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China, Rome, and the United States

It is an indisputeable fact that the West cum all over your chihyena face to lift you out that shit hole Confushit society. It is an indisputeable fact that non-Confushit society pwned you; they school you, and they civlilize you chinaman. Without tech transfer from these non-Confushit states, you chinaman are still swinging from tree to tree no more or less than North Korea or Mongolia LOL. Go read on your super duper inventions, 3 out of 4 is not even a sure deal that you invented it; and even if it come from an overbreeding bunch of 1/5 of the world population; it means jack in pioneering the invention of the aircraft or the computer. There is nothing "high culture" about you chinaman other than contributing to 1/5 of the world population LOL
Butthurt Viet is a butthurt Vietnamese. LOL
What a blatant lie,gunpowder,wood block printing,compass and paper making are Chinese not Vietnamese in any shape way or form.
gunpowder weapons were invented in China. However, improving some of gunpowder weapons, for example, increasing the range and accuracy of handguns and fire lances were invented in Dai Viet. Chinese learned the technique after the invasion of Vietnam in 1406.

Also, the Ming learned the effective implementation of firearms in large miliary operation from Vietnam during the war with Dai Viet, and thousands of Vietnamese served in the Ming government and army after the war. weapon such as fire lances capable of shooting a range of 300 paces was improved by the Viets. Read Ming shi.
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You chinaman can't handle the truth LOL
Chinese don't rely on historical fabrications like you Vietnamese nationalists.

Keep on dreaming that Vietnamese greatly impacted the world and is the origin of East Asian civilization.
Chinese don't rely on historical fabrications like you Vietnamese nationalists.

Keep on dreaming that Vietnamese greatly impacted the world and is the origin of East Asian civilization.
I don't think anyone can change our Vietnamese friends mind. But if they talk about this during casual conversation or write a thesis about it, they will be laughed at.
I don't think anyone can change our Vietnamese friends mind. But if they talk about this during casual conversation or write a thesis about it, they will be laughed at.

Mongolian and Manchurian ruled you until 1911. Its truth in history of China. They were nomad people or Bei Di people in the past stated in writting history of China.

Don't try to modify the history with funny distorsions. You can not deny the truth.
Mongolian and Manchurian ruled you until 1911. Its truth in history of China. They were nomad people or Bei Di people in the past stated in writting history of China.

Don't try to modify the history with funny distorsions. You can not deny the truth.
You are absolutely hopeless,no one is arguing that the founder of the Yuan or Qing dynasty is Han rather that legitimized themselves by using the mandate of heaven and adopting Chinese government and customs.

Neither were the Han Chinese slaves under their administration they reached high governmental positions out of talent.

While the distortions you believe in are Xich Quy,Van Lang and Hung Kings which have no historical merit.

I doubt you can even read Hanzi or Chu Nom come back when you are educated.

The typical Vietnamese nationalists attitude is reflected in their posts ie Chinaman,Han Chinese are slaves,Vietnamese invented gunpowder,Vietnamese ruled Southern China.
Mongolian and Manchurian ruled you until 1911. Its truth in history of China. They were nomad people or Bei Di people in the past stated in writting history of China.

Don't try to modify the history with funny distorsions. You can not deny the truth.
Yawn. Same old argument but no archaeological evidence except for Vietnamese myths.

You are absolutely hopeless,no one is arguing that the founder of the Yuan or Qing dynasty is Han rather that legitimized themselves by using the mandate of heaven and adopting Chinese government and customs.

Neither were the Han Chinese slaves under their administration they reached high governmental positions out of talent.

While the distortions you believe in are Xich Quy,Van Lang and Hung Kings which have no historical merit.

I doubt you can even read Hanzi or Chu Nom come back when you are educated.

The typical Vietnamese nationalists attitude is reflected in their posts ie Chinaman,Han Chinese are slaves,Vietnamese invented gunpowder,Vietnamese ruled Southern China.
Vietnamese invented space flight, you know that right? American and Russians copied them.
Yawn. Same old argument but no archaeological evidence except for Vietnamese myths.

Vietnamese invented space flight, you know that right? American and Russians copied them.
Sorry, dude. First yellow guy in space is a Viet:bunny:
India has illegally annexed South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim, which are full of ethnic Chinese Tibetans.

Thus, Indians are no strangers to grabbing land.

I just want to return the favor.



" in fifteen years when China can fend off the US navy "

Chinese don't rely on historical fabrications like you Vietnamese nationalists.

Keep on dreaming that Vietnamese greatly impacted the world and is the origin of East Asian civilization.
I don´t remember that one of us claiming what you say: impacting East Asia and the world?

facts remain:

gunpowder was invented in China.

Vietnamese imported the technique of making gunpowder weapons from China. some sources suspected Vietnam did it illegally. Ming China forbade any export of firearms.

improving some gunpower weapons such as handguns and fire lances were made in Vietnam.

Ming China learned the technique of crafting of improved version of firearms and warfare during the war with Dai Viet in year 1406, and from Vietnamese captives and volunteers who served in the Ming government and army after the war, actually after the year 1427. the effectiveness was proved during the Ming military campaigns against the Mongols.

not East Asia, but Vietnam contributed positively in the development of Southeast Asia: stop in expansion of Hinduism and Islams, while preserving Confucism and Buddhism, civilizing the barbarians in Vietnam and neighborhood, restoring peace and stability when the region flipped into chaos, stop the genocide in Cambodia, expelling western invaders the French and Americans.

Vietnam sees itself as a nation in SE Asia, with cultures and custom of East Asia.

by the way, Chinese are not immun against propaganda. China under Mao Zedong suffered political/economics chaos and millions of deaths.
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I don´t remember that one of us claiming what you say: impacting East Asia and the world?

facts remain:

gunpowder was invented in China.

Vietnamese imported the technique of making gunpowder weapons from China. some sources suspected Vietnam did it illegally. Ming China forbade any export of firearms.

improving some gunpower weapons such as handguns and fire lances were made in Vietnam.

Ming China learned the technique of crafting of improved version of firearms and warfare during the war with Dai Viet in year 1406, and from Vietnamese captives and volunteers who served in the Ming government and army after the war, actually after the year 1427. the effectiveness was proved during the Ming military campaigns against the Mongols.

not East Asia, but Vietnam contributed positively in the development of Southeast Asia: stop in expansion of Hinduism and Islams, while preserving Confucism and Buddhism, civilizing the barbarians in Vietnam and neighborhood, restoring peace and stability when the region flipped into chaos, stop the genocide in Cambodia, expelling western invaders the French and Americans.

Vietnam sees itself as a nation in SE Asia, with cultures and custom of East Asia.

by the way, Chinese are not immun against propaganda. China under Mao Zedong suffered political/economics chaos and millions of deaths.
ViXuyen is claiming that the 4 great inventions did not originate in China.

I'm well aware that Dai Viet contributed in firearm technology to say that they invented guns is a bit of stretch though.

Funny how you are praising Dai Viet for "civilizing" other countries when in fact they warred with Cham,Khmers and Tai/Lao people constantly.

While Vietnamese gnash their teeth that the Chinese conquered Southern China the inherent birthright of Vietnamese.

The historical fabrications I'm detailing is the Baiyue = Vietnamese and that sort of nonsense.
Communism was a Jewish ideology , not sure why he thinks it's western culture?
Are you simple? Some Jews were in on it....but socialism in its modern form is strictly western....an answer to industrialization. And as far as china inventing guns....I call bull. Earliest examples are from Europe. Chinese also claim to have invented flight because some tard tied birds to his throne. Habitual liars.
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