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China released the video of captured Indian soldiers in Galwan

Captives are a big problem in China’s war against India, and China should revise its preferential treatment of captives. Because there are too many captives, can they be handed over to Pakistan after more than a thousand captives?
Indian logic:

Saar, as we all ik know, Pakistan ij empty desert with no wind. The wind speed in the union teritory of LADAKH, INDIA is minus 6 gojillion metres per second. Howevar the wind speed in this video ij 7 gorillion meteres per second. Thus this was film in p0rki-stan.

Now saar, as we all ij know, endia-paxtan sem2sem. Every Paxtani looks like endian from bihar. It is Known! See?


Sem2Sem! Also notice how endian soldier ij have sissy chinise eyes. Thus these are all paid p0rki and ching chong actors. Brave endian army actually catpure 93,0000000000,000000 PLA and whole of tibet.

Here ij the video eveidance of battle of galwan saar. Modi rock, xi shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jai Hind! Break proki stan into 4 BILLION pieshes! See you in 2020 2021 2022 when endia is a SUpaR pOWARRRRRRRR!!!! *bobs head*
Indians will even twists this, they will tell their people that these Indian soldiers has beaten up so many Chinese soldiers that they get tired and then surrender to Chinese lol
It is strange that the Indian news media is so quiet about these viral pictures and videos. Doesn't any of them want to report this hot leading story news?

Well, there is always Bollywood to fill the vacuum left by GoI and IA, so the next genaration of Indians will be just as proud of Mother India as this generation.

Bollywood Movies coming to the theater near you:

<Galwan: Untold Story>
<2020, Behind Enamy's Front>
<Singh, The Last Man Standing>
<Unsung Hero, Rip Balls out of 7 Noodles>
<Our 6FT, Thrash 6 Chinkis in One Swing>
<23 Year Old's First Blood>
<An Enraged Sikh>
<24 Hours In Captivity>
<Badge: Black and Blue>
<A Crimson River Runs Through Valley>
<The Babu Who Starts All>

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PLA fought and bogged down imperial Japan in WW2, beat the KMT in the Chinese civil war, kicked the US and its allies out of North Korea (PVA), repelled the Soviet Union Red Army in 1969, helped North Vietnam in Vietnam war. Most of these wars were fought when PLA had barely any modern weapons and against technologically superior rivals.

If the Indians think PLA is scared of a bunch of poorly trained, poorly equipped Indian soldiers, they are truly delusional.

People’s Liberation Army is one of the greatest fighting forces on this planet.
I dont see whats so shameful in it..we had also captured a few chinese and later on released them when indian soldiers were released...we just didnt take videos to take such cheap shots.

If you didn't take video then that means you have no way of refuting accusations of mistreatment nor does your command have footage to analyze.

PLA documents everything to make sure all actions are legal and for future analysis.

Btw, more is coming for India on the horizon.

India will now be held to the same standards as other great powers by Chinese media. Congratulations. You are getting what you wished for.

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I dont see whats so shameful in it..we had also captured a few chinese and later on released them when indian soldiers were released...we just didnt take videos to take such cheap shots.
here is photographic evidence of you releasing a Chinese soldier

To reach a common understanding [with indians you need a studded baseball bat] aka Fight for common understanding/consensus


india in a nutshell
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If you didn't take video then that means you have no way of refuting accusations of mistreatment nor does your command have footage to analyze.

PLA documents everything to make sure all actions are legal and for future analysis.

Btw, more is coming for India on the horizon.

India will now be held to the same standards as other great powers by Chinese media. Congratulations. You are getting what you wished for.

How can they NOT have video.

Every Indian soldier has a Chinese smartphone. Those all have video-recording and whatsapp functions....

Lame excuse.

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