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Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Aviation Week article said China in the 21st century, 20 years plans to build five aircraft carriers which would be accelerated with the aircraft carrier Varyag’s completion and into water. It is believed that the aircraft carrier Varyag carrier aircraft equipped with the Su -33 will install the most advanced active phased array radar, the Five-air missiles and a range of up to 600 kilometers of the YJ-63 long-range anti-ship missiles, performance in many aspects will be more than U.S. F/A-18E/F Hornet aircraft.

The article said that the PLA is currently being integrated with the base of production capacity in order to make the aircraft carrier project as one of Asia’s largest military project. In 2009, Asahi Shimbun, Japan’s two articles on China’s aircraft carrier ambitions were introduced. The article said that China will build the first two and the former Soviet Union / Ukraine Type 1143.5 carrier of 50,000 tons, "Varyag" Number (currently the carrier is the construction of Dalian Port) similar to medium-sized non-nuclear aircraft carrier.

The carrier has started construction in 2009. In addition, from 2020 (or later time), China will be the Soviet-designed but never built 1143.7 type "Uri Romanov Yang Minsk" class aircraft carrier of the relevant plans, based on the construction of two 60,000 tons of nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

This means that, to the 21st century, 20 years, China will have one, including "Varyag" was formed, including five aircraft carrier fleet; "Varyag" was entered in 2009 to accelerate the rebuilding phase. Moreover, the carrier-related work also contributes to the development and production of aircraft used for future infrastructure. Since mid 2005, Chinese military records will be in the form of photographs, "Varyag" was re-built, and will post photos of many pages.

The article points out, in April 2009, "Varyag" was removed from their berth in Dalian, move to a nearby dry dock. The dry dock has a large ship components surrounding the construction of shelters, perhaps the next aircraft carrier will be there.

To April 2010, the "Varyag" aircraft have been moved outside of the dry dock. Moreover, since the move to the dock from the outside, the staff began to shell the degaussing of the carrier, which is likely to be in the Navy with a new electronic components and preparation.

This component will consist of four developed by the Chinese Navy phased array radar and the new rotation array radar. In addition, the carrier has appeared on the location of components of electronic warfare.

The article said that in 2003, by the China Harbin Institute of Technology (the university research in aircraft carrier) student production of "Chinese" model of the aircraft carrier Varyag revealed that the aircraft will be equipped for the launch of YJ-63 long-range anti-ship missile heavy fixed artillery, vertical launch medium-range surface-to-30 mm and 730-type melee weapon system (CIWS).

However, last November, the photos on the Internet revealed that the carrier may be equipped with lighter weapons systems. "Varyag" aircraft carrier will be the first with a short-range surface-FL-3000N (with the United States similar to Raytheon SeaRAM system) platform, the carrier can carry 24 of the missiles. The photo shows the "Varyag" number will carry four FL-3000N transmitter and at least two 730-type 30 mm close combat weapons systems.

U.S. media said that China’s new carrier-based aircraft performance will exceed the "Super Hornet" | WAREYE
Bullshit. The J-15 may be good for strike, but it is never intended to, and I doubt it is able to, perform the air defense role. It may have AESA radar, TVC engine, and all that crap, but that's not going to change the fact that its airframe is too bulky and its external load is going to slow it down. I also do not see any major stealth reduction attempts. And I doubt a powerful engine like WS-10B/G or WS-15 is going to be used.

That's why China developed the carrier J-10C (developed from J-10B) to go along with this rather unimpressive fighter.
Bullshit. The J-15 may be good for strike, but it is never intended to, and I doubt it is able to, perform the air defense role. It may have AESA radar, TVC engine, and all that crap, but that's not going to change the fact that its airframe is too bulky and its external load is going to slow it down. I also do not see any major stealth reduction attempts. And I doubt a powerful engine like WS-10B/G or WS-15 is going to be used.

That's why China developed the carrier J-10C (developed from J-10B) to go along with this rather unimpressive fighter.

The F-18 has the exact same problems you just listed, but none of the good parts.
The F-18 has the exact same problems you just listed, but none of the good parts.

Yeah, but we're talking about the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. It has AESA radar and it specializes in maneuverability. It's also lighter than the J-15.
Presently china cant compare their plane with the F18 super hornet because its a highly proven plane compared with a plane which is still in developmental stage .
Presently china cant compare their plane with the F18 super hornet because its a highly proven plane compared with a plane which is still in developmental stage .

You know what's an even more proven plane? Mig-19.

I guess J-7, J-8,J-10,J-11,J-20, all trash, just go back to Mig-19.
Proven plane with advance features F-18 Super Hornet is considered to be a 4.5 Generation plane and you are trying to compare a plane which is still in developmental phase.First complete the plane and then try to compare
Your comparison is like comparing J20 with F22 which can never be compared
Proven plane with advance features F-18 Super Hornet is considered to be a 4.5 Generation plane and you are trying to compare a plane which is still in developmental phase.First complete the plane and then try to compare
Your comparison is like comparing J20 with F22 which can never be compared

Interesting to hear that, when specs on the J-20 have not been given out, but specs on the LCA have, and they're not optimistic. Even at its theoretical best the LCA is hardly better than a J-7.
Proven plane with advance features F-18 Super Hornet is considered to be a 4.5 Generation plane and you are trying to compare a plane which is still in developmental phase.First complete the plane and then try to compare
Your comparison is like comparing J20 with F22 which can never be compared

I agree. However, it is noteworthy that no weapon manufactured in Asia has been "proven" or tested in battle for the last 30 years. It is then pointless to discuss Asian weapons if they can only be compared after being "proven."

I have no idea why the Chinese fanboys here are so quick to speculate on J-20's specs before it even flew. It's natural, I guess; it took quiet a while to convince Indians on their subforum that LCA is not 4.5th gen.
I agree.... it took quiet a while to convince Indians on their subforum that LCA is not 4.5th gen.

how did you do that :woot: we have failed to convince them in the past 7 years!
Bullshit. The J-15 may be good for strike, but it is never intended to, and I doubt it is able to, perform the air defense role. It may have AESA radar, TVC engine, and all that crap, but that's not going to change the fact that its airframe is too bulky and its external load is going to slow it down.

External loads can be changed.
Air-to-air weapons are lighter than strike weapons no?

I also do not see any major stealth reduction attempts. And I doubt a powerful engine like WS-10B/G or WS-15 is going to be used.

Why wouldn't WS-10B/G engines be used once matured?

Yeah, but we're talking about the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. It has AESA radar and it specializes in maneuverability. It's also lighter than the J-15.

Flankers are also specialised for manoeuverability.

Super Hornet might be lighter, but the engines are weaker too;
97.9 kN (compared to 132kN of WS-10A).

If the weight of J-15 is lowered by using composites and it is in air-to-air loadout, J-15 might still have good T/W ratio and manoeuverability.
another useless competition to compare a plane in development phase with a proven one. why dont you people show some patience and wait till chinese planes comes out in light. if you finish discussing it right now what will we do when it comes out?lol
it's all wsetern press are comparing

not even in chinese top10 news recently

and what about indians in this???
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