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China, Rome, and the United States

don't forget that you admitted that your ancestor is Man on PDF, base on your bloodline you are not Han. Don't make yourselves to be joker here.
Then you know absolutely nothing about Manchu culture and is talking out of your ***, just like the rest of your fellow monkeys. Meanwhile, I shall go to the zoo and feed your relatives with some bananas.
EastSea it doesn't matter what Dai Viet su Louc stated,international scholars don't recognize it,there is no archaeological evidence and ancient Chinese texts never speak of its existence.

Its quite obvious that nationalistic Vietnamese suffer from an inferiority complex,living under the shadow of Chinese rule and culture they seek to project themselves as a mighty empire and influencing Chinese not the other way around.

Cantonese are fake Han Chinese that's quite rich go say that in China and expect a bloody nose at best.
USSR built up your aviation industries through technical assistance, facility set up, and providing blueprint prior to the split, kid. They set up your nuclear weapon program by training you chinaman. The U.K licensed avionic suite for your J-7, kid. No, America did not provide you with military tech but massive civilian tech you idiot. Western cum are all over your face regards to tech transfer to lift you out of a typical agarian/nomadic East Asia destitude hell hole.

Yeah, I know your 4 contribution to the world when 3 of them is not even a sure deal that it is from you. But let say that those "invention" are from a population that make up 1/5 of the world, those are still shit and contribute ZERO to the invention of my computer, television, kid

Calling us as "monkey" does not change the fact that you are an inferior bunch that needs the Western cum to lift you out of that backward Confushit society. Now, I undersand what that Confushit guy have to teach you "gentlemen manner" because naturally you chinaman has ZERO manner LOL
I have told you already, the USSR is not the WEST. And NOBODY build up our aviation industry but our own determination and effort. While USSR provided assistance but nobody would risk putting their own aviation industry at risk of competition by helping a foreign country. Get this logic through your thick head! LOL Typical dumb Vietcong. It is indeed true that there were civilian tech cooperative agreements but I have told you that this is not unique to China. Any country can apply the same strategy. The key is we did it during time when we understand our leverage and manage to expand the knowledge and expertise we gain from the West tech cooperation through joint-venture. Well, it looks like you Vietnamese will receive cum on your face, not just from the West, but also from the Confucian states. LOLOLOL!

LOL All 4 great inventions are known as CHINA. It is undisputed until you can provided a legitimate evidence to state otherwise. The year and discover of those inventions were first in China through text and archaeological evidence. I am quite confident to say we have contribute to the world more than you tree climbing monkey in Vietnam. LOL Let be honest with ourselves here, all inventions would not be possible without precedent set from earlier invention. Human advance through knowledge of others and expand their knowledge. It is no coincident that the Christian value and Confucian value are the two biggest contribution to human advancement and civilization. The high culture provided a strong base to invent new ideas. Talking about this high culture to you Viet jungle monkey is pointless. LOL!
I have told you already, the USSR is not the WEST. And NOBODY build up our aviation industry but our own determination and effort. While USSR provided assistance but nobody would risk putting their own aviation industry at risk of competition by helping a foreign country. Get this logic through your thick head! LOL Typical dumb Vietcong. It is indeed true that there were civilian tech cooperative agreements but I have told you that this is not unique to China. Any country can apply the same strategy. The key is we did it during time when we understand our leverage and manage to expand the knowledge and expertise we gain from the West tech cooperation through joint-venture. Well, it looks like you Vietnamese will receive cum on your face, not just from the West, but also from the Confucian states. LOLOLOL!

LOL All 4 great inventions are known as CHINA. It is undisputed until you can provided a legitimate evidence to state otherwise. The year and discover of those inventions were first in China through text and archaeological evidence. I am quite confident to say we have contribute to the world more than you tree climbing monkey in Vietnam. LOL Let be honest with ourselves here, all inventions would not be possible without precedent set from earlier invention. Human advance through knowledge of others and expand their knowledge. It is no coincident that the Christian value and Confucian value are the two biggest contribution to human advancement and civilization. The high culture provided a strong base to invent new ideas. Talking about this high culture to you Viet jungle monkey is pointless. LOL!
It is an indisputeable fact that the West cum all over your chihyena face to lift you out that shit hole Confushit society. It is an indisputeable fact that non-Confushit society pwned you; they school you, and they civlilize you chinaman. Without tech transfer from these non-Confushit states, you chinaman are still swinging from tree to tree no more or less than North Korea or Mongolia LOL. Go read on your super duper inventions, 3 out of 4 is not even a sure deal that you invented it; and even if it come from an overbreeding bunch of 1/5 of the world population; it means jack in pioneering the invention of the aircraft or the computer. There is nothing "high culture" about you chinaman other than contributing to 1/5 of the world population LOL
I believe our nationalistic Vietnamese friends are quite upset calling us ethnic slurs and degrading our culture.

Credible books already list the 4 great inventions,what have Vietnamese invented throughout their history?

