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China renames 6 places in Arunachal, takes its claim over state to whole new level

Tit for tat, that's for the Dalai Lama visit, India started it and China would like to play along, India's north east is not stable anyway and China may have designs on the region. India is troubled by so many insurgencies all across the nation and China can easily take advantage of any of them. unlike fractious India, China by and large is pretty stable.
I love China and Chinese civilization/culture, so I don't want any Chinese member on PDF to feel bad about what I'm going to say.

I think the Chinese are playing with fire.

Renaming an Indian province "South Tibet" is an unwise move.

There are many separatist movements in China.

Imagine the Chinese outrage if the Inner Mongolia autonomous region was internationally renamed as "Southern Mongolia":


Or if the Xinjiang province was international renamed as "East Turkestan":


This isn't a fight that China should be picking.

Plus, the West are dying for an excuse to go against China these days. China shouldn't give them the excuse they're looking for.
Dude, maybe you haven't come to China.
There are not many separating movements in China.
There are lots of minority muslim ethnics in Xinjiang province except Uighur.
Only a small group of Uighur extremists are dreaming about east turkistan.
You should know the muslim ethnic with the most population in China is ethnic Hui which is actually Han muslim. 99% of muslim are OK and all benefit from development of China economy.

When it comes to Tibet, as I had said, only Lama ,the Tibetan monk ,used to be the slave master want to separate from China, cause their tradition power of enslave others had been deprived since 1958.
The other Tibetan people used to be slaves of Dalai Lama and his followers benefit a lot from the subsidy of central government ,cause you know the altitude of Tibet is too high to develop economy .

Except these two kind of separatists, there are no other .
Don't worry. Compared to other big powers with a huge population , China is quite unitive.
Are you sure you are an Indian? Many PDF Indians don't see it like you. They believe that India was already a united country just going through a two thousand year civil war since the time of Ashoka.

i don't want to talk about 2000 Years back and 5000 years back, so if you take the history south Indians was controlled enter India and around the place (forgot about right now boarders) so can we take all place one which is now impossible

we have no idea when the earth was created,

india may be a one country in the past,

as of my knowledge British captured India by defeating the kings one by one,
I wouldn't take this news seriously anyway.

I actually think there's going to be a convergence of Chinese and Indian regional interests in the coming decades.

In the short and medium run, hostilities between China and India will probably continue. But in the long term, China and India have a lot of common interests. Both countries are wary of radical Islam. Both countries view their Muslim neighbors with great suspicion. Both countries know that cooperation in Central Asia is vital for their own domestic security and long-term regional stability.

So I don't think the Chinese or Indians should be bothered by the recent antics.

If I'm an Indian, I would value two thousand years of Dhamic religious influence on China and build upon that. But Indians has no foresight and value relationships according to their colonial master. Which is nation to nation. China, as a communist atheist, cannot sustain that faith for long as people need to have a faith. It has no native religion. So it's on the verge of "pickin" a religion.

The contenders for the Chinese souls are the Christian west, Islamic Middle East and Buddhist India. To me, this is the real battle that people are not paying enough attention to or focusing on. The winner of this sweepstake will very likely be the dominant faith, culture and civilization of tomorrow.
If I'm an Indian, I would value two thousand years of Dhamic religious influence on China and build upon that. But Indians has no foresight and value relationships according to their colonial master. Which is nation to nation. China, as a communist atheist, cannot sustain that faith for long as people need to have a faith. It has no native religion. So it's on the verge of "pickin" a religion.

The contenders for the Chinese souls are the Christian west, Islamic Middle East and Buddhist India. To me, this is the real battle that people are not paying enough attention to or focusing on. The winner of this sweepstake will very likely be the dominant faith, culture and civilization of tomorrow.
China conquers its conquerors. China's soul won't be taken over by the Christian West, Muslim Middle East or anyone else for that matter.
I love China and Chinese civilization/culture, so I don't want any Chinese member on PDF to feel bad about what I'm going to say.

I think the Chinese are playing with fire.

Renaming an Indian province "South Tibet" is an unwise move.

There are many separatist movements in China.

Imagine the Chinese outrage if the Inner Mongolia autonomous region was internationally renamed as "Southern Mongolia":


Or if the Xinjiang province was international renamed as "East Turkestan":


This isn't a fight that China should be picking.

Plus, the West are dying for an excuse to go against China these days. China shouldn't give them the excuse they're looking for.

