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China’s army told to prepare to fight state — media

At least I always 'brag' the Truth from credible link when you always lie. No one call itself a super power when its own people still starve and frozen to death:coffee:
From your comment, I know your "truth" be bragged by you like "the third most powerful military", And that's what VCP told you?
the later sentence is right, but someone will call theirself the "third most powerful military" while even can't produce plane, even car, just after force USA out of their land with the help USSR and China!!
I am very interesting at your age, just want to see how efficient is the VCP brainwashed capability, you mind?

where are you born? you mean China should start the WW III?
Seems you really think Viet is the "third most powerful military", seems even in Germany, it can't help you, you have too low……………… seems there are really big difference between ***** and ******.
From your comment, I know your "truth" be bragged by you like "the third most powerful military", And that's what VCP told you?
the later sentence is right, but someone will call theirself the "third most powerful military" while even can't produce plane, even car, just after force USA out of their land with the help USSR and China!!
Why do we need to produce plane,car now when we can buy it from Russia-Japan with cheaper price ?? Russia boss has transferred many military technology to us, and that's enough to scare a paper tiger like you already:coffee:
Why do we need to produce plane,car now when we can buy it from Russia-Japan with cheaper price ?? Russia boss has transferred many military technology to us, and that's enough to scare a paper tiger like you already:coffee:

salute the 3rd most powerful military in the world..:yahoo:
From your comment, I know your "truth" be bragged by you like "the third most powerful military", And that's what VCP told you?

I wonder who says we have "the third most powerful military"?
I wonder who says we have "the third most powerful military"?

It's me, we were the third most powerful military in 80s and we proved it in many hard combat during that time. No one except US-USSR could fight better than VN that time.
China's policy in the past few decades has been one of non-aggression. It is highly unlikely the PLA will go into attack mode any time soon.

China has been building its economy, silently and robustly, while serious development on high-tech military hardware has already begun. The Dragon will most probably build-up its military wings to a level where it can not be matched either in technology or numbers.

It seems to plan on winning battles without the need of firing a single bullet.
:blah: :blah:
you lost all the wars against us in the last 1,000 years. just continue having a wet dream.
the US lost against half of Vietnam (North Vietnam), what makes you think you can defeat the united Vietnam? Are you sure your low IQ pilots can fly to Hanoi?

I am in Germany, Sorry am not fully aware that the Germans have a poor IP infrastructure. Maybe you can post just the list.

Seriously, Vietnam shouldn't think that they can defeat China. Because we simply can't. I am Vietnamese and I know a lot of Vietnamese have a lot of pride, but this somewhat foolish because Vietnam has 0 high tech industry. To think that this is 1979 or even the thousands of years that Vietnam repel China is ridiculous. In terms of weapons in 1979, Vietnam wasn't that far behind and thousands of years ago, we were fighting with the same weapons - swords and knives.

Now, Vietnam has no defense industry, no missile development, nothing. Not even a university with a good research facilities. Even the best engineering school in Vietnam is nothing compared to a lowly state school in the US.

The only reason why US ran was it was too costly and the Vietnamese were simply not that important of a pawn for the white man's game anymore. The Viet Cong didn't defeat the US, the US simply withdraw because Vietnam lost it strategic significant. Compare that with China, which borders Vietnam. It is best for Vietnam develop good foreign relation with her giant neighbors.

The last 30 years, China simply leapfrog the Vietnam. Vietnam is nowhere near the level of development of China. Let's not delude ourselves that Vietnam or even the whole of SEA can defeat China. The last thing the region needs is another war.
To be honest, I still cannot understand how could the war happen between China and VN. And people keep on arguing who was the winner. Neither China nor VN!It was Russia!
Seriously, Vietnam shouldn't think that they can defeat China. Because we simply can't. I am Vietnamese and I know a lot of Vietnamese have a lot of pride, but this somewhat foolish because Vietnam has 0 high tech industry. To think that this is 1979 or even the thousands of years that Vietnam repel China is ridiculous. In terms of weapons in 1979, Vietnam wasn't that far behind and thousands of years ago, we were fighting with the same weapons - swords and knives.

Now, Vietnam has no defense industry, no missile development, nothing. Not even a university with a good research facilities. Even the best engineering school in Vietnam is nothing compared to a lowly state school in the US.

The only reason why US ran was it was too costly and the Vietnamese were simply not that important of a pawn for the white man's game anymore. The Viet Cong didn't defeat the US, the US simply withdraw because Vietnam lost it strategic significant. Compare that with China, which borders Vietnam. It is best for Vietnam develop good foreign relation with her giant neighbors.

The last 30 years, China simply leapfrog the Vietnam. Vietnam is nowhere near the level of development of China. Let's not delude ourselves that Vietnam or even the whole of SEA can defeat China. The last thing the region needs is another war.

Oki, be a good American citizen now, now one need you to fight for VN now, our kids in high skool are in military training recently, they're willing to hold the guns and protect motherland now.

Simply, no one need a traitor :coffee:

It's news of Jan,15th,2013

To be honest, I still cannot understand how could the war happen between China and VN. And people keep on arguing who was the winner. Neither China nor VN!It was Russia!
I told people here that we may attack Itu-aba isl-the biggest isl in Spratly isl in this year(2013), and it seems your army consider it as a serious warning, so that your General told soldiers to prepare to fight.

Coz the war in Spratly may happen,China may help Taiwan to protect Itu-aba, that why we argue who will win here.
It's me, we were the third most powerful military in 80s and we proved it in many hard combat during that time. No one except US-USSR could fight better than VN that time.

LOL vietnam usa war
casualties 20 to 1 in favour of america
vietnam china war
casualties 5 to 1 in favour of china
vuetnam french war
causualties 5 to 1 in favour of france

mate if any more war vietnam will run out of men:lol:
From your comment, I know your "truth" be bragged by you like "the third most powerful military", And that's what VCP told you?
the later sentence is right, but someone will call theirself the "third most powerful military" while even can't produce plane, even car, just after force USA out of their land with the help USSR and China!!
I am very interesting at your age, just want to see how efficient is the VCP brainwashed capability, you mind?

Seems you really think Viet is the "third most powerful military", seems even in Germany, it can't help you, you have too low……………… seems there are really big difference between ***** and ******.

his is another account of NiceGuy which was banned few days ago, and everything knows that he is retard
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