The so called "Confushit" culture is what ancient Vietnamese emulated,your own Nguyen dynasty worshiped Chinese sage kings and culture heroes.

If Vietnamese hate Confucian and Chinese culture so much they should renounce their surnames,burn their history books and destroy their own culture.

As usual Vietnamese PDF members can't provide proof for their various claims.
Kiddo. look again at this photo below.

Vietnam kicked *** USA imperialist, they went home in 1973. China is kissing *** of USA in Peking 1972 and in Washington 1979.

answer my question !

Are you kissing asses of USA and RU ?

Are you kissing *** of USA and RU NOWWWWWWWW ?
U guys kiss both *** es past and present. Without 3.3 TRILLION dollars of trade surplus with American in the past 20 years, your country is dead meat
U guys kiss both *** es past and present. Without 3.3 TRILLION dollars of trade surplus with American in the past 20 years, your country is dead meat
WOW US help us to be the second Economic country by containing us with many lapdogs like Viet ?

Your Logic is awesome ! LMAO.
Then you know absolutely nothing about Manchu culture and is talking out of your ***, just like the rest of your fellow monkeys. Meanwhile, I shall go to the zoo and feed your relatives with some bananas.

Nomad tribes ruled China, there was Man Qing Dynasty in China, but you mixed with them so you became friend with Monkey.
Hehe, Vietnam history "Expert"!!
Now I know why many Vietnamese have the daydream of indochina empire, maybe they want more.

Do you know what's the mean of Yue in Chinese?


Wu Yue, Min Yue, Nan Yue ... were no Han. In the history of China, there were independent states.
we kicked *** USA to go home, you kiss *** of USA.

and it has worked wonders for you, "kicking US' ***." I mean if there's one nation to be respected today, it's the Vietnamese, oh, wait......

Stop living in past glories, and it's not really glories, I don't consider Korea a victory because we lost more men, I don't consider any conflict in which we lost more men to be a victory, hence WW2.

Nomad tribes ruled China, there was Man Qing Dynasty in China, but you mixed with them so you became friend with Monkey.

Nomad tribes ruled France, Italy, England, and Germany too, so what? You know how France got its name? The past is the past.

Also Qing was not a Nomad, it's a small empire.

U guys kiss both *** es past and present. Without 3.3 TRILLION dollars of trade surplus with American in the past 20 years, your country is dead meat

US did contribute, but we also let America take advantage of us, without going into detail let's just say the Americans didn't do us a favor, unless you count exploitation a favor.

We endured and we learn, why do you think the US is so angry today, cause we are beginning to shed their influence and replacing their influence with our own.

It is an indisputeable fact that the West cum all over your chihyena face to lift you out that shit hole Confushit society. It is an indisputeable fact that non-Confushit society pwned you; they school you, and they civlilize you chinaman. Without tech transfer from these non-Confushit states, you chinaman are still swinging from tree to tree no more or less than North Korea or Mongolia LOL. Go read on your super duper inventions, 3 out of 4 is not even a sure deal that you invented it; and even if it come from an overbreeding bunch of 1/5 of the world population; it means jack in pioneering the invention of the aircraft or the computer. There is nothing "high culture" about you chinaman other than contributing to 1/5 of the world population LOL

going full racist is fine, I don't mind, but usually, they do it after they become better.

Western societies did humiliate China, but Germany today is a client state of sorts, France was taken over by Germany, Russia lost tens of millions and had their country burnt, UK well was ok, but still a lot of lives lost and a destroyed country. There's more of the same going back. US and Canada started as colonies.

Countries fall, it depends on where you draw the line, everyone has their weakness.

But here's the thing, innovation is based on need, the Tibet high way was an act of innovation for one, watch the documentary, Western engineers are very impressed by this.

Of course, the reason they didn't do it was because they didn't need to, without grounds that high, it was not needed.

Today China contribute lots to innovation, but you wouldn't know about it, as you don't really know what innovation is, you think the light bulb, but that's only one kind of innovation. The entire Chinese political system is innovation for no one else has it. You know because we are the only one with so much success.

Also, Chinese culture is getting more and more prominent, it's not noticeable to you yet, but give it time, and our TV shows and movies will also make way into Western world, like some already has.
and it has worked wonders for you, "kicking US' ***." I mean if there's one nation to be respected today, it's the Vietnamese, oh, wait......

Nomad tribes ruled France, Italy, England, and Germany too, so what? You know how France got its name? The past is the past.

Also Qing was not a Nomad, it's a small empire.


You misunderstood here.
I said that Manchurian were in original from Nomad tribe or Nomadic tribe, not Normandy.
I quoted for you from Wiki:
Manchuria was the homeland of several nomadic tribes, including the Manchu, Ulchs and Hezhen.
Manchuria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its not related to Mormandy:
Normandy (French: Normandie, pronounced [nɔʁ.mɑ̃.di], Norman: Nourmaundie, from Old FrenchNormanz, plural of Normand, originally from the word for "northman" in several Scandinavian languages)[1] is a geographical region of France corresponding to the former Duchy of Normandy.

Normandy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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