Don't be ridiculous. India annexed South Tibet in Feb 1951 when China was involved in the Korean war. South Tibet is named NEFA by the British. It is never an Indian province and there is no Arunachal Pradesh. It's India that is doing the renaming. How is it that China is unwise to want to take back their own land.
China should anex south tibet like Russians did with crimea.

Chinese army will make light work of their indian counterparts IMO
what tit for tat apart from barking chinese leaders ??? dalai lama is moving freely everywhere . you are puny state ( rich state now though) ?????? bark barkbark and fund and support proxy tart like azar mehmod , for how long , ??? xinjiang is not far away, just wait and see , bye for now
Xinjiang is like paradise comparing to insurgencies torn India. India controlled Kashmir is literally a war zone.
Don't be ridiculous. India annexed South Tibet in Feb 1951 when China was involved in the Korean war. South Tibet is named NEFA by the British. It is never an Indian province and there is no Arunachal Pradesh. It's India that is doing the renaming. How is it that China is unwise to want to take back their own land.
If the Chinese want to make the argument that "South Tibet" doesn't belong to India, then one could similarly make the argument that the rest of Tibet, as well as "East Turkestan", do not belong to China either.

Do you see where this is going? It's not really an argument that China should use because it could be used against the Chinese.
If I'm an Indian, I would value two thousand years of Dhamic religious influence on China and build upon that. But Indians has no foresight and value relationships according to their colonial master. Which is nation to nation. China, as a communist atheist, cannot sustain that faith for long as people need to have a faith. It has no native religion. So it's on the verge of "pickin" a religion.

The contenders for the Chinese souls are the Christian west, Islamic Middle East and Buddhist India. To me, this is the real battle that people are not paying enough attention to or focusing on. The winner of this sweepstake will very likely be the dominant faith, culture and civilization of tomorrow.
True but that again puts both the state institution on opposite sides.
Xinjiang is like paradise comparing to insurgencies torn India. India controlled Kashmir is literally a war zone.
yea yea yea kashmir too was , i hope you understand what i mean if not, then must wait , bye
Could you believe what you said?
The king of Sikkim admired india so much that he volunteered to give up the throne and be a indian citizen.
The people of Sikkim is dying to be an indian ,cause india is so developed that they could get good welfare and livelihood.
Why don't your make up a better story for your history book?

Learn something from other nation's book.
I really wonder what sort of books are available in a Chinese library. There was an election followed by a referendum which resulted in Sikkim becoming part of India. I know this is difficult to grasp for a country like China which unilaterally invaded Tibet and illegally acquired it - but the integration of Sikkim was entirely democratic. India doesn't have to be a developed country for people wanting to flock to it - people from all over the world have moved to India to become Indian citizens - including Chinese citizens who still come to India as refugees.

That is what your history book tell you .
No wonder you are so ignorant.
Be logical.
It is much much harder for China to build these posts than India in 1962, even today.
I have to admit this despicable trick is truly effective ,cause it makes full use of indian advantage of logistics which is related to Tibetan geography.

"McMahon Line" is a creature that a British colonist made up and never admitted by any Chinese government ,for Qing Dynasty to ROC to PRC .
So you admit india is the successor to British colonist .
The State of India was a successor to British India - this is a matter of history so obviously it inherited all the agreements. Even if the McMahon Line was disputed - India did not breach it. China may not have respected its de jure status but it should have respected its de facto status.
I admit I should've worded my post differently. I should've said both countries viewed their radical neighbors with suspicion, i.e. regions that are de facto controlled by radical Islamists.

Yes, India and the GCC have many centuries of historical cultural and economic ties. And even before the modern states were established, Indian civilization has had a huge influence on the cultures and polities of the Persian Gulf region and the Arabian Peninsula for thousands of years. Elamite civilization, Dilmun civilization, etc. :)

I think the future's bright, and I think even China will have fruitful ties with India and the progressive countries of the Arab World (e.g. the UAE) over the coming decades.

Really, there's nothing to worry about. There's not going to be a war between India and China. This century is Asia's century, and it belongs to both countries. :)

China focus on friendship and economic development. China do not play hegemonic games on its small neighbors like how India is doing to Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives. Read how India annexed Sikkim. India inhumanly blockaded Nepal when Nepal had just suffered a devastating earthquake because India wants sovereign Nepal to amend their constitution according to India's demand.
I have a question. Why is Arnuchal shown as a part of india—why is it even called Pradesh? When it actually is controlled by China?

It is controlled by India. China merely wants it.
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