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The arms development in India is defintely worsen poverty in India. The Indian government spend all those money and effort on developing a tank and airplane that at the end the Indian military won't want to buy. Why spend money on development if its not going to be mass produced. Why is India buying all those T-90s and MRCA instead of buying domestic and provide jobs to the people? Its either the corruption of the politician or bad engineers. In any case, the real loser are the people of India, especially the backward cast groups.

No it wont...India's spending is only $30 bn...What India spending is what it can afford...
(and India increasing its internal defence production capability very rapidly so even this modest amount is more and more going to go to Indian ppl only....)
China spending $200 to $300 bn..... whereas it cannot afford that much...it is paying through its nose...andd wasting all its money on weapons..!!!! what use are they when ppl dont have food, home, clothes... when China is just a developing country....When there is so much poverty in China.....when the living standard is so poor....
How to reduce poverty? We just can't give them food for long. They'd better have a job and earn money. Developing the military industry in China can provide lots of jobs and expand domestic demand! It's good way of reducing poverty! We shoud purchase weapons indigenously, not from foreign country.

Yes but the money being spent on the arms race....it could be used to provide loans to the poor and the destitute so that they can use the money to do some work on their own.......
that will be a better way to spend that money.... instead of wasting them on weapons... a weapon in store is useless for the poor which doesnt even now if he will have food in night....
its insane to be in a arms race with US.....USSR also did the same mistake of ignoring the needs of its ppl for weapons...
Yes but the money being spent on the arms race....it could be used to provide loans to the poor and the destitute so that they can use the money to do some work on their own.......
that will be a better way to spend that money.... instead of wasting them on weapons... a weapon in store is useless for the poor which doesnt even now if he will have food in night....
its insane to be in a arms race with US.....USSR also did the same mistake of ignoring the needs of its ppl for weapons...
There's a high risk to use loan to set up business. If the poor fail in the business, they'll lose everything and even be sued. It's very stable to work in a military factory to earn money!Once our economy surpass US, our military spending will surpass US too. USSR didn't have strong economy as China,so it failed.
Long Live China... Future Super power (Not India)...The Red Dragon will over come any challenges... Time will tell might of china...
I Love China and I love Pakistan:pakistan::china::pakistan::china::pakistan::smitten:
There's a high risk to use loan to set up business. If the poor fail in the business, they'll lose everything and even be sued. It's very stable to work in a military factory to earn money!Once our economy surpass US, our military spending will surpass US too. USSR didn't have strong economy as China,so it failed.
The reason why the USSR collapsed was not merely about the economy but about the fact that the Soviets had a first rate military but third rate everything else. Whereas for US, it is pretty much the other way around. The US military depends on civilian innovations before adoption of new technology for military purposes. That is why so many defectors were shocked at how the average American civilians live compared to Soviet citizens, aside from having much more political freedoms. If China want to surpass US in every way, unbelievably enough, China will have to become more like US. When that happens, we win -- again.
Yes but the money being spent on the arms race....it could be used to provide loans to the poor and the destitute so that they can use the money to do some work on their own.......
that will be a better way to spend that money.... instead of wasting them on weapons... a weapon in store is useless for the poor which doesnt even now if he will have food in night....
its insane to be in a arms race with US.....USSR also did the same mistake of ignoring the needs of its ppl for weapons...

I think the above satement can be use to described India as well. China's defence spending percentage wise is less than that of the US.
The reason why the USSR collapsed was not merely about the economy but about the fact that the Soviets had a first rate military but third rate everything else. Whereas for US, it is pretty much the other way around. The US military depends on civilian innovations before adoption of new technology for military purposes. That is why so many defectors were shocked at how the average American civilians live compared to Soviet citizens, aside from having much more political freedoms. If China want to surpass US in every way, unbelievably enough, China will have to become more like US. When that happens, we win -- again.

rightly put bro...

likewise China is concentrating everything on defence only...a bad sign for China future..
rightly put bro...

likewise China is concentrating everything on defence only...a bad sign for China future..

Do you have facts to back your statement? Otherwise, do not make up statements that is contradictory from facts.

If there is anything that I see China concerntrating on, its infrustructure and power plants. China is projected to surpass the US this year in car sales so it need roads and powerplants for the cars.

Defence is just one of the facets of development in China. That is why China poses the biggest threat to US global leadership in economy and technology. Trust me, the US society generally regard China as the country that can challenge the US. It also appear that China does not want that role and attention from the US pulic.

