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China released the video of captured Indian soldiers in Galwan

I dont see whats so shameful in it..we had lso captured a few chinese and later on released them when indian soldiers were released...we just didnt take videos to take such cheap shots.
Rather than shame its restraint,professionalism from Chinese side,to provide medical care for soldiers of India.Indian side should have cut back fake new long ago,them China wouldn't have released all these.Indian media has been spreading lies one after another from the start,how nail clad clubs are used by large Chinese army to ambush few unarmed iNDIAN soldiers, to peddling conspiracies of Chinese death count etc.

This is not the same as the capture of few lost Chinese foot soldiers. This is the result for the clash between the two military though,Indian side might catch some lost foot soldiers and spread that to try and equate with this based on Indian logic .
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That’s because the mods here aren’t as insecure as the intellectual midgets from the other board?
Mods over here are very generous. I have seen fellow Pakistanis being banned very easily compared to Indians. Indians have to massively violate forum rules to be banned and even then they are let go with a warning or a temp ban.

I think this is the reason why this forum still attracts so much diverse crowd. You go to Indian forums and all you will ever see will be smelly dindus...
Chinese army don't stand a chance against Indian...bollywood industry. Fear the movies, the item number and the dialogue. The action packed movies will destroy the whole Chinese military in a 2 hour movie.

@siegecrossbow @beijingwalker @GS Zhou @Dungeness
Indians are really good at fooling themselves.

this is what happens when one idiot indian ask another idiot indian..

Indian # 1 : RAM RAM..... i hear all these pictures are fake... is this true??

Indian # 2 : Yes …. confirmed it is all fake...

Indian # 1 : Yes Yes i knew it..i feel so much better now!
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Eventually, video is released to show the show the humanitarian aids from the PLA to the captured Indian soldiers in Gallwan.

Unfortunately I don't know how to upload video to the forum. Therefore can only attach some screenshots of this 50second video.

View attachment 784925

that looks like a lot of Abilundons.... are they are all related to him?

hope the Chinese will serve them tea..
It is strange that the Indian news media is so quiet about these viral pictures and videos. Doesn't any of them want to report this hot leading story news?

when a rod is shoved up their rear end so deep.. it is hard to speak... 8-)
the indian troops seem to be poorly fed, poorly equipped, lack in morale and by the looks of it, have taken a serious beating

even surrendered german troops in 1945 looked much better
I dont see whats so shameful in it..we had also captured a few chinese and later on released them when indian soldiers were released...we just didnt take videos to take such cheap shots.

And yet, your whole nation was jumping up and down for "detaintion of 200 Chinese soldiers" without a slightest evidence. :partay:
Indian media reported that 20 Indians and 45 Chinese soldiers were killed in Galwan valley clash, but how come China captured a large number of Indians but India got no Chinese despite claiming killing more than double more Chinese soldiers than their own dead?

I love the way China has done this

Give the Indians a year to lie and then destroy them and their fanboys dreams by revealing the pictures and videos 😂😂

even Indian fanboys won't trust the bullshit that comes out if the Indian military at this rate
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