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China renames 6 places in Arunachal, takes its claim over state to whole new level

That is what your history book tell you .
No wonder you are so ignorant.
Be logical.
It is much much harder for China to build these posts than India in 1962, even today.
I have to admit this despicable trick is truly effective ,cause it makes full use of indian advantage of logistics which is related to Tibetan geography.

"McMahon Line" is a creature that a British colonist made up and never admitted by any Chinese government ,for Qing Dynasty to ROC to PRC .
So you admit india is the successor to British colonist .
Brainwashing is an art in which Chinese Communist party excels in ... it starts at 5 years of age...Who cares if China agrees or disagrees with any line... Arunachal Pradesh is a part of India ... there is a legal document signed between the state and Union Of India... Does China have a legal document that proves otherwise? All you guys have are some imaginary lines on maps and some folklore...
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forget about Nehru's "Advance Policy".

i am taking about now
Now india wants to keep these lands occupied by indian through the "Advance Policy" for ever , and you free media never tell you who is Mcmahon and why he drawed the line and who is generational resident these area.
Now india wants to keep these lands occupied by indian through the "Advance Policy" for ever , and you free media never tell you who is Mcmahon and why he drawed the line and who is generational resident these area.

now we never use any advance policy it's part of India and after independence and it will be
and in 62 They couldn't held on those territory when India's defence was the too weak... say a lot about chinese
Brainwashing is an art in which Chinese Communist party excels in ... it starts at 5 years of age...Who cares if China agrees or disagrees with any line... Arunachal Pradesh is a part of India ... there is a legal document signed between the state and Union Of India... Does China have a legal document that proves otherwise? All you guys have are some imaginary lines on maps and some folklore...
Occupy somewhere and force the locals sign a document and own it legally.
That is how india become a British colony. You indian is really a good student of British colonist .
It is worthy being colonized by Britain for hundreds of years and at least you learnt how to colonize others .
Now india wants to keep these lands occupied by indian through the "Advance Policy" for ever , and you free media never tell you who is Mcmahon and why he drawed the line and who is generational resident these area.
India is expansionist really? How much India expanded? India is the same or less expanded when British left. China annexed Tibet. This South Tibet claim only came recently like during late 70's and 80's.
It is not even a Tibetan Majority area. Only 11% of them live there. Rest are predominantly Hindu and Christians.
Communist want to keep tight control over Tibet, that's why they ask Dalai lama to reincarnate in China. So that they can select their own puppet Lama. Thereby destroying hundreds of years old tradition.
india got its @ss whopped in 1962 i think its time to open the can of @*** whipping again by China.

they will dismantle india piece by piece and there is nothing that their Bramos or Tejas can do about this.

whole world will back China over a poor 3rd world country like India.

another comedy of the day,

the same world we are expecting after 10 years also,if you know the reality

look around china what they are doing in SCS and other related territory issues

ask you friend to stop supplying goods to the poor country (they know the reality)

will whole world will not support china, again today if it's for India tomorrow for them
Indians who are stoking the Durand line issue between Pakistan and Afghanistan through the puppet Kabul regime, have to give 10/10 on the audacity when they themselves have border issues with a super power.

China needs to flex it muscles and do some bitch slapping. Majority of Indian forces are deployed against Pakistan on their western front, would be a walk in park for Chinese military if it comes to that.
The birth of modern day terrorism actually took place in India by some sikh attacked indian government or army for free khalistan movement.

back on track India is the mothership of all terrorism in South east Asia. Just ask maynar, Sri Lanka, Pakistan

don't include srilanga it their problem with tamil people (search History of LTTE why and who then you come to know that)

Pakistan is already birth place for terrorist so it's your problem to defend them (creating terrorist is easy but destroying terrorist is not so easy)

i have no Idea maynar can you share some knowledge or link to read

Indians who are stoking the Durand line issue between Pakistan and Afghanistan through the puppet Kabul regime, have to give 10/10 on the audacity when they themselves have border issues with a super power.

China needs to flex it muscles and do some bitch slapping. Majority of Indian forces are deployed against Pakistan on their western front, would be a walk in park for Chinese military if it comes to that.

they already tried but they couldn't make it
India is expansionist really? How much India expanded? India is the same or less expanded when British left. China annexed Tibet. This South Tibet claim only came recently like during late 70's and 80's.
You admit india is a student of British colonist ? Tell me about Sikkim and Bhutan and Nepal.
It is not even a Tibetan Majority area. Only 11% of them live there. Rest are predominantly Hindu and Christians.
Communist want to keep tight control over Tibet, that's why they ask Dalai lama to reincarnate in China. So that they can select their own puppet Lama. Thereby destroying hundreds of years old tradition.
Dalai Lama claim South Tibet is part of Tibet until india force him.
China has ruled Tibet for hundreds of years. Dalai Lama admitted it, and he and his followers are slave master which are deprived of the power of slavery .
As long as the central government of PRC allowed these lama and the lords to enslave the Tibetan as same as before, Dalai Lama and his followers would be happy to accept the governance of China as their ancestors
But PRC government can not accept such an tradition existing at China in 20th century ,because Tibet belongs to China and belongs to the liberated Tibetan which is 95% of the entire population of Tibet.
Then these slave masters escaped to their wonder land a country with a slavery tradition.

You india could keep your old slavery tradition, caste-system.
But Chinese prefer to destroy the sinful slavey ,even it's an old tradition.
Don't explain yourself over here.

Like respecting Cows & raping innocent girls?

do you know ISIS is selling women for cheap rate and raping

don't think India is worst then ISIS
India is expansionist really? How much India expanded? India is the same or less expanded when British left. China annexed Tibet. This South Tibet claim only came recently like during late 70's and 80's.
You admit india is a student of British colonist ? Tell me about Sikkim and Bhutan and Nepal.
It is not even a Tibetan Majority area. Only 11% of them live there. Rest are predominantly Hindu and Christians.
Communist want to keep tight control over Tibet, that's why they ask Dalai lama to reincarnate in China. So that they can select their own puppet Lama. Thereby destroying hundreds of years old tradition.
Dalai Lama claim South Tibet is part of Tibet until india force him.
China has ruled Tibet for hundreds of years. Dalai Lama admitted it, and he and his followers are slave master which are deprived of the power of slavery .
As long as the central government of PRC allowed these lama and the lords to enslave the Tibetan as same as before, Dalai Lama and his followers would be happy to accept the governance of China as their ancestors
But PRC government can not accept such an tradition existing at China in 20th century ,because Tibet belongs to China and belongs to the liberated Tibetan which is 95% of the entire population of Tibet.
Then these slave masters escaped to their wonder land a country with a slavery tradition.

You india could keep your old slavery tradition, caste-system.
But Chinese prefer to destroy the sinful slavey ,even it's an old tradition.
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