However, many Indian in this forum seems to want the attention from the US as the next up and coming nation. The truth is that America does perceive India as an important market for US goods. But US does not perceive India as country capable of challenging the US.
Do you have facts to back your statement? Otherwise, do not make up statements that is contradictory from facts.

If there is anything that I see China concerntrating on, its infrustructure and power plants. China is projected to surpass the US this year in car sales so it need roads and powerplants for the cars.

Defence is just one of the facets of development in China. That is why China poses the biggest threat to US global leadership in economy and technology. Trust me, the US society generally regard China as the country that can challenge the US. It also appear that China does not want that role and attention from the US pulic.

However, many Indian in this forum seems to want the attention from the US as the next up and coming nation. The truth is that America does perceive India as an important market for US goods. But US does not perceive India as country capable of challenging the US.

Hmm that's arrogant of you on two counts.

The idea that china has no interest in challenging the US. Is not true
China when capable will go against US interests, as they strive to expand their own influence and security capabilities. The US has enjoyed the status in the world as the singular super power. The US will have to make room for China, and share that status. Eventually the same may be true for India.

And You seem to think India is capable of nothing but Immature actions. We enjoy the reality that we are not perceived as threat or shown in the same light that, China is show in. we have no longing to be show in the same light as China. As for your other comment about US perception. That may be true in the case of Public perception. But on a strategic level India has been given wide diplomatic Berth. And US-Indo ties are growing with mostly the US pushing for growth.
The arms development in India is defintely worsen poverty in India. The Indian government spend all those money and effort on developing a tank and airplane that at the end the Indian military won't want to buy. Why spend money on development if its not going to be mass produced. Why is India buying all those T-90s and MRCA instead of buying domestic and provide jobs to the people? Its either the corruption of the politician or bad engineers. In any case, the real loser are the people of India, especially the backward cast groups.

Absolutely False.

Statistically India has been spending %GDP even lesser than Pakistan , Relatively.

The Poverty has been Reducing and The Situation is not what u claim to have :

The curve is going down sharply.
Hmm that's arrogant of you on two counts.

The idea that china has no interest in challenging the US. Is not true
China when capable will go against US interests, as they strive to expand their own influence and security capabilities. The US has enjoyed the status in the world as the singular super power. The US will have to make room for China, and share that status. Eventually the same may be true for India.

That depends on what you mean by challenging the US. Of course as two countries develop, it will have certain conflict with the US. But I do not see an ideological struggle such as between US and USSR. As for military projection, China is at least a few generations away from being able to complete with the US. India is even further behind in both military, economy and technology. I would put India on par with Iran, Pakistan and Turkey in terms of capability now. The only difference between India and these countries its the large population.

And You seem to think India is capable of nothing but Immature actions. We enjoy the reality that we are not perceived as threat or shown in the same light that, China is show in. we have no longing to be show in the same light as China. As for your other comment about US perception. That may be true in the case of Public perception. But on a strategic level India has been given wide diplomatic Berth. And US-Indo ties are growing with mostly the US pushing for growth.

Some how, the Indians on this forum want to be recognized and to use your sentence above, "show in the same light as China" Actually, some Indians here believe that India is about to surpass the US. And China is years behind India.
Absolutely False.

Statistically India has been spending %GDP even lesser than Pakistan , Relatively.

The Poverty has been Reducing and The Situation is not what u claim to have :

The curve is going down sharply.

good point. But please open a new thread for your comments. How is the title of this thread pertain to poverty in India?
Some how, the Indians on this forum want to be recognized and to use your sentence above, "show in the same light as China" Actually, some Indians here believe that India is about to surpass the US. And China is years behind India.

You told me this in another thread and i asked you where did any Indians said that..then you told me atleast in this forum Indians are not saying that..I am asking you again..where in hell we Indians said that China is years behind India and we are about to surpass US??Give some rest to your imaginations...Yes both India and China are growing economies and we will give each other stiff competition in the coming decades..China is currently above India because she started reforms much earlier than India..It takes time to reach the standards of US..

You think some thing about India and Indians and forcing rest to believe we said it....I dont know where you getting these ideas
good point. But please open a new thread for your comments. How is the title of this thread pertain to poverty in India?

huh you are the one who is talking about poverty and self boasting of Indians all the thread..you open one thread we will answer you..
huh you are the one who is talking about poverty and self boasting of Indians all the thread..you open one thread we will answer you..

Its because some Indians like you do boast too much. People boast for two reasons, to bluff their opponent and too delude themselves. You guys fall into the 2nd category. wake up to reality.

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