since you worship it so much and despise China so much.
That is more true of the US that needs to create an evil enemy to survive, first it was USSR, then its Russia and now China. You should live in US since you worship it so much and despise China so much.

You yourself said that Ma Yun was an enemy. I have yet to see Musk to run away to Beijing.

I have just explained to you that, as you rightly observed, how Ma Yun was a party state enemy.
You yourself said that Ma Yun was an enemy. I have yet to see Musk to run away to Beijing.

I have just explained to you that, as you rightly observed, how Ma Yun was a party state enemy.
Who said he is an enemy of China, dont put your words in my mouth, I said he is indeed a clown that seeks for his maximum profits all the time, thats all. He is not viewed positively by many Chinese citizens.
He said "Chinese nationalists hate you even more than Pakistanis", which means Chinese "nationalists" hate Pakistanis but hate Indians more. That's not correct.

No you have it wrong. He’s saying that the Chinese hate you (Indians) more than Pakistanis hate Indians. Trust me, it's how it's properly expressed.
It's a patriotic Han Chinese regime, maybe they dont care personally, but they need to pretend when subalterns watch them.

Western regimes are more cold regimes where money and salaries are more important to obbey orders than patriotic feelings.
Uh huh.

hey hey its freedom of navigation... Wait until China uses freedom of navigation close to the US..... One step at a time.....
It is Freedom of Navigation. It was encouraged when Chinese vessels were close to Hawaii and Alaska. One U.S. admiral wanted it, because in return it allows U.S. warships in SCS.
Again, you don't need to look far, just look at Trump.

Trump single handedly reunited the United States without even firing a shot just because of the common hatred of the man (Well, he did organise Jan 6 riot) Read how Republican was literally "DEFEATED" at the senate (they lost a seat) in mid-term 2022.

The old nationalism has not change, as I said, give American enough threat and they will bend together, again, try to attack US soil again, and you will be seeing a generation of American hellbent on destroying someone or something.
You can see in the last years/months/¿days? Iran terrorizing American bases in Iraq/Syria and USA doing nothing about that.

If it's not appear in American massmedia, then it doesnt exist for most of common American people.
You can see in the last years/months/¿days? Iran terrorizing American bases in Iraq/Syria and USA doing nothing about that.

If it's not appear in American massmedia, then it doesnt exist for most of common American people.
Have you seen the Iranians launching ballistic missiles right now? Could have done it right now and expect no American response. Like kill couple of thousand and Biden may retreat. Why doesn't Iran do it?
Who said he is an enemy of China, dont put your words in my mouth, I said he is indeed a clown that seeks for his maximum profits all the time, thats all. He is not viewed positively by many Chinese citizens.

You are putting words in Chinese people's mouth. Party views him unfavorably, not necessarily the people.

You mistake party for the people.
I read many Chinese people online speak out against him and esp his infamous 9 to 9 work hours.

You are putting words in Chinese people's mouth. Party views him unfavorably, not necessarily the people.

You mistake party for the people.
I read many Chinese people online speak out against him and esp his infamous 9 to 9 work hours.

Still, you represent party line, not that of people.

Ma Yun did not have the slightest change to express himself politically or economically on the national platform.

So, there was a monological debate, with the party monopolizing all potential platforms.

Chinese people did not even have a chance to listen to alternative views - those that the party did not like.

Heck, even if Chinese people privately supported Ma Yun, they couldn't dare to voice it.

What you read on the internet is hardly Chinese public opinion. Could be party's internet army, both human and bot.
Still, you represent party line, not that of people.

Ma Yun did not have the slightest change to express himself politically or economically on the national platform.

So, there was a monological debate, with the party monopolizing all potential platforms.

Chinese people did not even have a chance to listen to alternative views - those that the party did not like.

Heck, even if Chinese people privately supported Ma Yun, they couldn't dare to voice it.

What you read on the internet is hardly Chinese public opinion. Could be party's internet army, both human and bot.
That is only your opinion only, pure BS. What different voices do the West have about China and Russia, except all unanimity of anti-China and anti-Russia narratives across all platforms.
That is only your opinion only, pure BS. What different voices do the West have about China and Russia, except all unanimity of anti-China and anti-Russia narratives across all platforms.

I have explained to you that Ma Yun was seen as a threat to the party state, not necessarily to the people.

Ma Yun was not given a platform to speak freely.

People are not given a platform to speak freely.

Hence, your argument of Ma Yun not having people's support is moot.

You toe the party state line, and trying to market it as something desirable, or desired by free people.

Party state legitimacy is based on unfreedoms, not on freedoms.

Yes, in the West, you can see pro-China and Russia voices, detracting from the party-in-power line. They can criticize the Democratic Party. Perhaps this will scare you off, they can even wish and work to dethrone the party in power in next elections.
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