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China & Russia need to take action against America.

Are you suggesting that Pakistan--Terror--China--Russia can take on NATO and other US allies.
Know this buddy the US and its allies are prepared to fight fire with fire. USSR got kicked out because US spent the money on Taliban and Pakistan. If the US and its allies do the same to fight, China and Pakistan sponsored terror by supporting its own terror then pakistan will be at the mercy of the US leave alone diminishing the influence of US in Afganistan. Afgans are against pakistan unlike the cold war era.

Do not spoil your country by putting its interests against US thinking that China will come to rescue.

Fanboyism much?

Even if USA is a super power, there are limits. I'd say, the US is getting increasingly reckless and irresponsible. When you piss off too many people, don't expect to live in peace.

As far as technology is concerned, understand that the Axis powers were technologically far superior to the Allies. And guess what? The Allies won.

Again, there are always limits.
Fanboyism much?

Even if USA is a super power, there are limits. I'd say, the US is getting increasingly reckless and irresponsible. When you piss off too many people, don't expect to live in peace.

As far as technology is concerned, understand that the Axis powers were technologically far superior to the Allies. And guess what? The Allies won.

Again, there are always limits.

The larger Chinese economy(post 2020) will allow it to dominate the US eventually.

Anyway, the technogical gap will surely not last beyond 2030
The larger Chinese economy(post 2020) will allow it to dominate the US eventually.

Anyway, the technogical gap will surely not last beyond 2030

Not even 2050 according to estimates.
Not even 2050 according to estimates.

"Expert" estimates said 10 years ago that China will not surpass US economy till 2041.

Now China is less than a decade away from having a larger economy than the US.

Remember, after 2020 China will be able to spend vastly larger(when adjusted for price differences) sums than the US in technogical development and hence can only speed up it's catchup with the Americans.
So when ??your habit is lying about North Vietnam??

I think Russia will Not colaborate with China to go against USA , if CHINA get stronger, she will demand to take back Manchus land from Russia again .

Russia will rather join hands with NATO and US in the long run rather than to play second fiddle to China , Russia would even try to get into EU... Russia and China have boundary among other disputes.... they would have individual stand and not any grand alliance with China that people are plotting here
Russia will rather join hands with NATO and US in the long run rather than to play second fiddle to China , Russia would even try to get into EU... Russia and China have boundary among other disputes.... they would have individual stand and not any grand alliance with China that people are plotting here

Ever heard of the SCO?
A powerful China would grow more vocal about the manchu lands that are now a part of Russia.
the Maxco wanto join to US, but US refused, why?
the earth is a village now, australia sell most of their iron mine to china, mid east sell oil to everywhere. it doesn't matter who own the land, who can use the land via trading is most important.
they may need to take action but i dont see it in the near future......

---------- Post added at 07:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 PM ----------

China may catch up to the US soon but the US may play ''dirty tricks'' to make sure it doesnt.......
yes,in one hand US is retreating their army from japan to australia. in the other hand, US want india chanlenge china, so US resolved two potential chanlenger.
You fail at history. :lol:

In 1950, China attacked US forces that were trying (and succeeding) in overruning all of North Korea.

China, a non-nuclear country... attacked America, a nuclear-armed nation. And we ended up pushing the USA + 16 of her allies completely out of North Korea.
:lol: Not only do YOU failed at knowledge of history, you failed to understand it as well. I fully expected someone to bring up Korea.

The reason why China fought the US was because China had no choice. The US was at China's doorstep. Forward to Viet Nam and this is where you look silly. China was in Viet Nam, specifically North Viet Nam, long before the US got involved seriously in the region. By the time the US became militarily involved in Viet Nam, China was ALREADY a nuclear weapons state. This time when the US was also at China's doorstep, China as a nuclear weapons state did NOTHING except to supply the North Vietnamese.

So if we take a look at this silly argument...

I have no idea what Israel has to do with this, but it is a fact that America has never started a direct military conflict with any nuclear armed nation.

We can see how stupid it really is in light of history. China never started -- STARTED -- a direct military conflict with the US, a nuclear weapons state. In Korea, China was in the defensive and fought because she had no choice. But when you used the word 'started' -- and in the past tense at that -- you are implying that there is a choice and the option of 'no war' does not produce any negative consequences for the side that made that choice. In Viet Nam, China, as a nuclear weapons state, had a choice of either militarily engaged the US, even at the conventional level, or not and China chose 'not' without suffering any negative consequences on Chinese soil. That mean China was the real target of your slur about cowardice. :lol:

That's a good excuse to not protect your ally.
Of course it is.

But the South Koreans have not responded either.
That is their decision. But if the South Koreans do respond, this time China will do nothing even if the US get involved. China learned the lessons of Desert Storm quite well.
@gambit do you think there is an imminent danger of Russia joining up with China and confronting the US in all its active operational areas- the Middle East, Far East, Future in South China Sea,
AF/ Pakistan?

Is US considering this as a genuine threat?
@gambit do you think there is an imminent danger of Russia joining up with China and confronting the US in all its active operational areas- the Middle East, Far East, Future in South China Sea,
AF/ Pakistan?

Is US considering this as a genuine threat?
Imminent? No. Imminent mean within the foreseeable future, as in the next Presidential administration.

That does not mean completely ruled out. In this sort of speculations, nothing is beyond possibility, but most are beyond probability.
China doesn't seem to be doing anything..and its doing the correct thing.Should be busy with itself.
Only newspaper articles don't change the world.
Imminent? No. Imminent mean within the foreseeable future, as in the next Presidential administration.

That does not mean completely ruled out. In this sort of speculations, nothing is beyond possibility, but most are beyond probability.

I mentioned 'Imminent' because of China's noises against US's planned actions against Iran and or Pakistan, The formation of SCO - which I perceive as a economic entity more to facilitate Central Asia. Russia's opposition on Syria's incident. These are happening right now which drives lot of people here to believe that China and Russia may collaborate together to confront the US in the near future. I personally don't think this is going to happen, but wanted to know if the US perceives this to happen.
You fail at history. :lol:

In 1950, China attacked US forces that were trying (and succeeding) in overruning all of North Korea.

China, a non-nuclear country... attacked America, a nuclear-armed nation. And we ended up pushing the USA + 16 of her allies completely out of North Korea.

That's a good excuse to not protect your ally.

But the South Koreans have not responded either.
China couldn't handle Vietnam and got whipped by Japan..now what?
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