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China renames 6 places in Arunachal, takes its claim over state to whole new level

Stupid. Do you watch another news that protest your so-called policy except these southeast asians?
If you have, give me a link.

what stupit,

its shows your inability to accept the truth,

always mentioning others policy and not accepting their Mistakes or problems what they causing
China already make it clear China will never give up their claim of S.Tibet.

and we made it very clear we'll never give our claim as ell.... no tell mw why the powerfull india a few weeks ago asked india to swap the areas to settle the disputes!!???
In your dreams Hindu, if a war breaks out again only a repeat of 1962 is gonna come true. You guys take the supa powa status too literally, just because we all say India is one doesn't mean it's true. Who takes India serious as a supa powa anyway? :lol:

We are not a superpower ,nor we claims like that .We are just a developing nation that jumping from milestone to milestone .
But in here ,in our turf noone can challenge ,not even US or NATO ,let alone Chinese that couldnt see a mountain warfare .
Our forces are like a steel in fire .They can taste success even without any mighty tech.
This is your capability.


After Cow Urine Fighting Cancer, Now RSS Says Cow Poop Can Make Nuclear Bombs Ineffective
cure everything from cancer to taking care of your teeth, RSS offshoot organisation Muslim Rashtriya Manch has claimed that cow dung can render hydrogen and atom bombs “ineffective", as reported by The Hindu.

Radioactivity vs cow dung: cow dung wins

If you paint a place with cow dung, radioactivity won't effect it, said a booklet by the organisation. The booklet, titled ‘Cow and Islam', pushes the usual anti-beef agenda.



Further, it also mentions how India's previous Muslim rulers banned beef, including Humayun, and the last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar. It gets crazier - the book even says how Sufi saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti of Ajmer resurrected a poor woman’s dead cow.

Almost a year ago, the VHP had launched their own range of cow urine cosmetics

They managed to start selling cow urine cola (Cow-Ka Cola?) five years ago, but didn't stop there.

Now they've launched a full range of cosmetics (cowsmetics?) made with cow urine and dung. Not only do they believe that these have medicinal value, but also that these are better than the things you get in the market. “The use of gau mutra in medicines and beauty products will help farmers and prevent them from selling cows. Ayurveda talks about use of cow dung to prevent pimples. But people are reluctant to use dung, which is why we are making beauty products out of it,” VHP leader Venkatesh Abdeo told the Asian Age.

This is the definitive list of what you can get your bhakt friends this Christmas:

Nandini beauty soap: (aloe vera, almond oil and gau mutra)
Lal Dant Manjan: (pudina ka phool, Babool Chhal, cow dung ash)
Harde Churna laxative: (harde soaked in fresh gau mutra)
Snannadi Vilayan bathing liquid: (gau mutra arka, hau maya bhasma)
Nandini skin cream: (gau mutra rasa, gau maya rasa, yellow beeswax)
Nandini dhoop sticks: (cow dung, and various herbs)

@waz @Oscar
Off topic
China doesn't need to use nukes dealing with India because we are way stronger that the Indians here are threatening of using nukes. Without the nukes India feels vulnerable, 1962 devastating defeat is a testimony to that. That's why Indians need to talk about nukes.

We dont need nukes to show your place .
This is 2017 not 1962 .
We have a separate mountain division in there.

So ?
Let him visit .
But in here we will decide the matters .
You cant change that even if you pump trillion $ ,thanks to the geography
Utter rubbish. How did you think they ended up encircling each other? China advanced into Indian territory and India went behind and put up posts to cut off the Chinese - this was the Forward Policy - so the Chinese supplies stop to these posts that China made and the Chinese abandon their posts and return behind the McMahon Line. Learn some history.
That is what your history book tell you .
No wonder you are so ignorant.
Be logical.
It is much much harder for China to build these posts than India in 1962, even today.
I have to admit this despicable trick is truly effective ,cause it makes full use of indian advantage of logistics which is related to Tibetan geography.

"McMahon Line" is a creature that a British colonist made up and never admitted by any Chinese government ,for Qing Dynasty to ROC to PRC .
So you admit india is the successor to British colonist .
Then who is stopping you to initiate an attack and get your territory back instead you just doing a rename ceremony :D :D
China's conventional force is strong enough to overwhelm indian army .
China would launch the nuke strike first .
Only the weaker rants about the nuke attack threat ,cause it's the only way for him.
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